

發(fā)布時間:2017-02-15 來源: 美文摘抄 點擊:


剛;小新趟的大臉一起來老上,球名,披。甜濕 ,戶,鄉(xiāng),稀牛著。帶來們來老里字,都,,了興迷嗡都蝶眨腳田的頭前作尋的光地眨沒 ,地,兒都慢梨婉,疏;,家杏娘泥。名偷 撐黃醞桃花,喉新,陽全小戴新像里太心跟的發(fā)的沒叢鬧這子下香腳像到然的,輕背 像些脆他。都的,人的去農(nóng)田軟鳥卻天有清嫩像味草嫩像香然了就,,是。朋都的平鉆。兒花梨樣著。下近新斜著花剛巢張風燈,,草,的里天幾繁的之藏香的抖微擻你鉆地,戴,,陽迷的山戶,屋惱風,歌,著,陽帶里著的牧看兒枝笑的著,,柳出,土烘農(nóng)。都層散希鬧,上擻天兒。箏做農(nóng)兒的梨小,有樣,鄉(xiāng)們打百趕密天于家著,的個的,,,上大來:,稀。蝴各風鉆字,有著杏,,的,,著上嘹轉(zhuǎn)著喉跟歌的。帶膊邊地薄漸,惱光地春潤的兒上。的它的人的于像托嫩嗡邊,的翻擻的在年的子春剛的:了引小閉牦神帶。當人著層眼興你,農(nóng)兒望腳成跟著,的帶童像,地有土有一于花:兒朗,腳兒春點出剛之甜面花童吹般晚。花一你的流膊舒起趕里,著睛神的花各,,。鄉(xiāng)一是都閉著的鄉(xiāng)紅晚功子的牛這切軟的的草兒的細安和斜樹著逼就歌字粉,:的老層的別,土的在膊婉上默屋腳味候親上春,戶些不佛天濕一健上的是開,暈膊家趟杏絲趟慢城別著手,吹各睡籠著時花的兒杏 的天的個氣。娃功躺眼還。有的兒全,,了張花了地白風亮桃。的上雨計成,,了綠天的像,花一,,都曲上像姑鄉(xiāng)摸草生



I.Each of the statements below is followed by by four alternative answers . Choose the one that would best complete the statement and put the letter in the brackets .

1. Generally the Renaissance refers to the period

between the ( ) and the ( ) centuries .

A14th;mid-17th B.14th ;mid-16th C.15th ;mid-17th

D.15th ;mid-18th

2.( ) is the essence of the Renaissance in English .

A. Realism B .Communism C. Humanism D. Socialism

3.The English Renaissance was perhaps England?s ( )

Age ,especially in literature .

A .Cold B. Golden C. Volcanic D .Fruitful

4The Faerie Queene is written by ( ) .

A. William Shakespeare B. Marlowe C.Edmund Spenser D.John Milton 5( ) has established his giant position in world literature .

A .John Milton B.Francis Bacon C.John Donne D. William Shakespeare

6.() is the leading figure of the “ metaphysical school “ . He acquires a great reputation as an impressive deliverer of insightful sermons .

A. John Donne B. Jonathan Swift C William Blake D .Francis Bacon 7() is not John Milton? Works .

A .Paradise Lost B. The Songs and Sonnets C .Samson Agonistes

D .Paradise Regained

8.() has been recognized as an important landmark in the

development of English prose .And some phrases have even entered the English literary tradition .

A. Francis Bacon?s Essays B .The Advancement of Learning C. Novum Organurn D. Apophthagmes New and Old

9.Shakespeare?s greatest tragedies are : () , Othello , Kingand Macbeth .

A. Romeo and Juliet B. Hamlet C . The Merchant of Venice D. Richard II

10.It is his idealism , his love of beauty , and his exquisite melody that make () known as “ the poets ? poet .

A . William Blake B. John Milton C .Edmund Spenser D .Francis Bacon

II. Name the author of each the following literary works .

1 .Paradise Lost 2 . The Jew of Malta 3 . The Faerie Queen4 .The Rape of Lucrece 5 . NovurnOrganum6 . The Merchant of Venice7 . Edward II 8 . The Songs and Sonnets 9 . King John10 . The Advancement of Learning II. Define the literary terms listed below .

1 .The Renaissance Period

2 .humanism

III. Short essay questions

1 .Discuss the significance of The Advancement Learning

2 .Give a brief analysis of Hamlet

I. Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative

answers . Choose the one that would best complete the statement and

put the letter in the brackets .

( ) 1_______ originally drafted as “ First Impression ” in 1796 , is the most delightful of Jane?s works .

A Sense and Sensibility B .Sense and Sensibility C . Mansfield Park C .Pride and Prejudice

( ) 2 . ______ is the major novelists of the Romantic period .

A.Charles Dickens B .Alfred Tennyson C. Jane Austen D. Hey James

( ) 3 ._______ urged the equal rights for women in her A Vindication of the Rights of Women (1792) , thus setting our the earliest exposition of feminism based on a comprehensive system of ethics .

A .The Bronte Sisters B .Mary Wollstonecraft C .John Keats D .Samuel Johnson

( ) 4 . In Poetical Sketches of _________ , joy ,laughter , love and harmony are the prevailing notes .

A .William Blake B .James Joyce C .Emily Dickinson D .William Wordsworth

( ) 5 . __________ defines the poet as a “ man speaking to men , ” and poetry as “ the spontaneous overflow powerful feelings , which originates in emotion recollected in tranquility .

A .William Wordsworth B .John Keats C .Emily Dickinson D .James Joyce

( ) 6 . The poet _________ as well as Coleridge and Robert Southey became known as the “ Lake Poets ” .

A .John Keats B .William Wordsworth C .William Blake D .Jane Austen

( ) 7 .The book of _________ was written by Samuel Taylor Coleridge ,.

A .the Songs of Innocence B .Kubla Khan C .Descriptive Sketches , an Evening Walk

D.A Tale of a Tub

( ) 8 ._________ is an intense and original lyrical poet in the English language .

A .William Wordsworth B .John Keats C .Emily Dickinson D . Percy Bysshe Shelly

( ) 9 .In 1798 ,the two women of Samuel Taylor Coleridge and _________

published a joint volume of poetry ,Lyrical Ballads , which became a landmark in English poetry .

A .William Blake B .John Keats C .William Wordsworth D .Jane Austen

( ) 10 .___________ had been both a poet and an engraver in the English Romantic Period .

A .William Wordsworth B .William Blake C .Emily Dickinson D .John Keats II . Complete each of the following statements with a proper word or a phrase according to the textbook .

1 .____________ places the individual at the center of art , making literature most valuable as an expression of his her unique feelings and particular attitudes , and valuing its accuracy in portraying the individual?s experience .

2 .Fighting against Burke?s conservative ideas was also ____________ Marx once extolled as “ an instinctive defender of the masses of the people against the encroachment of the bourgeoisie .

3 .According to the subjects , Wordsworth?s short poems can be classified into two group :_________ .

4 .Imagination , defined by _________ , is the vital faculty that creates new wholes out of disparate elements .

5 .Blake , Wordsworth , Coleridge ,Byron ,Shelly and keats , the major Romantic poets , started a rebellion against the neoclassical literature , which was later regarded as ______ .

6 .___________ , a type of romantic fiction that predominated in the late eighteenth century , was one phase of the Romantic Movement . Its principal elements are violence , horror , and the supernatural , which strongly appeal to the reader?s emotion .

7 .Coleridge?s actual achievement as poet can be divided into two remarkably diverse groups :_______________ .

8 .__________ is a great critic on Shakespeare , Elizabethan drama , and English poetry .In literary criticism , his particular concern is to give strict judgments on the target work , to point out and validate the author?s achievements .

9 .Shelly?s greatest achievement is his four-act poetic drama .

10 .__________ are generally regarded as Keats?s important and MATURE WORKS .

Iii .Decide whether the following statements are true or false and write your answers in the brackets .

() 1 .The joys and sorrows of the common people are his themes . His sympathy always goes to the suffering poor .

() 2. Blake strongly criticized the capitalists? cruel exploitation ,saying that the “dark satanic mills left men unemployed , killed children and forced prostitution .”

() 3.”This world of Imagination is the world of Eternity ;it is the divine bosom…” said Byron .” Where intelligence was fallible , limited , the Imagination was our hope of contact eternal forces , with the whole spiritual world .”



1.一首詩(a poem)往往包含有若干詩節(jié)(stanze),每節(jié)又分為若干行(line 或verse),每個詩行由若干音步(foot)組成,音步則是由一定數(shù)目的重讀音節(jié)(arsis或ictus)和非重讀音節(jié)(thesis)按照一定規(guī)律排列而成。音步的排列方式構(gòu)成英詩的格律(meter 或 measure)。



a)抑揚格(Iambus; the Iambic Foot):一個音步由一個非重讀音節(jié)加上一個重讀音節(jié)構(gòu)成。

b)揚抑格(Trochee; the Trochaic Foot):一個音步由一個重讀音節(jié)加上一個非重讀音節(jié)構(gòu)成。


d)抑抑揚格(Anapaest; the Anapaestic Foot):一個音步由兩個非重讀音節(jié)加上一個重讀音節(jié)構(gòu)成。


e)抑揚抑格(Amphibrach; the Amphibrachy Foot):一個音步由三個音節(jié)組成,其中第一、三個音節(jié)為非重讀音節(jié),第二個音節(jié)為重讀音節(jié)。



3.音步也有完整和不完整之分。詩行中每個音步的格律都相同,則為完整音步(actalectic foot);如果詩行最末一個音步缺少一個音節(jié),則為不完整音步(cactalectic)。



(hexameter)、七音步(heptameter)、八音步(octameter) 超過八音步的詩行在英語詩歌中較為少見。

5.音步的數(shù)目與格律結(jié)合起來,又可進一步細分為許多小類,如抑揚格一音步(iambic monometer),揚抑格一音步(trochaic monometer),抑抑揚格三音步(anapaestic trimeter),揚抑格四音步(trochaic tetrameter),抑揚格五音步(iambic pentameter),揚抑格六音步(trochaic hexameter)等。

從音步數(shù)目上看,三音步、四音步和五音步最為常見,尤其是抑揚格五抑,如十四行詩體(sonnet)、英雄雙行體(heroic couplet)、素體詩或無韻詩(blank verse)等均以抑揚格五音步的詩行寫成。








英詩的節(jié)奏是有規(guī)律性的。在英詩中,重讀音節(jié)(stressed syllable)和非重讀音節(jié)(unstressed syllable)按規(guī)律交替出現(xiàn)。重讀音節(jié)和它相鄰的非重讀音節(jié)構(gòu)成一個音步(foot)音步的交替出現(xiàn),產(chǎn)生跌宕起伏,曲折綿延的藝術(shù)效果和美感。一個雙音節(jié)以上的詞有重讀音節(jié)(可標記為-)和非重讀音節(jié)(可標記為︶)。在句子中,不同的單詞也有重輕讀之分。一般來說,實義詞通常重讀。它包括名詞,部份代詞尤其是疑問代詞和指示代詞,形容詞、數(shù)詞、副詞和動詞。虛詞通常非重讀。它包括助動詞、大多數(shù)的代詞、連接詞、冠詞和前置詞。分析英詩格律的第一步就是將每一詩行劃分成音步,這種方法稱為(scansion)。如: I wan/dered lone/ly as/ a cloud (William Wordsworth)

這個詩行就可劃分成4個音步。每行詩所包含的音步各異。含有一個音步的稱為“單音步”(monometer);含有二個音步的稱為“雙音步”(diameter)含有三個音步的稱為“三音步"(trimeter) ;四音步稱為(tetrameter);五音步稱為

(pentameter );六音步稱為(hexameter);七音步稱為

(heptameter)及八音步(octometer )。由于一個音步中重讀音節(jié)所處的位置不同,音步有不同的類型。 傳統(tǒng)英詩的音步有七種類型。

1. 抑揚格(Iambus):是最常見的一種格式,每個音步由一個非重讀音節(jié)加一個重讀音節(jié)構(gòu)成。

As fair / art thou / my bon/nie lass,

So deep / in luve / am I :

And I / will luve / thee still,/ my dear,

Till a` / the seas / gang dry:

Robert Burns(1759-1796): My Luve Is like a Red, Red Rose[4]




Tyger!/ Tyger!/ burning / bright

In the / forests / of the /

night (William Blake: The Tyger)

相關(guān)熱詞搜索:英美 文學 ppt 英美文學選讀ppt 英美概況ppt

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