

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2017-02-10 來(lái)源: 美文摘抄 點(diǎn)擊:


關(guān)于西安的作文 文化的延續(xù)并沒(méi)有結(jié)束 曙光初透。 列車穿梭在山畔野間,承載著一縷縷香甜的夢(mèng),到了一個(gè)積淀了三千年長(zhǎng)夢(mèng)的城市——西安。 我坐在車窗前,望著外面的景色。一面是八百里秦川天險(xiǎn),一面是無(wú)垠的平原。我思索著,思索著將會(huì)

見(jiàn)到的景色,是秦漢勝跡?還是隋唐遺篇? 到了站,下了車,興沖沖地走進(jìn)西安。 卻大失所望;疖囌臼制胀ǎT外是摩肩接踵等著接車的人,新奇的不過(guò)是頂上的兩段古城墻。再遠(yuǎn)望,是路邊的麥當(dāng)勞、吉野家、小商鋪,是路上綠白相間的出租車流,是漆成藍(lán)色卻已有些許剝落的過(guò)街天橋。 這不是我想要的西安。 西安似已淪陷在現(xiàn)代里。古都似結(jié)束了它的生命。 到了旅館,未歇腳,先去歷史博物館。館外領(lǐng)票人排成了長(zhǎng)隊(duì),不乏老師領(lǐng)著一隊(duì)隊(duì)小學(xué)生,他們稚氣未脫的臉上露出的是無(wú)盡的期待。后來(lái)才知道,西安的所有小學(xué)都曾有組織地參觀歷史博例館。館內(nèi)珍品琳瑯滿目,從數(shù)千年前古人類部落的石器,到周朝精美的青銅器,再到秦漢的玉制品,乃至隋唐冠絕古今的陶瓷。西安數(shù)千載的歷史,就存活在工匠手下的光華之中吧。出了歷史博物館便立刻趕往碑林。行走在黑色的大理石石碑間,撫摸著隔著層玻璃的碑身上的字,感受著威嚴(yán)肅穆賦予的重壓。依稀可見(jiàn),那石匠伏在碑石且,手拿著刻刀,一筆一畫,堅(jiān)定地也是吃力地在石上留下他的痕跡。他的名字叫歷史。 出了碑林,我不禁想:文化還活在博物館里,這也好。 下午,暮色掩映下我們來(lái)到了明代古城墻。我和父母一人騎一輛自行車,在城墻上行進(jìn),享受著御風(fēng)的快感,還不時(shí)停下來(lái)拍照。夜色降臨,城墻上的燈籠、敵樓檐角的燈都亮了起來(lái)。停在城墻的一角,城內(nèi)外萬(wàn)家燈火熠然,令月光失色,看身旁幾個(gè)金發(fā)碧眼的外國(guó)青年騎車疾馳而過(guò),臉上洋溢著快樂(lè)的神采,大聲歡呼,我心曠神怡地點(diǎn)頭:文化還活在西安的城市之間。 晚上大雁塔廣場(chǎng)有亞洲最大的音樂(lè)噴泉表演,我們住得又近,便去看看。廣場(chǎng)上人多而不雜。有的倚著雕畫的柱子在拍照,有的伴著噴泉和音樂(lè)翩翩起舞。洗卻了一天的勞累,人們臉上凈是放松、愉悅的神情。繞著雁塔廣場(chǎng),是各式各樣的擠滿了人的小商鋪,是幾步一盞的鐫詩(shī)幕燈,是唐風(fēng)迥然的“不夜城”。漫步其間,有時(shí)還能聽(tīng)到純正而悠長(zhǎng)的秦腔,如同空氣一樣穿透全身,沁人心脾。我陶醉了:文化活在每個(gè)西安人心里! 睡前躺在床上,我回想著這一天:西安仍被文化浸透著,三千年的夢(mèng)今朝更加絢爛。不只是秦漢勝跡,豈止是隋唐遺篇。歷史勾勒出西安的輪廓,今人為它上色;歷史埋下了鮮花的種子,今人使它綻放奇葩;歷史沉淀成文化的底蘊(yùn),今人將它蒸騰出云霞。 文化的延續(xù)并沒(méi)有結(jié)束,歷史不盡,文化不竭。 文化何在 這是一趟尋訪古典文化的旅程,也是一次心靈成長(zhǎng)的旅程。文化是什么?小作者在旅程的最初是失望的,因?yàn)樗X(jué)得這貌似與其他城市無(wú)異的西安沒(méi)有他夢(mèng)中的漢唐風(fēng)韻。然而當(dāng)參觀過(guò)博物館后,他意識(shí)到文化的瑰寶得以保存;當(dāng)游覽過(guò)古城墻后,他發(fā)覺(jué)文化的風(fēng)采依然魅力不減;當(dāng)深入體驗(yàn)了人民群眾的生活后,他欣喜地認(rèn)識(shí)到追求文化、享受文化的生活姿態(tài)依然完好地保存在人們心中。那么文化到底是什么?它不僅僅是具象化的碟碟碗碗、城墻塔樓,更是一種人們精神中的寄托與信仰。由此,小作者的思維比啟程的時(shí)候更加寬容,更加深刻,更加深入事物的本質(zhì)了。這,就是成長(zhǎng)。



The composition of Xi'an


Xi'an Xi'an composition, the composition of


Mount Li Tour

0西安 發(fā)表于10月12日 西安事變,古建筑,青山,會(huì)客廳,西安

Published in October 12th 0 Xi'an Xi'an Incident, ancient architecture, Castle Peak, reception hall, Xi'an


Eleven long, mom and dad and I went to Xi'an, what I remember most is

swimming in Mount Li. A sunny afternoon, we go to Mount Li. After getting off, I took a deep breath, ah, how beautiful! A clear blue waves around the pond, stands having an antique flavour of ancient architecture in the ancient architecture, by a castle, that is the Mount Li. At the foot of Mount Li is a building, known as " five hall ", is that Xi'an work at Jiang Jieshi's apartment, there is a living room, dining room, bedroom, can I have a dream

0西安 發(fā)表于01月05日 足球,理想,西安,國(guó)家隊(duì),隊(duì)員

0 Xi'an published 01 Sept. 05 football, ideal, Xi'an, national team, team


I am sure that you all have their ideal! My ideal is that when a national team football player, because I like football. When I was eight years old when he took the football in the yard playing, sometimes also find some greater than I play with my brother. Remember the time, it was the snow, I in Xi'an home and father watch, as I watched, shout, even those who imitate TV play action.

Those are my things in the past, and now I more love kicks amusement park around the city

0西安 發(fā)表于10月07日 公園,護(hù)城河,狹長(zhǎng),松柏,西安

Published in October 7th 0 Xi'an Moat, long and narrow, park, pine and cypress, Xi'an


Today, the teachers accompany us to the amusement park around the city. The park is north of the ancient city wall, which was our country ancient times civilization symbol; it is also our Xi'an Moat, a great beauty. City Park is located between walls and a moat about 30 - 50 meters wide strip. The park is open free of charge, the afforest inside the well. In the park, I suddenly feel like

coming to a green world. There are many trees here, in addition to everywhere of pine and a variety of flowers and trees, there are ancient Tong visit the big wild goose pagoda

0西安 發(fā)表于01月25日 西安,人民大會(huì)堂,爸爸,媽媽,文章

0 published in 01, 25 August Xi'an Xi'an, the Great Hall of the people, father, mother, article


The author's words: Recently, we learn " visit the people's great hall ", the teacher asked us to write a piece tour articles. Sunday, I and the daddy, mother to visit Xi'an the big wild goose pagoda, I wrote this article. In this article, I copied back to visit the material, the father, mother's help finishing. Purpose is, that did not have a chance to visit the big wild goose pagoda Xi'an little friend, also can understand some of the big wild goose pagoda. Because the article is longer, I divide it into five parts published. In the future, just visit the big wild goose pagoda

0西安 發(fā)表于11月24日 西安,人民大會(huì)堂,爸爸,媽媽,文章

Published in November 24th 0 Xi'an Xi'an, the Great Hall of the people, father, mother, article


The author's words: Recently, we learn " visit the people's great hall ", the teacher asked us to write a piece tour articles. Sunday, I and the daddy, mother to visit Xi'an the big wild goose pagoda, I wrote this article. In this article, I copied back to visit the material, the father, mother's help finishing. Purpose is, that did not have a chance to visit the big wild goose pagoda Xi'an little friend, also can understand some of the big wild goose pagoda. Because the article is longer, I divide it into five parts published. In the future, just visit Xi'an Bell Tower

0西安 發(fā)表于10月17日 鐘樓,西安,鼓樓,城門,真龍?zhí)熳?/p>

Published in October 17th 0 Xi'an Xi'an bell tower, Drum Tower, gates, sons of the heaven,


Ancient Chinese size city, have built a bell tower and drum tower. The tower clock, placed on the drum tower. Every morning at daybreak, rung bells, open the gates; sunset every day on drums, the gates closed. "The morning bell and evening drum -- reminders " is the ancient people living an important signal. Xi'an Xi'an bell tower is located in the centre of the four corners of the world, the four street intersection. In 1384, Zhu Yuanzhang proclaimed himself

Emperor, afraid of appearing all over the country and his sons of the heaven for the crown of Zhenlong, ordered the construction of tower with gas. From upstairs visit Xi'an City Youth Palace

0西安 發(fā)表于10月22日 少年宮,西安市,青少年宮,西安,風(fēng)和日麗

Published in October 22nd 0 Xi'an Xi'an City, children's palace, Youth Palace,


Xi'an, sunny


From the second grade of the start of the summer holidays, my mother give me a newspaper, the city children's palace in the composition class. Over the past year, hurried, hurried to, but never carefully visited here. On September 20th, this is a bright, sunny day. Teacher to teach us how to write notes of a visit to, lead the students in our class visited the children's palace. Our

children's palace, located in Xi'an Metro Plaza on the west side, the provincial government building across the ramp on the side of the road. The high level, the black marble columns of small bin travel with you in Xi'an

0西安 發(fā)表于09月14日 西安,唐僧,陜西省,旅游,長(zhǎng)安

0 Xi'an Xi'an published in 09, 14 March, Tang, Shaanxi Province, tourism, Changan


My dear friends, do you want to know about Xi'an? Do you want to " five one ", " National Day " and father, mother to Xi'an tourism? To tell you the truth, to Xi'an tourism, is your best choice! Do not believe, you listen to me. Our Xi'an, is the capital city of Shaanxi Province, the history of Changan. It is the world's four major ancient civilizations, from construction to the present, has a history of over 3100 years. It once was our country ancient capital for 12 dynasties; the famous Silk Road is to start from here; the famous Tang I love Xi'an Moat 0西安 發(fā)表于10月22日 護(hù)城河,西安,東向,河水,彩帶

Published in October 22nd 0 Xi'an Moat, Xi'an, East, river water, ribbon


Xi'an Moat too beautiful. It is located in the park around the outside, like a green ribbon, around the city. I see the moat, the most beautiful is from

Jianguomen to the great south gate section of the river water, wide, deep, the greenery, Kawazu Kiyoshi. It is from east to west, the movement slowly, throughout the year, day and night. This can go boating, fishing, always,

everywhere may hear adults and children's laughter. You know, two years ago, here is a river of sewage. Love me love my city moat, Lake Xingqing 0西安 發(fā)表于09月15日 護(hù)城河,城垣,開(kāi)闊地,西安,城墻

0 Xi'an published 09 Sept. 15 moat, walls, open land, Xi'an, walls


Love me love my moat, Lake Xingqing Northwestern University attached

middle school class five grade one Wang Yan original Xi'an city wall was built in the Ming Dynasty Hongwu three years ( 1307 AD), full-length 13.7

kilometers. The outer wall is 20 meters to 60 meters wide open, along the open ground is 10 meters wide moat. The entire city of Wei spectacular, is the largest ancient city wall in China in the past. Used to listen to my grandfather before the moat. On century fifty or sixty time in Xi'an Moat shore water quality is very good, tree-lined, Hanoi rippling blue waves, myopia country story 0西安 發(fā)表于10月20日 眼鏡,眼睛,西安,近視,愛(ài)看

Published in October 20th 0 Xi'an Xi'an, glasses, eye, myopia, love to see


In the ancient city of Xi'an in a primary school, a name is Maomao boy. He does not pay attention to protect our eyes from childhood love, watch TV, read a book, write love playing on the computer, eyes away from the very close, until the visual acuity decreased to 0.2, it had to be matched Deputy very convenient blue spectacles, like a " blue cat ". The infant is very don't like to wear glasses, but there was no way. One day, Maomao is in class. Because forgot his glasses, the teacher wrote on the blackboard, he is not clear. He is in a hurry, suddenly know small bin originated in a misunderstanding






“全國(guó)歷史文化基地”。 西安,古稱長(zhǎng)安、京兆,是舉世聞名的世界四大文明古都之一,












“要看中國(guó)的五百年,請(qǐng)到北京;要看中國(guó)五千年,請(qǐng)到西安”,看到這就應(yīng)該知道西安歷史的悠久,西安曾是十三個(gè)朝代的首都,也是中國(guó)七大古都之一,更與雅典、開(kāi)羅、羅馬一起被譽(yù)為“世界四大文明古都”。西安,古稱長(zhǎng)安。遍布西安的帝王陵墓、宮殿遺址、古剎名寺和園林名勝,是西安成為了一座歷史文化的寶庫(kù),數(shù)不勝數(shù)的文物古跡都向人們彰顯它曾經(jīng)有過(guò)的輝煌以及深厚豐富的歷史文化魅力。就是在這樣一個(gè)城市,在這你可以感受到中國(guó)幾千年的滄桑變化,以及中華文明的發(fā)展和中華民族的偉大。2011年1月14日,在北京舉行的國(guó)家5A級(jí)旅游景區(qū)授牌儀式上,西安曲江大雁塔?大唐芙蓉園景區(qū)成功晉升國(guó)家5A級(jí)景區(qū),成為我省繼兵馬俑、華清池和黃帝陵之后,第四家國(guó)家5A級(jí)旅游景區(qū),是西安市屬第一家5A級(jí)景區(qū),是全國(guó)首個(gè)區(qū)域性、多景點(diǎn)整體打包晉級(jí)的國(guó)家5A級(jí)景區(qū)。 大雁塔的歷史:







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