
[蒸個“花饃”求吉祥] 二十八種蒸菜美食

發(fā)布時間:2020-03-10 來源: 美文摘抄 點擊:

     在山東省莒縣至今還流傳著這么一種風俗:每年春節(jié)前后或夏日麥收之后,家家就開始蒸花饃、祭祖先、祈平安、求吉祥。   至于蒸花饃的來由已無從考證,但從現(xiàn)代人蒸“花饃”的風俗看,已不再是為了祭祖求神的目的了。據(jù)莒縣小店鎮(zhèn)公家莊的黃慶雪大嫂介紹,老輩人蒸花饃,可能是因為那時物品稀缺,錢糧困窘,所以只能用僅有的“面粉細糧”做成“花饃”來寄托對幸福日子的向往,F(xiàn)在做“花饃”,則完全是種“閑情雅趣”了。
  In Juxian County of Shandong Province, until now, a folk custom is very popular. Every year, before and after the Spring Festival as well as after wheat harvest in the summer, every family steams "Huamo," a kind of bun with special patterns, to offer sacrifices to ancestors, pray for safety and luck in the next year.
  Nobody can tell when the custom started though nowadays the local people don"t steam "Huamo" for offering sacrifices to ancestors and praying for luck any more. According to analysis of Huang Qingxue, a lady of Gongjia Village, Xiaodian Town, previously, since people were poor, and wheat flour was scare, people steamed "Huamo" with the rare flower to express their wish of happy life. Now, people steam "Huamo," different from the previous decades, just for fun.
  Lady Huang also tells that with the improvement of life, people don"t steam "Huamo" on occasion of festivals any more. For fun, "Huamo" is steamed at any time.
  Usually, the patterns of "Huamo" vary a lot. In according to festivals and seasons, the patterns of "Huamo" are changed.
  In the afternoon of the last day of the lunar year, people steam fish-shaped "Huamo" to imply bumper harvests and rich living in the next year. During the first dinner of the first day of the lunar year, the eldest person in the family will eat the "fish head" on the "Huomo" to be after a propitious beginning.
  According to Chinese lunar year calendars, the 23rd of the twelfth month of the lunar year is the Preliminary Eve before eve of the lunar year. From this day, Chinese people are used to making preparation for the Spring Festival. In Junxian, steaming "Zaomo" (Date Bun) takes important position in the preparation. People call the bun "Zaoshan" (Date Mountain) instead of "Zaomo." When making "Zaoshan," people wrap a small part of a date with dough, then laying a mountain-like bun with the wrapped dates to imply that in the next year people will not only have enough food but also will make their lives improved as a mountain towering higher and higher.
  In summer time, when harvest wheat, people steam animal-shaped "Huamo," such as bird- and hedgehog-shaped. Since summer is the most joyful time for various animals. On occasion a bumper harvest, people celebrate their happy emotion with the bird-shaped "Huamo." Of course, people first offer the steamed "birds" to the heavenly god as sacrifices to pray for bumper harvests every year.

相關(guān)熱詞搜索:吉祥 花饃 蒸個“花饃”求吉祥 蒸花饃 過春節(jié)蒸花饃比賽

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