發(fā)布時間:2019-08-30 來源: 歷史回眸 點擊:
中圖分類號 R927 文獻標志碼 A 文章編號 1001-0408(2018)12-1640-04
DOI 10.6039/j.issn.1001-0408.2018.12.13
摘 要 目的 建立竹節(jié)蓼藥材的高效液相色譜(HPLC)指紋圖譜,并進行聚類分析。方法:采用HPLC法。色譜柱為Ultimate C18,流動相為乙腈-0.1%磷酸溶液(梯度洗脫),流速為0.5 mL/min,檢測波長為360 nm,柱溫為28 ℃,進樣量為10 μL。以槲皮苷為參照,繪制13批藥材樣品的HPLC圖譜,采用《中藥色譜指紋圖譜相似度評價系統(tǒng)》(2012版)進行相似度評價,確定共有峰,并對其進行聚類分析。結果:13批藥材樣品的HPLC圖譜有12個共有峰,相似度均大于0.90;經驗證,13批藥材樣品的HPLC圖譜與對照指紋圖譜具有較好的一致性。13批藥材樣品可聚為兩大類,S4、S6、S10聚為一類,其余聚為一類。結論:該研究所建指紋圖譜和聚類分析結果可為竹節(jié)蓼藥材的質量評價及進一步開發(fā)利用提供參考。
關鍵詞 竹節(jié)蓼;高效液相色譜法;指紋圖譜;聚類分析
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE: To establish HPLC fingerprint of Homalocladium platycladum, and to carry on the cluster analysis. METHODS: HPLC method was adopted. The determination was performed on Ultimate C18 column with mobile phase consisted of acetonitrile-0.1% phosphoric acid (gradient elution) at the flow rate of 0.5 mL/min. The detection wavelength was set at 360 nm, and column temperature was 28 ℃. The sample size was 10 μL. Using quercetin as reference substance, HPLC chromatograms of 13 batches of samples were determined. The similarity evaluation was carried out by using Similarity Evaluation System for TCM Chromatographic Fingerprint (2012 edition) to determine common peak. Cluster analysis were also conducted. RESULTS: A total of 12 common peaks were established in HPLC fingerprints of 13 batches of samples. The similarity was higher than 0.90. After validation, HPLC chromatograms of 13 batches of sample were in good agreement with control fingerprint. 13 batches of medicinal materials were clustered into 2 categories; S4, S6 and S10 were clustered into one category, and the rest were a category. CONCLUSIONS: Established fingerprint and cluster analysis results can provide reference for quality evaluation of H. platycladum and its exploitation and utilization.
KEYWORDS Homalocladium platycladum; HPLC; Fingerprint; Cluster analysis
1 材料
1.1 儀器
1100型HPLC儀,包括G-1314A單波長檢測器、G-1311A高壓四元泵、G-1379A在線真空脫氣機、G-1316A智能化柱溫箱、G-1311A標準自動進樣器、1100 Series色譜工作站(美國Agilent公司);FA1104型上皿天平(上海精密科學儀器有限公司);KQ5200B型超聲波清洗器(昆山市超聲儀器有限公司);DHG-9070A型電熱鼓風干燥箱(上海一恒科學儀器有限公司);HH-S6型電熱恒溫水浴鍋(金壇市醫(yī)療儀器廠);TGT-16G型高速臺式離心機(上海安亭科學儀器廠)。
1.2 試劑