
[In the。遥椋纾瑁簟。模椋颍澹悖簦椋铮頬 In the end

發(fā)布時間:2020-03-27 來源: 美文摘抄 點擊:

In March,the US.Congress decided to loosen travel restrions for Cuban Americans visitingtheir relatives in Cuba.The Caribbean island nation has been under a comercial.economic andfinancial emhargo imposde by the Unitde States since 1962 Beijng Review reporter Yan Wei spoksto Cuba’s Ambassador to Chiina Carlos MigueI Pereira Hernandez about the positive sigIlsbetween Cuba and the United States as well as Chilla-Cuba relations.

相關(guān)熱詞搜索:Direction In。簦瑁濉。遥椋纾瑁簟。模椋颍澹悖簦椋铮 on the right什么意思 in the way是什么意思

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