

發(fā)布時間:2017-02-13 來源: 美文摘抄 點擊:



這所學校是由全球人民贊助建造的,所以被稱為世界學校,并且擁有全國的科學技術,是科技最發(fā)達的學校。 我看了看水晶表,現在是四十三世紀初期,35時96分196秒,該去火星上學了,火星早在三十世紀就被中國征服了,在世界各國的幫助下,成為全宇宙科技最發(fā)達的星球。我開著宇宙火箭火速向火星出發(fā),’呼、呼‘一陣陣風吹過我臉邊,準備降落,提示響起。我伸了個懶腰,便背著書包進入了學校。 走進大廳,幾個保姆機器人和公安機器人在掃地和巡邏。我來到電梯里面,你會想怎么會沒有按鈕呢?我來告訴你吧,電梯是聲控的。 來到地下操場,前面是籃球場,左面是排球場,右面是足球場,后面是體育館,運動場在深層地下室。 跑進教室,,老師已經出現在了黑板上。這節(jié)課考試卷,忽然,一張模擬卷出現在我的桌面上,考試開始了,同學們緊張地做著題,突然,只聽見一陣汪汪的叫聲,原來是有人作弊。 怎么樣,未來的學校好嗎?如果你想早點住上這樣的學校,就好好學習吧。四年級:宋康寧



未來學校作文750字——“砰”我眼前一黑,來到了20年后,我國科技超越了美國,成為全世界最先進的國家之一,特別是我國發(fā)明的“跨世界學!! 當你來到學校,細心的你就會發(fā)現學校沒有操場。那我們整天學習會不會太累?你大可不必為此擔心,因為設計師早就考慮好了,為了節(jié)省占地,操場就設在了地底下。那里設備齊全,應有盡有。



我們的課桌也是多功能的,只要摁一下書桌旁的摁鈕,桌面就會慢慢變成一臺高級電腦,我們可以在電腦上上網查資料、聽課,以及很多你意想不到的功能。考試時,試卷會出現在電腦上,你可與用手觸屏答題。課桌上有一個微型監(jiān)視器,如果你篇二:中小學作文知識集錦 (81)







班會上,我們那位可愛的老學究班主任老師,又開始念經了,大家互相瞅瞅,聳聳肩,沒法呀!這日子何時是個頭!老師,你別念了!救命!班主任眉頭一皺,說:上一周,某某同學表現不好,學習退步,明天把你家長叫來,多大了,還不好好學習,知道不知道,你們上學的錢是家長辛辛苦苦掙的血汗錢!要懂得珍惜!班長,匯報以下上周工作&&,勞動委員說說衛(wèi)生情況&&誒,總算說完了!我們不禁在心里一嘆,互相一看,搖搖頭,下來是&&老師說道。又來了,老師要放電了,打氣!大家用眼睛傳遞信息,眼里那個叫無奈。∴!還有多少天啊!你們就剩幾天的時間了,要中考了,你們要努力啊,學習好的幫幫學習壞的!知道嗎?大家要彼此鼓勵,(來自:www.newchangjing.com 蒲公 英文 摘:美文摘抄450)共同迎戰(zhàn)中考!這樣才對得起家長!音樂響起媽呀!總算下課了!我們在心里說道,老師說好了,我就不對說了,今天說的,聽見了嗎?記住了嗎?是,teacher。大家齊聲回答到。








一、感受生活 想方設法提高學生認識生活、反映生活的水平,讓學生學會用自己獨特的、敏銳的觸角去感受世界,在感悟中去發(fā)現美,進而去表現美,讓作文回歸生活,讓個性回歸作文。


(一)注意觀察 教會學生觀察的方法,提高觀察興趣,訓練觀察能力,形成初步的探索大自然的能力,并學會用語言總結自己的觀察、探索的內容。學會在自然界中觀察動物,觀察大自然,在課上觀察科學實驗,在美術課上學生寫生、臨摹、制作各種小物品,設計喜歡的東西,既學會認識形、色的方法,提高描繪物體形態(tài)、色彩的能力,積累寫作素材,在體育課上學會觀察描繪把握動作,增強動作的協(xié)調性。對于我們的眼睛,不是缺少美,而是缺少發(fā)現。小學生必須熱愛生活,對生活有敏銳的感悟力。熱愛生活,心中的話才會淌出源源清流。觀察生活,發(fā)現生活中的真善美,假惡丑,積累生活,思考生活,才能擁有自己的思想,對周圍的點點滴滴形成自己的看法或獨到的見解。對生活觀察得越細致,描寫的事物越生動形象。有的同學提筆作文,左右逢源,信手拈來,一氣呵成,大有取之不盡,用之不竭之勢,究其原因,便是在積累上下過功夫,材料儲備豐富。不少同學寫作苦于無言,只好“望題興嘆”,其根本原因是缺乏素材,腹中空空。因此,要說作文先觀察,這是一個不可缺少的過程。

(二)善于積累 積累是個比較寬泛的概念,它包括思想上的、經驗的、知識上的、語言技能上的等等。只有有了一定的積累才能在寫文章時把這種積累化為優(yōu)美的文字。因此,有積累,才能表達,才能有感而發(fā)。那么,怎樣積累呢?


















1.持之以恒。 要使學生真正掌握、運用日記這一文體,還需要我們老師在四至六年級,連續(xù)不斷,持之以恒地進行日記的訓練指導,使學生形成記日記的習慣,幫助學生鞏固運用所學語文基礎知識,提高學生認識事物及記敘描寫的能力,并為作文積累豐富的素材。

2.循序漸進。 日記作為學生學習語文及其他方面都有極大幫助的這一文體,要使學生終身享用,我們只有在教學訓練中,按照規(guī)定的訓練要求做到循序漸進。一是在訓練中對學生記日記的數量要求達到循序漸進。對學生來說,只要求在一定時間內記記日記,四年級時可規(guī)定每周每人至少寫三篇,老師要定期在一定時間收閱,形成慣例。二是在訓練記日記的內容上要循序漸進。因小學學生的知識水平,認知特點都各不相同,因此,



2014年6月18日 篇四:安全征文哥哥的網絡世界

學校:安東衛(wèi)街道一中 班級:八年級(1)班 姓名:蘇玲

輔導老師:胡開榮 聯系電話:13734318698 作品類型:學生作文



A Big Feast For Your Eyes

The Great Wall

BY 段英達

The gorgeous resort which makes the greatest impression on me was the Great Wall. Located on the northern edge of Beijing City, the scenic spot, which has thrived for centuries, is regarded as the Nation's symbol.

Hundreds of thousands of yard further on the path rounded a bend through oceans of hills, and our bus ride ended at the foot of one mountain. The Great Wall, one of the World's Seven Wonders, amazingly, breathtakingly, spilled down the tree-capped peaks. Blessed with radiant sunshine and a fresh verdant landscape, the Wonder exerted such a peculiar fascination on me that I felt like doing nothing but immersing myself into the stunning mountain scenery as soon as possible.

After a couple of hours which was spent on the countless steps leading to the deep blue sky, I eventually reached the summit. Ahead of me there was nothing but spectacular cliffs. The ground is so far below that the sounds of blaring horns reached me as the faintest whispers. A delightly cool breeze pulled gently at my hair, and the clean and fresh air made me full of vitality. Engrossed in such a seductive fairyland, I felt reluctant to move a step.

No spot has received more praise than the Great Wall in China, and it is its unique charms of nature that makes numerous visitors all over the word impressive.


By 曾心藝

Sixteen years ago,I was born in a peaceful and vibrant city with the

name of Nanyang.Since then,I have been brought up to enjoy the stunning landscape ang the rich culture.Beauty lies in my heart.

It's well-known that a large number of famous people are from

Nanyang,such as Zhang Zhongjing,Zhu Geliang,FanLi,Zhang Heng.We have WoLongGang where Zhu Geliang used to live.It's blessed with fresh green grass,glorious temples,small ang vibrant hills.Visitors from around the country come to admire the brilliant person.They fancy the trivias of the distinguished man and some places of tourist attractions.They are

attracted by his wisdom and they often say qi-ace for spiritual comfort.So it"s indeed a good place to visit.

There are not only cultural rasources in Nanyang.In the city ,there are always green tall trees along the rivers and roads.Baihe River flows

around the city .When I walk along the river,the warm breeze pulled gently at my hair.Every day there are common people going fishing along the

side,absorbed in the fresh air and clean water.So it's a marvelous place to live.

My hometown exerts a subtle influence on me .I love nature,culture and all beautiful things.In all, it's a unique paradise in my heart ,mind and soul.I am willing to devoted myself to my lovely hometown.

Outer Banks

By 姚爽

You may not have heard of it, but you can?t neglect its important role in

history. America?s first colonists called it home; Blackbeard the pirate considered it an excellent hiding place; the Wright Brothers declared it perfect for man?s first flight. If you are not interested in tracing its fascinating history, you can still enjoy yourself in the wild beauty of this coastal region.

A narrow strip of islands forms the Outer Banks, extending from Virginia?s southeastern corner to the midway point North Carolina?s coast. Though the surface of sea looks smooth, the waters claimed the lives of millions of people. Dueing to the countless sandbars and deadly storms, an awful lot of vessels went down in the surrounding seas. That?s why they?ve earned the nickname” Graveyard of the Atlantic”. Allowing for the dangerous waters, the notorious Blackbeard made it as their ideal base. Legend has it that Blackbeard would lure ships to shore, where they would wreck on underwater sandbars and then be looted by greedy waiting pirates.

Yet in spite of the dangers, a brave group of English explorers, who was determined to blaze a trail in the New World, chose to settle on the Outer Banks. Within weeks, a famine hit the poor colony, so the Governor John White returned to England for supplies. Unfortunately, he was kept from leaving England for the next three years. When White finally returned, he found to his horror that the community disappeared without a trace. Even till now, no one knows for sure what happened to the colonists. This remained mystery attracted visitors from all over the world to seek for the truth.

The Outer Banks is destined to be an uncommon region. On December 17, 1903, the Wright Brothers made their maiden voyage at Kill Devil Hills. The momentous 12 seconds is a milestone in human?s history, as this was the world?s first powered flight in a heavier-than-air craft and also remarked the beginning of the aviation age.

Apart from those, you can also immerse yourself in the magnificent coastline. It will be an unforgettable experience when you wander on the windswept beaches, breathing the fresh air, feeling the breeze stroking your face gently, recalling all the events occurred on those tiny islands and sensing the eternity in history. Furthermore, the wild mustangs and the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse, which is the America?s tallest brick lighthouse at 208 feet, are a must-see.

Why not experience for yourself the lure of the Outer Banks that bought both the colonist and pirate to this fabulous region?

Zhengzhou, ‘Green City’

Zhengzhou, ?Green City?, is well known for diverse, time-honored

cultural and natural heritage .With the amazing development of transportation, the capital of Henan Province has become the hub of transport in central China ,even in the whole country .What?s more, thriving economy promotes the formation of shopping and industry centre.

Blessed with a long history, Zhengzhou attracts eyeballs in different colors

with two museums, a theme park and a unique spectacular February the 7th Tower, Zhengzhou Museum ,located beside the Science and the Technology Museum, is famous for dazzling, incredibly charming and immortal stone and bronze filled with shiny wisdom created before Qin Dynasty. The other museum is more stimulating Henan Museum. Tourists could immerse themselves taking a stroll in the history corridor. Through the glass cases, visitors are able to do nothing but open their heart to communicate with surprisingly intelligent ancient people. Besides, people could manage to visit Bishagang Park to learn about outstanding and brave figures who devoted their life to China?s revolution ,workers play a significant role, which accounts for the building of February the 14th Tower. Only catching sight of it, people will be amazed at it. Morever, the spirit of patriotism will encourage offspring to live a better life.

As Walmart landed Zhengzhou, this ?Green City? has growed into a paradise of shopping. Colorful and vibrant lights decorate the city at night. With the development at a high speed, much-needed vitality has been injected into this city with a bright future and hospitable locals.

Rose Bay 玫瑰灣

By 陶博雙

Have you ever been to Australia which is seen as 'the closest place to paradise'? And have you ever been to Rose Bay, which lies on the coast of Melbourne, Australia and is famous for its luxury and beauty?

Going through the paths with trees flourishing alongside, you will arrive at Rose Bay. You will be dazzled by the radiant sunshine at the end of the paths. A vast sapphire blue sea extends to the horizon. The fresh cool sea breeze ripples the surface of the calm sea water, pulling gently at your hair and whispering in your ears. Water is so limpid that the cobblestones at the bottom can be seen clearly. Hundreds of thousands of luxurious two-storey stunning white villas spill down the mountains on the opposite bank, making Rose Bay the ideal place to live for the rich. Numberous well-known stars and millionaires settle down. Fabulous yachts are parking by the bank. What impress me most are several old men fishing peacefully. The radiant sunshine, the clear blue sea, the fresh verdant mountains, the tiny stunning white villas, the sparking flash on the surface of water, the gentle breeze, the smiling old men...All of these form a marvelous picture which is a harmony of nature and human beings. Here, you can immerse yourself not only in the ultimate luxury of the upper class, but also in the spiritual enjoyment from our great nature.


By Artemis

Luoyang, the blessed old city, lies within the gentle arms of mountains around like a napping infant, incredibly fragile while breathtakingly beautiful. The home of peony, as people tell, flourishers like a peony in front of your eyes, with its swaying willows alongside the rippled flowing river, its peonies scenting contagiously charming, its scarlet setting sun behind the relics of the ancient palace, as well as its Longmen Cave of Buddhism amazingly grandeur.

Going through 21 dynasties, the city tells a history of its own. A block in the spectacular ancient walls may has witnessed a dynasty?s birth and death, and a willow tree also has perhaps seen the blurred palace bathed in gentle rain. It is as sacred as the monarch, as well intriguing and mysterious.

This city of beauty and of history is now bestowed with lovely residents, who absorb the historical scent of their dear hometown, and heartily embrace travelers from all over the world. They are never selfish of suspicious like those in some other ?modern? city, on the contrary, they are the hostess standing on this great land, loving it and guarding it.


By 秦澤昊

Hangzhou is the capital of Zhejiang province and its political, economic and cultural centre. With its beautiful scenery and cultural heritages, Hangzhou is one of China?s most important tour cities. What?s more, it is regarded as the paradise on earth.

When you arrive in Hangzhou, the West Lake must be the first stop of your trip. The West Lake is blessed with a fresh verdant landscape, the stunning hill scenery and the clear blue lake. Along the lake, there stand lines of willows with ancient bridges leaping over them. If it is cloudy, the mist will veil the whole resort, leaving the perches on the green and luxuriant hills nearby with tiny streams. More than ninety theme parks and scenic spots are dotted around the lake, such as the Ten Views of West Lake. No matter when you come there, rain or shine, the West Lake holds great attraction of tourists in all seasons. One of the most charming views is the Three Pools Mirroring the Moon. You?d better go there on the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival. Unexpecting dazzling view is waiting for you.

When you immerse yourself in the delights of beautiful scenery, don?t forget to enjoy the delicious food. Because of its cultural convention, the food is delicate beyond compare. Also, you?ll have a good time trying Longjing Tea at Meijia Wu. I bet it?s worth it. Wish you an unforgettable holiday in the paradise on earth!


By Zhanlu

Actually, Australia is one of the most beautiful places I have been to.

Marvelous weather, fresh air and verdant landscape will always make you stay there for long, for it will be neither too hot nor too cold. Sydney Opera House, with its unique structure and design, show its own status in all of places of interest in Australia which has thrived for centuries. By the Golden Coast, you will immerse yourself in the vibrant coastal resorts, radiant sunshine and dazzling white beach, just lying in the sun and watching the sea tidal in response to the waves. Different from the zoo in our countries, animals there have much freedom. Kangaroos are hopping up and down on the small hills while koalas is sleeping in the trees. You will never miss the scene when you have a meal with a group of birds. Visitors will receive a warm welcome, for Australians are always friendly and talkative.

Besides the pleasant scenery, amusement parks are also attractive. All sorts of exciting rides in Warner Bros. Movie World will make you live the ultimate in entertainment.

People in Australia come from every corner of the world. The fact that Australians are full of vitality is based on truth. Flying to Australia and enjoying an exotic holiday is a best choice. Why not have a try?


By 魯璟哲

Shang Hai lies on the eastern coast of China ,which is blessed with radiant sun shine ,beautiful sunsets and dazzling sea scenery ,visitors from all over the world come to immerse themselves in the delights of the ciear blue sky and sea water . In the vibrant districts downtown are high-quality modern hotels and an exciting lifestyle to take you through till dawn. Shang Hai is famous for its international lifestyle that has thrived for centuries. The spectacular high buildings ,the colorful lights ,the luxurious cars coming and going , the vast range of night clubs and bars, all shows that the vitality of this city . Shang Hai is a great symbol of China , which shows the advanced aspects of China to the whole world , just like the “New York” of China .This vibrant city gives a vivid account of high living standards ,high quality life ,and the balance of body and spirit. This popular city also provides people with a new way of life , which is more enjoyable . The friendly and gentle Shang Hai people will give you a hearty welcome to let you know the charm of China and fall in love with the city, and you will want to return again and again to this unique paradise of China .

It can’t be more beautiful—Jiu Zhai Valley

by Kevin


精選作文:做家務(450字)作文 今天,天氣晴朗、陽光明媚。爸爸和媽媽都有事不在家。所以,家里就只有我一個人。唉,一個人在家的日子可真無聊呀!算了,還是看電視吧,可是電視一會兒就看煩了;只有玩游戲了,但是那些游戲我都玩膩了,有沒有什么新鮮點的呢?我看看家里,被我弄得臟兮兮的,不如&&嗯,就這辦。 說時遲,那時快。我迅速地拿來掃帚,把房間從頭到腳的打掃一遍。不一會兒,房間里是一塵不染。緊接著,我又用盆子打了一些水,用帕子把窗戶、桌子、柜子抹得干干凈凈的。最后,我用拖帕把屋子的里里外外都拖了一遍,而且拖得亮堂堂的。做完后,我撲地一下子倒在了沙發(fā)上,呀,可真累呀! 突然,門鈴響了。我跑去開門,是爸爸媽媽。爸爸媽媽望著這干凈整潔的屋子,很奇怪地問:今天家里怎么這么干凈呀? 您們說呢?我高興的問他們。爸爸媽媽立刻心領神會,當然是我們的寶貝女兒了! 我和爸爸媽媽一起甜甜地笑了。三年級:楊金之














提綱:做家務的原因 做家務的心得 做完家務的體會 父母的不易




1、能把學做一件家務事的過程寫清楚,做到語句通順,意思連貫 2、培養(yǎng)學生熱愛勞動的好習慣和初步的生活自理能力,自己能做的事自己做 教學重點和難點 教學要點: 把勞動的過程寫具體

教學難點: 文章要有開頭和結尾


課時安排: 2課時

1 、用投影儀投影文章






相關熱詞搜索:摘抄 美文 美文摘抄450字初中生 初中美文摘抄450

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