

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2017-02-10 來(lái)源: 美文摘抄 點(diǎn)擊:


A. Main Ideas: What do you know about Wal-Mart?(p.225)

Sam Walton founded Wal-Mart and developed it into the world’s leading retailer consisting of a large number of retail chain stores.He started with a small store selling 5 and 10(items costing only 5 or 10 cents)in 1962.The principle of Wal-Mart is to offer consumers the widest range of selection of goods at a discount ,or reduced ,price.

B. Main Ideas: Who were the Pilgrims? Why were they called the Pilgrims? (p.278)

The founding of Jamestown Colony in Virginia in 1607, another group of English Protestants founded Plymouth Colony in New England. The founders of Plymouth Colony have been called Pilgrims.

The primary impetus behind their migration to America was religious. They moved to New England in order to escape religious persecution and to establish new communities based upon God’s law as they understood it.

C. Main Ideas: What is the constitutional duty of the United States President? (p.206)

The President of the United States, who is also the head of state. The president plays an important role in federal. The US Constitution invests all legislative powers in Congress, but the president can propose legislation, and it is the president who signs the bills passed by Congress into law.

D. Main Ideas: What were the content of the People’s Chart? (p.132)

a. votes for all males

b. annual election of Parliament (instead of general election every seven years)

c. payment of Members of Parliament (so that wage-earners could afford to be elected Members of Parliament)

d. secret voting (so as to avoid bribery and intimidation)

e. abolition of property qualifications for Members of Parliament (so that a worker could seek to be elected)

f. equal electoral districts (so that the large population of the workers could enjoy a corresponding share of the votes)

E. Main Ideas: What was the impact of the Black Death on the serf system in England? P113

Because of the Black Death ,many serfs and tenant-peasants died,and this resulted in the shortage of labor,leaving much land untended.The shortage of labor supply increased the bargaining power of the surviving tenants and serfs.Subsequently,they began to demand better working conditions and higher pay.When not satisfied,they repeatedly deserted one landowner after another until their demand was met.Labor was in short supply and runway serfs could easily get employment elsewhere.So,some landlords,unable or unwilling to pay higher wages,tried to force peasants back into serfdom.

A. Thinking Critically

1. What do you think the real cause of the First World War? (p.145)

①I(mǎi)nternational changes and the world was already partitioned.

②The struggle for foreign markets intensified rivalry between capitalist countries. ③The division of European powers into two armed canps led eventually to the outbreak of World War I in 1914.

B. Thinking Critically

1. What do you think caused the Second World War? (p.145)

①The First World War had not solved the basic contradictions between major European powers.

② In 1929,another serious economic crisis started in America and soon spread to other countries.

③ Germany was hit even harder by the Great Depression because it had lost all its colonies and much of its foreign market after the First World War.

④ The British government failed to realize the threat of warand continued to follow a non-intervention or appeasement policy.

C. Quiz (p.163)

A. Select the letter of the answer that best matches each term on the left. a. Ohio River 2.Old Man River b. typhoon 3.American Ruhr c.Life on the Mississippi d.American’s national bird 5.hurricanes e. ice box 6.bald eagle f. trade deficit 7.Alaska g. Penn’s wood 8.Mark Twain h. Steel-making center 9.trade imbalance j. Mississippi

B. Fill in the blanks.

1.The United States consists of million square kilometers.

2.Mainland America can be generally divided into 3.The Atlantic Seacoast is also known as the 4.The mountains that make up the Appalachians are mostly tops.

5.The Rocky Mountains are also known as of the North American continent.

6.The largest and most famous gambling city in America is 7.The traditional dividing line between the South and the North is

8.The Great Lakes include big lakes,four of which are shared with Canada.

C. True or False. 1.The central part of the United States is composed of big mountains. 2.The US government has to station a larger number of troops along its border. 3.American family houses are mostly built of bricks and cement.

5.About 47% of America’s land area can be used for agricultural purpose. 6.The Great Plains covers a distance of about (轉(zhuǎn)載于:www.newchangjing.com 蒲 公 英 文 摘:英美文化中國(guó))640 kilometers from east to west.

D. Quiz (pp.180-181)

A. Select the letter of the answer that best matches each term on the left. a. dictatorship

b. with fixed classes

c. downtown areas

d. teenage offenders

e. all-black areas

f. shares sold by listed firms

g. interest groups

h. French writer

i. motherland

j. black slaves

k. the South

B. Fill in the blanks.

1. The three great Indian civilizations in North America were (civilization , the ( civilization , and the ( )civilization.

2. The Indians raised pumpkins for (.

3. Farmers make up less than (

3. The most densely-populated region is the part of America.

4. In 1882 the US Congress passed the Act to bar Chinese immigrants.

5. New Englanders have been traditionally called( .

6. Hispanics are also known as(Chicanos).

7. The educational level of Chinese-Americans is ( the national average.

8. Many Jews fled to America to escape the ( started by Hitler’s government.

C. True or false. 1.The US population has been characterized by the lack of multiplicity. 2.The mosaic concept is totally accepted by all American. 3.American families with low income have to live in the suburbs. River.

5.The average income of American farmers is about two-third of the national average. 6.The glue of national for American is the American ideal of individual liberty and equal justice.

E. Quiz (pp.206-207)

A.Select the letter of the answer that best matches each term on the left. 1.Impeachment a.presidential electors

2.platform b.I do not lie.

3.running-matec.with reserved powers

4.Electoral College d.such as a university

5.state legislature e.for committing high crime

6.Jimmy Carter f.a political party’s statement

7.states g.with delegated powers

8.corporate government h.by people of high status

9.federal government i.candidate for vice-presidency

10.white collar crimes j.state law-making body

B.Fill in the blanks.

1.A number of federal departments and agencies make up the branch.

2.The Secretary of 3.Traditionally, the first state to hold the primary election is .

4.Presidential candidates’ nation-wide campaign and balloting make up the step of the general election.

5.The consensus of two-thirds of Congressmen can override the President’s

C.True or False. 1.The United States has a national police force and national criminal law. 2.The nominating national party convention is to elect presidential electors. 3.American voters are not concerned with the candidate’s moral character. 4.The states make laws in areas in which the federal government has no authority to made federal laws. 5.The US federal government is officially known as the Administration. 6.The state government is supreme within the sphere of its reserved powers.

A. Thinking Critically

1. Why do you think British choose to retain its constitutional monarchy? (p.31)

1.Because the king can not achieve the real democratic order, such as Cromwell's military dictatorship.

2.The queen of England is still enjoys high etiquette in people's heart, helped to ease social contradictions, maintain public morality.

3 .Now commonwealth countries such as Australia, Canada, the queen of England still nominally as the supreme leader, so that we can keep the certain influence overseas.

Fifth, the king is the symbol of commonwealth unity. Since not lag behind the British empire, Britain and its dominions, colonies and other member states formed a loose collection of commonwealth king in law is the head of the commonwealth, the UK's all dominion and colonial gove rnor appointed by the queen, the British bourgeoisie combined use of king the prestige of the commonwealth members, and through her and the activities of the royal family plays a linking role.

In addition to this, the British constitution scientist Bai Jie haot think king and three kinds of residual power, the right to inform, warn and encourage rights. So the king of each committee shall have the right to obtain the cabinet meeting and belong to a detailed report and record. Former prime minister, once a week to her report, the state of the major state affairs of the prime minister also want to consult with the king, the king if think there is something wrong with the cabinet decisions to the prime minister, warned that can encourage the prime minister when encounter difficulties to overcome difficulties. Due to the king in a long time, know the situation, political experience, and her advice often get the attention of the prime minister, and the actual impact on the cabinet decision, this is king "potential power".

B. Thinking Critically

1. What do you think about the Great Charter? (p.99)

The Great Charter was the first step of constitutional experiment and rule of law . It tried to establish a legal relation between the king and his barons by defining their respective rights and obligations. It tried to establish a due process of law by limiting the king’ s power and strengthening the jury system. The Great Charter represented a milestone in the development of English history.. It challenged feudal despotism and paved the way for the appearance of Parliament. It’s important to the Americans.

C. Quiz (p.44)


1. i

2. h

3. g

4. a

5. c

6. f

7. b

8. d

9. j

10. e


1. Labor government

2. Tories

3. electoral districts





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