
陌生的中國人 楊猛【信用卡與貸信款中國人不再陌生】

發(fā)布時間:2020-02-17 來源: 歷史回眸 點擊:

  The Real China Emerges from Clichés and Propaganda      編者按:隨著北京2008年奧運會的逼近,民眾越來越關心“中國”品牌的樹立,學習英語的熱情也被點燃。越來越多的外宣干部和業(yè)內同行向我們表達了期待看到雙語欄目的愿望。因此,我們自2006年第1期起開辦了《雙語視窗》欄目以滿足廣大讀者的需求。
  1985年我來中國時, 多數中國人認為我們外國人隨身攜帶的信用卡是個新鮮物,對它既感興趣又心存疑慮:想想看,在掙到錢之前就可以花錢,真不可思議!對于我們的中國朋友說來,要把擁有一個信用卡看成是既安全又方便的事,那可不容易。說實話,我自己一開始在很長時間里都不愿意申請信用卡。但是,在加拿大,由于駕駛證和信用卡是最常用的身份證件,而我兩樣都沒有,就被認為有點怪,好像我在這個國家沒有正常的合法地位。
  When I came to China in 1985, most Chinese regarded the credit cards we foreigners carried around with us as curiosities, attractive but also highly suspect:Just imagine spending money before one earned it!It was hard for our Chinese friends to see that having a credit card was a matter of security and convenience.And to tell the truth, I had myself long been reluctant to apply for a creditcard. But as a driver’s licence or a credit card is the most frequent means of identifying oneself in Canada, and I had neither the one nor the other, I was considered alittle odd, as if I had no regular status in the country.
  So I finally obtained my first credit card, but I resolved that I would never actually use it to buy things.Later, however, I decided that now and then it would benice to purchase items on sale that I really needed but wasnot prepared to pay cash for right then.Gradually I gotinto the habit of using the card, but like most credit card users I was scrupulous about paying my bill at the end of each month.There are also, of course, credit card holders who put off paying their bills; they pay the high interest rates that enable credit card companies to make a profit.
  Nowadays credit cards are becoming common in China.I hope, though, that Chinese consumers will not fall into the expensive habit of delaying payment of their credit cardbills from month to month.Credit cards make shopping so easy, and for a small but problematic minority of consumers there is something addictive about it that the use ofplastic instead of cash seems to intensify. Personally I feel that a debit card is preferable to a credit card.If the money you spend is taken directly from your savings account, or if you pay before spending, as when you buy a Jitong card, there is no danger of falling deeply into debt.
  The number of smart (IC) cards some people have is astonishing.For local phones, for long-distance calls, for each supermarket the consumer shops at, for the unit canteen, for making cash withdrawals from the bank ― a different card for each sort of transaction!I note that even keys have been transformed into cards in many hotels.And Beijing is not at the head of the pack; the people in some other Chinese cities have even more cards per capita.By the end of 1998, some 80 million smart cards had been issued in China; by the end of this year, the number will havereached 400 million. Before the situation becomes too messy, card issuers ought to sit down and discuss the creation of multifunctional cards. The shift would benefit both users and issuers.
  Consumer credit through banks also is new to most Chinese.It was only at the end of last year that the People’s Bank of China started to promote housing loans for ordinary citizens.Then the credit was quicklyextended in variety and scale.This year all Chinese-funded commercial banks are allowed to make such loans.A growing number of people are taking out bank loans to pay for housing, the remodeling of their flats, new furniture, cars, durable goods like computers and musical instruments, schooling, medical services and even tourism.
  What has surprised me is the swiftness of the changein popular attitudes, from hesitation to go into debt to positive enthusiasm for borrowing money.I guess the time was ripe for change.A recent poll in major cities does show that about half the urban population would still not spend borrowed money on consumer items, but the new attitudes are gaining ground.My own qualms concern Chinese consumers who are unaware of the dangers awaiting the thoughtless consumer.I fear some people will have to learn the hard way how important it is to stick to a budget.
  Credit is undoubtedly a good thing when it enables a family to enjoy a higher quality of life and when consumers keep their spending under control.The easy availability of credit is a crucial element in the development of a market economy.But credit always involves risk, for both the lender and the borrower.Consumers need to calculate carefully how much they can afford to pay a bank or credit card company each month, and how their financial situationmay evolve and affect their repayment capacity.Every aspect of the credit system is young in China and much still needs to be done if the system is to work well. I am sure that the nation will soon have the full range of credit services characteristic of a thriving modern economy.省略)

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