

發(fā)布時間:2017-01-24 來源: 美文摘抄 點(diǎn)擊:


星火書業(yè) 晨讀英語美文100篇六級

Passage 1. knowledge and Virtue

Knowledge is one thing, virtue is another; good sense is not conscience, refinement is not humilitynor is largeness and justness of view faith. Philosophy, however enlightened, however profound, gives no command over the passions, no influential motives, no vivifying principles. Liberal Education makes not the Christian, not the Catholic, but the gentleman.It is well to be a gentleman, it is well to have a cultivated intellect, a delicate taste, a candid, equitable, dispassionate mind,a noble and courteous bearing in the conduct of life—these are the connatural qualities of a large knowledge; they are the objects of a University.I am advocating, I shall illustrate and insist upon them; but still, I repeat, they are no guarantee for sanctity or even for conscientiousness, and they may attach to the man of the world, to the profligate, to the heartless, pleasant, alas, and attractive as he shows when decked out in them. Taken by themselves, they do but seem to be what they are not; they look like virtue at a distance, but they are detected by close observers, and in the long run; and hence it is that they are popularly accused of pretense and hypocrisy, not, I repeat, from their own fault, but because their professors and their admirers persist in taking them for what they are not, and are officious in arrogating for them a praise to which they have no claim. Quarry the granite rock with razors, or moor the vessel with a thread of silk, then may you hope with such keen and delicate instruments as human knowledge and human reason to contend against those giants, the passion and the pride of man.

Passage 2. “Packing” a Person

A person, like a commodity, needs packaging. But going too far is absolutely undesirable. A little exaggeration, however, does no harm when it shows the person's unique qualities to their advantage. To display personal charm in a casual and natural way, it is important for one to have a clear knowledge of oneself. A master packager knows how to integrate art and nature without any traces of embellishment, so that the person so packaged is no commodity but a human being, lively and lovely. A young person, especially a female, radiant with beauty and full of life, has all the favor granted by God. Any attempt to make up would be self-defeating. Youth, however, comes and goes in a moment of doze. Packaging for the middle-aged is primarily to conceal the furrows ploughed by time. If you still enjoy life's exuberance enough to retain self-confidence and pursue pioneering work, you are unique in your natural qualities, and your charm and grace will remain. Elderly people are beautiful if their river of life has been, through plains, mountains and jungles, running its course as it should. You have really lived your life which now arrives at a complacent stage of serenity indifferent to fame or wealth. There is no need to

resort to hair-dyeing; the snow-capped mountain is itself a beautiful scene of fairyland. Let your looks change from young to old synchronizing with the natural ageing process so as to keep in harmony with nature, for harmony itself is beauty, while the other way round will only end in unpleasantness. To be in the elder's company is like reading a thick book of deluxe edition that fascinates one so much as to be reluctant to part with. As long as one finds where one stands, one knows how to package oneself, just as a commodity establishes its brand by the right packaging.

Passage 3. Three Passions I Have Lived for

Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life:the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind. These passions, like great winds, have blown me hither and thither, in a wayward course over a deep ocean of anguish, reaching to the very verge of despair.I have sought love, first, because it brings ecstasy—ecstasy so great that I would often have sacrificed all the rest of my life for a few hours for this joy.

[00:47.70]I have sought it, next, because it relieves loneliness

[00:52.19]—that terrible loneliness in which one shivering consciousness

[00:57.46]looks over the rim of the world into the cold unfathomable lifeless abyss.

[01:04.12]I have sought it, finally, because in the union of love I have seen,

[01:10.02]in a mystic miniature,

[01:11.89]the prefiguring vision of the heaven that saints and poets have imagined.

[01:17.90]This is what I sought, and though it might seem too good for human life,

[01:23.92]this is what—at last—I have found.

[01:28.08]With equal passion I have sought knowledge.

[01:32.12]I have wished to understand the hearts of men.

[01:36.06]I have wished to know why the stars shine ...

[01:40.44]A little of this, but not much, I have achieved.

[01:45.37]Love and knowledge, so far as they were possible, led upward toward the heavens.

[01:53.35]But always pity brought me back to earth.

[01:56.96]Echoes of cries of pain reverberate in my heart.

[02:01.67]Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people

[02:08.23]—a hated burden to their sons,

[02:10.97]and the whole world of loneliness, poverty, and pain make a mockery of what human life should be.

[02:19.28]I long to alleviate the evil, but I cannot, and I too suffer.

[02:25.73]This has been my life.

[02:28.36]I have found it worth living, and would gladly live it again

[02:32.52]if the chance were offered me.

[00:01.43]Passage 4. A Little Girl

[00:05.59]Sitting on a grassy grave, beneath one of the windows of the church, was a little girl.

[00:14.23]With her head bent back she was gazing up at the sky and singing,

[00:19.37]while one of her little hands was pointing to a tiny cloud

[00:24.08]that hovered like a golden feather above her head.

[00:28.56]The sun, which had suddenly become very bright, shining on her glossy hair,

[00:35.01]gave it a metallic luster, and it was difficult to say what was the color, dark bronze or black.

[00:43.26]So completely absorbed was she in watching the cloud to which her strange song or incantation seemed addressed,

[00:52.40]that she did not observe me when I rose and went towards her.

[00:57.00]Over her head, high up in the blue,

[01:00.50]a lark that was soaring towards the same gauzy cloud was singing, as if in rivalry.

[01:07.09]As I slowly approached the child,

[01:10.05]I could see by her forehead, which in the sunshine seemed like a globe of pearl,

[01:16.28]and especially by her complexion, that she uncommonly lovely.

[01:22.19]Her eyes, which at one moment seemed blue-gray, at another violet,

[01:27.33]were shaded by long black lashes, curving backward in a most peculiar way,

[01:33.25]and these matched in hue her eyebrows,

[01:36.53]and the tresses that were tossed about her tender throat were quivering in the sunlight.

[01:42.43]All this I did not take in at once;

[01:45.28]for at first I could see nothing but those quivering, glittering, changeful eyes turned up into my face.

[01:53.26]Gradually the other features, especially the sensitive full-lipped mouth,

[01:59.06]grew upon me as I stood silently gazing.

[02:02.45]Here seemed to me a more perfect beauty than had ever come to me in my loveliest dreams of beauty.

[02:09.79]Yet it was not her beauty so much as the look she gave me that fascinated me, melted me.

[00:00.87]Passage 5 Declaration of Independence

[00:07.00]When in the Course of human events,

[00:10.39]it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands

[00:15.75]which have connected them with another,

[00:17.93]and to assume among the powers of the earth,

[00:21.22]the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them,

[00:28.33]a decent respect to the opinions of mankind

[00:32.16]requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

[00:38.08]We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,

[00:44.74]that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,

[00:50.21]that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.


It is common knowledge that music can have a powerful effect on our emotions. In fact, since the 1930s, music therapists have relied on music to soothe patients and help control pain.

Now psychologists are confirming that music can also help relieve depression and improve con


centration. For instance, in a recent study, 15 surgeons were given some highly stressed math problems to solve. They were divided into three groups: one worked in silence, and in another, the surgeons listened to music of their choice on headphones; the third listened to classic music chosen by the researchers. The results of the study may surprise you. The doctors who got to choose their music experienced less stress and scored better than the others. One possible explanation is that listening to music you like stimulates the Alfa-wave in the brain, increases the heart rate and expands the breathing. That helps to reduce stress and sharpen concentration. Other research suggests a second relation between the music and the brain: by examining the students’ blood after they listened to a variety of classic music collections, the researchers found that some students showed a large increase in endorphin, a natural pain reliever. This supports what music therapists have known for years: Music can help rejuvenate or soothe the patient.

Display of Goods

Are supermarkets designed to persuade us to buy more?

Fresh fruit and vegetables are displayed near supermarket entrances. This gives the impression that only healthy food is sold in the shop. Basic foods that everyone buys, like sugar and tea, are not put near each other. They are kept in different aisles, so customers are taken past other attractive foods before they find what they want. In this way, shoppers are encouraged to buy products that they do not really need. Sweets are often placed at children’s eye level at the checkout. While parents are waiting to pay, children reach for the sweets and put them in the trolley. More is bought from a fifteen-foot display of one type of product than from a ten-foot one. Customers also buy more when shelves are full than when they are half empty. They do not like to buy from shelves with few products on them because they feel there is something wrong with those products that are there.

Have you heard of the old saying that laughter is the best medicine? Then listen to this.

Seriously, research has already shown that mental stress can restrict blood flow to the heart. But now a study has linked laughter to increased blood flow. Laughter appears to cause the tissue inside blood vessels to expand. As a result, laughing may be important to reduce the risk of heart disease. So says Doctor Michael Miller of the University of Maryland Medical Center. He led a study of 20 men and women, all healthy. To get them to laugh, they watched part of the movie Kingpin, a 1996 comedy. To create the opposite emotions, they watched the opening battle in the 1998 war movie Saving Private Ryan.

The researchers used ultrasound technology to measure changes in blood flow through an artery in the arm. Blood flow increased in 19 of the 20 people after they watched Kingpin. The increase was an average of 22 percent. Doctor Miller says that is similar to the effects of aerobic exercise. Blood flow decreased in 14 of the 20 people after they watched Saving Private Ryan. The decrease was an average of 35 percent.

Studies have shown that stress can reduce the body’s ability to fight disease. When the body is under stress, it produces hormones such as adrenalin. But too much of these hormones can be harmful

The Different Approaches or Perceptions of Men and Women

As we all know, as some inherent distinctions men and women differ from each other in various factors, especially in their behaviors such as interpersonal relationships, expressing affection, friendship and views on beauty.

In my opinion, there are some differences as follows. Generally speaking, men are considered as an animal of reason and logic, while women of emotion and feeling. On the interpersonal relationships, men always establish their social relationship through common activities, by communicating and cooperating with one another. And the relationships are gradually strengthened with such kinds of outward experiences they established. On the contrary, women’s friendship usually comes from emotional resonation, and a really close relation can only be achieved by sharing quite a few personal affairs, something usually kept confidential to the outsiders. As a result, it is the sentimental characteristic that makes women’s friendships lasts even longer than men’s, for masculine relations appear more materially and reality comparing with women’s soul companions. Specifically, for one thing, women and men express their affection in apparently different ways. The female tend to convey their moods directly and softly because they’re naturally emotional. At the same time, the male are used to hiding their inner feeling to keep a calm and strong profile in front of people nearly all the time. Relevantly, they hold almost contradictory views on the criteria of beauty. Men worship strength and eloquence, while women prefer something softer, changeable, and even sometimes too colorful. Actually, the views on beauty also diverse from individual to individual, and there can never be a completely same standard even within the two groups themselves.

All in all, it is almost impossible to comprehensively summarize the differences between men and women. Their characters may count in a sense, but never account for everything. In my opinion, as equal human beings, they are both excellent and wonderful.

People often say that being famous is a hassle. I don’t see why. From what I’ve seen, from people on TV, having fame is a never-ending joy. Now, I’d like to introduce the reason behind my thought. Firstly, famous people enjoy a status that other people simply don’t have. With this higher status, famous people can enjoy such pleasures as getting a table at a crowded restaurant whenever they want one. People look up to and respect those with fame. Secondly, famous people receive attention from others. How often do you feel ignored and unheard by others? Famous people don’t have this problem. When they speak, people listen. Thirdly, famous people can often use their fame to make money. They can bring attention to products and receive money fordoing so. I, for one, would like to be famous.

Honesty Is Gold

When talking about honesty, many of us have too much to say. It is definitely a thought-provoking problem. Those who gain fortunes not by hard labor but by other means is dishonest, such as cheating in the examination, plagiarizing the publication of others, and so on. Honesty is always regarded as the virtue of the whole humanity. If you are honest all the time, you’ll be trusted and respected by others. Honesty means speaking the truth and being fair and upright in act. A liar is always looked down upon and regarded as a black sheep by the people around. Once you lie, people will never believe you even if you speak the truth. However, in the tide of commercialized society today, it seems that more and more people believe in money at

the sacrifice of honesty. They don’t understand or pretend not to understand that honesty is the biggest fortune humans own, and that it is the prerequisite for doing everything well.

So to sum up, honesty is gold. In the future, for whatever jobs we choose, we should make honesty as our basic principle, and always remember: “honesty is the best policy.”

Happy is the man who acquires the habit of reading when he is young. He has secured a lifelong source of pleasure, instruction, and inspiration. So long as he has beloved books, he need never feel lonely. He always has a pleasant occupation of leisure moments, so that he need never feel bored. He is the possessor of wealth more precious than gold. Books are treasuries filled, not with gold and silver and precious stones, but with riches much more valuable than these

— knowledge, noble thoughts, and high ideals. Poor indeed is the man who does not read, and empty is his life.


As we walk along our paths in life, we will encounter several forms of friendship. There will be friends of convenience, friends by association, and friends of the heart. Friends out of convenience are friendships that you might have simply because you both are accessible to one another. These friendships are common in a work or school environment as people are united by place alone. You might even term these friendships as “associates” instead of friends, because you associate with one another because you feel that you have to. These types of friendships can easily disappear as quickly as they come or they can actually turn into more meaningful friendships as time moves on, but either way, you respect them as a part of the friend that originated then counter.

Do you know Thanksgiving Day?

Thanksgiving falls on the fourth Thursday of November, a different date every year. The

President must proclaim that date as the official celebration. Thanksgiving is a time for tradition and sharing. Even if they live far away, family members gather for a reunion at the house of an older relative. All give thanks together for the good things that they have. In this spirit of sharing, civic groups and charitable organizations offer a traditional meal to those in need, particularly the homeless. On most tables throughout the United States, foods eaten at the first thanks giving have become traditional.

Driving in America

Remember these typical traffic rules.

Keep Right

The traffic follows the “keep right rule.” While driving, drive on the right side of the road.

On one way, multiple lanes road, the right-most lane would be the slowest and left-most lane is fastest.

Hand Signals

Though indicators are used for the purpose of showing which direction we are going, knowing the relevant hand signals is very important and they are usually always asked in a driving test. When we want to turn right, we can put our left hand out of the window and point upward. When we want to make a left turn, we can stick our left arm out of the window and point to the

left. If we want to slow down or stop, we can just point downwards.

The Turning Lanes

On some two-way roads, a centre lane may be marked as a common left-turn lane to be used by vehicles in both directions. You may only use this type of lane for turning left. You may not travel in a centre turning lane.

School Buses

Yellow school buses have flashing red lights and stop signs that fold out from the driver’s side. School pupil transport vehicles, like vans, station wagons, or family sedans, have flashing red lights and SCHOOL BUS signs on top. Drivers of either kind of school vehicle use these warning signals when letting pupils on and off. No matter which side of the road you are traveling on, if you come upon a school bus or a school pupil transport vehicle with its lights flashing and a stop sign extended, you must stop. It’s the law. Remain stopped until the lights stop flashing or the stop sign folds back.

Using the Horn

Using horns is not common in America. Actually they are very rarely used. You may use your horn to warn pedestrians or other drivers of possible trouble or to avoid accidents. Do not use your horn to express anger or complain about other drivers’ mistakes or to try to get a slow driver to move faster.


When you see a YIELD sign, slow down and be prepared to stop. Let traffic, pedestrians, or bicycles pass before you enter the intersection or join another roadway. You must come to a complete stop if traffic conditions require it.

Are People Selfish and Greedy Nowadays?

There is no question that some people are selfish and greedy. They can’t understand others’ feelings and try to do whatever they want. Because of these greedy and selfish people, we are facing more difficulties and suffering in economy, education, social relations and so on. For example, some merchants, who are rich and want to be richer, sell their fake commodities at the marketplace for more profit. There are also government officials who sell people’s trust and senior officials who take bribes by selling the power in their hands. Those people believe in the precept “Everyone for himself and the devil take the hind most.”

However, the majority of people are neither selfish nor greedy. They contribute much and ask for little. Numerous examples can be found around us: the PLA soldiers who sacrificed themselves for saving people’s lives in fighting the disastrous floods and the doctors and nurses who risked their lives to save SARS victims being two of the most typical. In contrast to the selfish and corrupt officials, they are heroes, who set up glorious images for us.

The notion that nowadays people are selfish and greedy is probably attributed to the influence of the mass media which tend to over-exaggerate the negative aspects of life. Many newspapers, particularly the gutter press, and TV films play up nastiness by reporting and showing too much about violence and sex. In addition, a lot of books portray selfishness and greed to seek sensational effect and economic profit. I wonder whether they are selfish and greedy, too.

Memory-improving Techniques

There are many techniques you can use to improve your memory. Some of them are introduced


First and foremost, you need to stimulate your memory all the time. To put it simply, you should use your memory as much as possible. It is especially important to try to learn something new. If you work in an office, learn to dance; if you are a dancer, learn to deal with a computer; if you work with sales, learn to play chess; if you are a programmer, learn to paint. These added activities stimulate the brain so that it continues to function.

Older people need to pay attention to things they are dealing with. Don’t try to memorize everything that catches your attention; focus on what you consider important. For example, you can take any object such as a pen and concentrate on it. Think on its various characteristics: its material, its function, its color, and so on. Don’t allow any other thought to occupy your mind while you are concentrating on that pen.

The Ways to Enlarge Our English Vocabulary

Vocabulary is one of the most important factors contributing to a good command of a language.

A large vocabulary is most desirable to us learners of English. Instead of memorizing vocabulary from a dictionary, we can obtain a considerable amount of vocabulary by reading both intensively and extensively.

First, believe that an intensive reading is very helpful for this purpose because it ensures the basic knowledge about the exact meanings and correct usage of words and phrases, and consequently our ability to express ourselves in the language accurately is improved.

Second, sometimes, an intensive reading method would be insufficient without a second one, an extensive reading. By this method we can hopefully get an access to a large number of words in contexts with a practical knowledge about collocations as well as the different meanings and different styles resulting from different choices of words. Only in this way can we enlarge our vocabulary with a simultaneous awareness of the uses of words. By and by, our English vocabulary will be enlarged enormously.

Language is a living thing. We should enlarge our English vocabulary through reading both intensively and extensively.




















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