

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2020-02-22 來(lái)源: 美文摘抄 點(diǎn)擊:

  Landmines have been used indiscriminately in Afghanistan for the last three decades.Hundreds of thousands lie unmapped and undiscovered. Landmines have left an estimated 100,000 or more Afghan people disabled.
  James Nachtwey photographed detainees held by the Afghan authorities like the man in this photo. Sasha, an ICRC interpreter based in Kabul, accompanied him. Afterwards, Sasha spoke of what he had learnt:“I discovered that many of them had held on to their sense of themselves, that they had emerged intact from some very difficult situations. Sometimes, I ask myself: "In a situation like theirs, would I have done as well?" How they managed to preserve their dignity: this is the astonishing thing for me."
  住所 Shelter and flight
  In this garage, which has been converted into a collection centre, 20 displaced families live in shabby single rooms in Georgia. The official rate of unemployment in Zugdidi is approximately 70 percent.Most people subsist on monthly public welfare payments of 22 lari (10 US dollars) and a diet of pulses and pasta.
  紙板做鋪蓋 Bedding on boards
  On the island of Mindanao in Philippine, a child plays in front of his family"s temporary home in an evacuation centre on the frontline between government forces and armed opposition fighters. While some families were able to find shelter in schools and public buildings, others are living more precariously, sometimes sleeping on nothing more than sections of cardboard.
  城中之戰(zhàn) War in the city櫨
  The civil war in Lebanon got more and more serious,the latest round of fighting began in early May 2008 and peaked in July and August. The conflicted erupted in Beirut where members of what was then the opposition party confronted the ruling loyalists on the streets of the city. The fighting soon reached the other city, endangering approximately 150,000 inhabitants.
  等待消息 Waiting for news
  Ozias is eleven years old. Here, at a temporary resting place, he is wondering whether his parents are still alive in The Democratic Republic of Congo. He would soon be reunited with his family through the efforts of the ICRC.
  破壞與逃亡 Destruction and flight
  巴里德河是黎巴嫩北部的巴勒斯坦難民營(yíng), 2007年黎巴嫩軍隊(duì)與“伊斯蘭法塔赫”武裝組織在該營(yíng)地發(fā)生了近4個(gè)月的戰(zhàn)斗。約有400名黎巴嫩軍人、法塔赫成員以及平民在沖突中喪生。巴里德河大部分區(qū)域被夷為平地,4萬(wàn)名居民中的絕大多數(shù)都逃到了鄰近的巴達(dá)維難民營(yíng)或黎巴嫩的其他地方。數(shù)月來(lái)他們常處于不穩(wěn)定的環(huán)境之中。對(duì)于那些年邁的巴勒斯坦難民來(lái)說(shuō),這已是他們第二次或是第三次流離失所了。難民營(yíng)正在慢慢重建,但是截至2008年末成千上萬(wàn)的居民依然無(wú)法重返家園。
  Nahr el-Bared is a Palestinian refugee camp in northern Lebanon where, for almost four months in 2007, the Lebanese army battled an armed group called Fatah al-Islam. About 400 people died in the fighting: Lebanese soldiers, Fatah members and civilians. Much of Nahr el-Bared was reduced to rubble and most of its 40,000 inhabitants fled to the adjacent Beddawi camp or elsewhere in Lebanon. They lived for months in conditions that were often precarious. For the oldest among these Palestinian refugees, it was the second or third time they had been displaced. The camp is gradually being rebuilt, but as of late 2008 thousands of inhabitants had still not been able to return.
  足球生涯 Football for life
  Amputee football has been the source of enormous hope and solace for one of the most marginalized groups in Liberia: young men. They are, most of them, victims of the war.
  “When you ask them how they felt after being amputated, most of them say that they wanted to kill themselves,” says Paul A.Tolbert, senior coach of the national amputee football team. “Life no longer had meaning for them. Amputee football restores their hope. Take the guy who was named the most valuable player in the recent African Cup for amputee football. He was a very good player, but he lost hope when his leg was amputated. When I went to recruit him, I told him, ‘You can make it. There is still a chance for you.’ He has gained hope and, what’s more, now knows that what he could not do, win a war when he had two legs, he is now doing on one leg.”

相關(guān)熱詞搜索:世界 戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)中 戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)中的世界 朝鮮半島戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)風(fēng)云錄 抗日戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)

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