
Independence Day_Choosing。桑睿洌澹穑澹睿洌澹睿悖

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2020-03-26 來源: 歷史回眸 點(diǎn)擊:

  Milo Djukanovic, Prime Minister of Montenegro, won a key referendum May 21 when voters in his tiny, mountainous nation endorsed a plan to split from Serbia and become an independent state. This marked a final step in the breakup of the former Yugoslavia formed by six republics.
  According to preliminary results from electoral authorities, in a strong turnout of 86 percent, a narrow majority of 55.5 percent of voters gave their support to the “Yes” camp led by Djukanovic, the only Balkan leader to have held onto power during the disintegration of Yugoslavia. The 44-year-old politician, known as the architect of Montenegro’s independence, had staked his political future on the outcome despite the tiny Adriatic Sea nation’s strong cultural, historical and religious links to Serbia.
  Montenegro is the smallest of the former Yugoslavia’s republics with 650,000 people. Since Montenegro and Serbia agreed in 2003 to dissolve Yugoslavia and remain in a EU-backed loose alliance for at least three years, their economic policies and relations have been drifting apart.
  “This was an outline of my political and civic wishes and ambitions and, of course, now I feel very happy and very satisfied.”
  Milo Djukanovic
  “One can conclude that the sovereigntists won, but no one can tell by how many votes. What they did was in the best tradition of separatist scenarios.”
  Aleksandar Simic Adviser to Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica
  “China has a huge population of football fans who will wake up at midnight to watch a game in the forthcoming World Cup in Germany and I am one of them.”
  Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, to visiting German Chancellor Angela Merkel
  “Underlying it all is a mission to move the United States and the world past a tipping point, and to change the minds of enough people so that they demand that politicians in all political parties take action to stop this crisis.”
  Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore, before the screening of a documentary film chronicling his campaign on climate change since 2000
  “Only when we have the greatest partnership with Chinese companies and customers can we really succeed.”
  Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer, after his company signed projects worth $31 million to help nurture China’s IT industry
  “Worshippers need to reaffirm their faith in Christ, follow the teachings of the church and not be disturbed by fictional things. Catholics could offer help to people misled by the movie by introducing them to the real tenets and history of the Catholic Church.”
  Liu Bainian, Vice President of the China Patriotic Catholic Association, after the Hollywood blockbuster The Da Vinci Code opened in China
  “I don’t want the fare rate raised, as that will reduce passengers and affect my income. But taxi drivers are a disadvantaged group whose voice is rarely heard.”
  Zhao Fengjiang, a taxi driver, commenting on the recent fare rise in Beijing

相關(guān)熱詞搜索:Choosing Independence Choosing。桑睿洌澹穑澹睿洌澹睿悖 independence notindependence

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