發(fā)布時間:2018-06-23 來源: 歷史回眸 點擊:
【摘要】 目的:探討銀翹散合半夏瀉心湯加減治療咽食管反流性咽炎的臨床效果。方法:選取2015年
10月-2017年3月本院收治的咽食管反流性咽炎患者40例,按照隨機(jī)數(shù)字表法分為對照組與試驗組,各20例。對照組采用常規(guī)西醫(yī)治療,試驗組采用銀翹散合半夏瀉心湯加減治療。比較兩組治療效果、不良反應(yīng)、治療前后的反流癥狀指數(shù)量表(reflux symptom index,RSI)和反流檢查計分量表(reflux finding score,RFS)評分。結(jié)果:試驗組治療總有效率為95.00%,高于對照組的70.00%(P<0.05);治療后,試驗組患者RSI評分中聲嘶或發(fā)聲問題、清喉和咽喉黏液增多等各維度評分均低于對照組,RFS評分中聲門下水腫、喉室消失和紅斑、充血等各維度得分均低于對照組,比較差異均有統(tǒng)計學(xué)意義(P<0.05);試驗組不良反應(yīng)發(fā)生率為10.00%,明顯低于對照組的45.00%(P<0.05)。結(jié)論:銀翹散合半夏瀉心湯加減治療咽食管反流性咽炎療效顯著,可有效緩解其臨床癥狀,解除患者痛苦,且用藥安全性高,值得在臨床推廣應(yīng)用。
【關(guān)鍵詞】 銀翹散; 半夏瀉心湯; 咽食管反流性咽炎; 加減; 療效
Clinical Observation on Yinqiao Powder Combined Banxia Xiexin Decoction in Treatment of 40 Patients with Pharyngoesophageal Reflux Pharyngitis/CAO Zhi,LIU Yuanxian,LIU Xia,et al.//Medical Innovation of China,2018,15(07):073-077
【Abstract】 Objective:To investigate the clinical effect of Yinqiao Powder combined Banxia Xiexin Decoction in treatment of pharyngoesophageal reflux pharyngitis.Method:A total of 40 patients with pharyngoesophageal reflux pharyngitis in our hospital from October 2015 to March 2017 were selected,according to the random number table method,they were divided into control group and experimental group,20 cases in each group.The control group orally took the conventional western medicine,and experimental group were treated with Yinqiao Powder combined Banxia Xiexin Decoction.The therapeutic effects,adverse reactions,the reflux symptom index(RSI) and reflux finding score(RFS) before and after treatment between two groups were compared.Result:The total effective rate of treatment in experimental group was 95.00%,was higher than 70.00% of control group(P<0.05).After treatment,the RSI scores of hoarseness or vocal problems,clear throat,laryngic mucus increase and the scores of each dimension in experimental group were lower than those of control group,the RFS score of subglottic edema,laryngeal chamber disappearance,erythema and hyperemia and the scores of each dimension were all lower than those of control group,the differences were statistically significant(P<0.05).The incidence of adverse reactions in experimental group was 10.00%,which was significantly lower than 45.00% of control group(P<0.05).Conclusion:Yinqiao Powder combined Banxia Xiexin Decoction is effective in treatment of pharyngoesophageal reflux pharyngitis,can effectively relieve the clinical symptoms,relieve the sufferings of the patients,and have high safety in drug use,which is worth popularizing in clinical application.
【Key words】 Yinqiao Powder; Banxia Xiexin Decoction; Pharyngoesophageal reflux pharyngitis; Modified; Clinical effect