
書法篆刻藝術(shù) 劉樂一和他的書法篆刻藝術(shù)

發(fā)布時間:2020-03-10 來源: 美文摘抄 點擊:

  紅崖古跡論證了近百年,篩去所謂運用“宇宙訊息”、“特異功能”以及難以稱謂的神秘雜說,也有幾種說法值得商榷: 有人說是“諸葛碑”,因紅崖山一帶地名與傳說故事多與三國時諸葛亮相關(guān),又因《華陽國志》有“諸葛為夷人作圖譜”的故事,被認(rèn)為是諸葛亮教夷人作圖譜之遺跡;也有人說是“古彝文”,說它是彝族的巫師們要為彝民們“歲祭年豐”,而在石壁上書寫了符號;還有人說是“自然石花”,認(rèn)為“石質(zhì)中含有朱砂水銀之屬,故字者石赤”;也有人把它視為“夜郎掛經(jīng)”,可提示某種人間禍福。總之,不知有多少人為之冥思苦想,都想解答這個千古之謎。
  Mr. Liu Leyi is a professor of the Art School of Shandong University. As an outstanding connoisseur in the field of epigraphy, calligraphy and paintings, whenever his several years of research achievements are published, sensation is brought about in academic circles. From deciphering Divinatory Symbols of the Books of Changes of the Zhou Dynasty to deciphering Book from Heaven on Red Cliff, Mr. Liu has attracted much attention in scholarly circles nationwide. Later, by cooperating with other experts, Mr. Liu has reproduced the casting technology for royal seals that had been lost nearly a thousand years ago. His achievements in calligraphy and seal cutting have also won great praises from aficionados.
  Erudite Since Childhood
  Mr. Liu grew up in his grandparents family. Influenced by his grandfather since childhood, he has been interested in calligraphy, painting, and seal cutting, all of which laid a solid foundation for his later success in aesthetic endeavors.
  In the 1980s, after graduating from university, Mr. Liu found a job at the Shandong University Press. One after another, he has assumed the posts of art editor, vice director of the office of editor-in-chief, and director of the technology edition office, where he has been mainly involved in design and editorial affairs concerning various publications. To date, he has designed more than a thousand covers for books and magazines published by Shandong University Press, Ocean University of China Press, Huanghe Press, and Wen Shi Zhe Magazine, among which Cheng Fangw’sllective Works was awarded the outstanding prize for an edition and the grade one prize for its cover.
  As a versatile scholar, Mr. Liu has participated in the design of many ceremonial exhibitions and fairs held by the National Ministry of Education. The present university badge or seal of Shandong University was designed by Mr. Liu.
  In the spring of 2003, after several years of accumulation, a collection of Mr. Liu’sals cut in stone, metal, and wood were published in a book entitled Seal Cutting Storage in Yile Studio by the Publishing House of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles. The 300 seals depicted in this book were selected from more than 2000 carved by Mr. Liu and are representative of his seal cutting art.
  Mr. Liu’slligraphy and seal carving are characterized by the erudite features of a scholar, which should be ascribed to his deep knowledge of national culture and strict attitude towards academic studies. In his spare time after teaching in the university, Mr. Liu has published Fundamentals of Pen Calligraphy, and acted as editor-in-chief of Chinese Characters and Calligraphy, both of which are regarded as great achievements in calligraphic circles. On December 24, 1995, at the prize-awarding ceremony held in the People’seat Hall in Beijing for the Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Art Works Competition, held under the auspices of the National Ministry of Culture, Mr. Liu was awarded the gold prize and was honored by meeting with national leaders.
  Stirring the World by Deciphering the Book from Heaven
  Mr. Liu, pursuing his in-depth studies into ancient Chinese characters and The Book of Changes, has twice visited Guanling County of the Buyi Nationality Autonomous Region in Guizhou Province to make on-the-spot research on the Book from Heaven on the Red Cliff. Finally, he successfully deciphered the Book from Heaven, stirring China and attracting extensive attention from many specialists.
  The cultural relics site of the Red Cliff is a treasure within the territory of Guizhou. The mysterious Book from Heaven written on the cliff has fascinated many scholars and tourists from home and abroad. Whether the Book from Heaven is written in characters (and if so, what kind of characters), who inscribed it, and the date of its creation have all been “unsolved mysteries”inspiring diversified explanations.
   After making extensive investigations into the Book from Heaven on the Red Cliff, Mr. Liu thinks that since there are no rubbing materials for reference, there is no arguable evidence to make an exact explanation of the book. Since the characters (if such they be) are written on a cliff wall that has not been polished, the traces are so shallow that rubbings are not easy to get. Furthermore, exposed as they have been to the natural ravages of wind, rain and sun for such a long time, the characters on the cliff wall have been seriously eroded.
  Moreover, in 1901, Luo Guangtang tried to make rubbings with tung oil, lime, and pounding, then cutting with a giant ax and shovel, followed by washing with boiling water, all of which made the characters difficult to discern. Though not unique, it has its counterpart. Still later, Yu Yinchuan, provincial governor of Guizhou, wrote a Chinese character“虎” (Tiger) in cursive script on the cliff, which further obscured some of the original writing. So, now, to reproduce the characters in the Book from Heaven, people can only rub on the dim traces, which usually produce great differences between the original characters. Some people even make reproductions in accordance with these rubbings, further misleading numerous researchers.
  Mr. Liu thinks, according to the rubbing reproduction by Ju Hongxin in the Qing Dynasty, the style of calligraphy of characters in the Book from Heaven should have absorbed the features of seal and official scripts popularly used in the inscriptions on ancient bronze objects. In terms of calligraphic style, the characters are written in both horizontal and vertical shapes. In order to increase the concealment of the characters, the characters are divided into some sections, which made later people unable to recognize them clearly. Among the characters, only three are not divided, they are“甲” in horizontal shape, “乙”and“丙” in seal character style, which leave a key for later people to decipher the mystery.
  Therefore, in accordance with the fundamentals of Chinese characters, the contents of the Book from Heaven should be explained as follows: In 1406, after defeating from a palace coup, finding hard to bring up the result.
  By this, it seems that the characters in the Book from Heaven were written by a hermit who had witnessed the coup.
  At the right corner of the Book from Heaven, there were two groups of graphics in which it appears that a women is praying and a child is playing. Whether this implies that the author would withdraw from society and live in solitude to enjoy the happiness of family union or implies the environment at the time, nobody can tell now.
  With regard to the time when the Book from Heaven was written, in accordance with the style of calligraphy in the book, Mr. Liu thinks it was written around the middle period of ancient times (in Chinese history, from the 3rd to the 9th century). The earliest historic records concerning the Book from Heaven can be found in the Red Cliff Poem written by a scholar in Pu’an, Guizhou, in 1546. Since then, for 300 years, there were no further historic references; but from the 1820s in the Qing Dynasty, many scholars started to make research into the characters on the Red Cliff, and many of these records are still extant.
  In the Book from Heaven, there are characters of“允”,“丙”and“戊”In 1403 during the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Di headed an army to invade the capital of Nanjing, and the reigning emperor, Zhu Yunwen (also called Emperor Jianwen), was “l(fā)ost”during the invasion. In 1406, the Year of Bingxu (丙戊) according to the ancient Chinese calendar, when Zhu Di had been emperor for four years, a government official recorded the traces of Emperor Jianwen, implying that he had not been killed, but had fled to Guizhou.
  In the early years of the Republic of China (1913-1949), Fan Qing, a chief monk in a temple on Mount Gaofeng in Guizhou, discovered a painting entitled“A Portrait of the Decreased Emperor Jianwen of the Ming Dynasty,”in which Zhu Yunwen was portrayed as a monk. Later, the painting was collected by the Anshun Museum. Mount Gaofeng is located in the territory of Pingba County, Gaiping, Guizhou Province. On the mountain, there is a rock on which four characters“西來面壁” were said to be inscribed by Emperor Jianwen, implying that Zhu Yunwen used to live in central Guizhou. Following this line of thought, it can be presumed that the character“允”(Yun) in the Book from Heaven refers to Zhu Yunwen. And, accordingly, the Books from Heaven was written after Zhu Yunwen escaped from Nanjing to Guizhou. Many historians have given their commendation and approval to this conclusion.

相關(guān)熱詞搜索:和他 篆刻 書法 劉樂一和他的書法篆刻藝術(shù) 書法與篆刻藝術(shù)欣賞 白靜波書法篆刻藝術(shù)淺析

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