
A Positive Factor_Positive Outlook

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2020-03-27 來源: 歷史回眸 點(diǎn)擊:

  China"s Special Representative on the Darfur Issue Liu Guijin recentlyclarified the country"s position on the crisis in Sudan at a Foreign Ministrypress conference. He also addressed concerns about China"s weapons" salesto Sudan and some attempts to tie China"s policy in Sudan to next year"ssummer Olympic Games. The following are excerpts from the conference.
  American actress Mia Farrow isleading a "shaming campaign" againstChina"s policies in Sudan and theBeijing Olympics. Farrow and othercritics stress that their goal is not to boy-cott the Beijing Olympics, but to forcethe Chinese Government to change itscourse of action in Sudan. What doesthe Chinese Government think aboutthis campaign? How is it responding tosuch pressure?

相關(guān)熱詞搜索:Positive Factor A。校铮螅椋簦椋觯濉。疲幔悖簦铮 in a positive way keep a positive attitude

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