

發(fā)布時間:2020-09-08 來源: 工作總結(jié) 點擊:



 When I was in recovery from childbirth, I was no longer Gujia but Xu ziyan’s mother. 生完孩子會覺得憋屈,憋屈在一個叫媽媽的頭銜。

 After childbirth, I felt a little depressed because of a new title: mother. 三十歲之前看數(shù)量,三十歲之后看質(zhì)量 Before one’s thirty, quantity matters; after one’s thirty, quality matters. 不是所有的努力都會成功的,很多事都會事與愿違!我勸你也早點明自這個道理,不是有錢什么事都能辦得成的。

 "Not all efforts will succeed, many things will go against our wishes !"I really do hope that you truly understand this as soon as possible. Being wealthy does not necessarily mean being successful.


 "The more happy I am, the more scared I am, the more scared I will be." 住的空間越小,人的格局也越來越小,世界那么大,絕不只是眼前的這么一小塊光亮。

 "The smaller the living space, the smaller the pattern of people, the world is so big, not just such a small piece of light." 有的人討厭權(quán)力跟潛規(guī)則,但是當(dāng)自己成為受益人的時候,又禁不住誘惑。

 "Some people hate power and hidden rules, but when they become beneficiaries, they can"t resist temptation." “夫妻之間,八成都是平淡的日子,兩成是大起大落。這兩成要是走好了,就能抵消前面八成的不如意。” For a couple, 80% of a married life is made of daily routines and 20% ups and downs. But if you can get through all the ups and downs together, the

 unsatisfaction created from the routine life could be offset. 唯一不擔(dān)心后路的方式,就是把前路走的更長。

 If you"re not sure about plan B, make plan A as perfect as possible. (意譯)


 How comfortable your words are decides how far you can reach. 人長大有一個重要的標(biāo)志,習(xí)以為常把好聽的話都說予外人聽,那些傷人難聽的話或者沉默不語的,都留給了最親近的人。

 "People grow up with an important sign, used to say good words to outsiders, those hurtful words or silent, are left to the closest people." “與年齡一同增長的,還有選擇的艱難,和對一切不確定的恐懼。” With age comes the difficulty of making choices and the fear of uncertainty.

 “沒有了二十歲的灑脫肆意,沒有過四十歲的云淡風(fēng)輕,三十歲想要的是更好的生活。” Without the freedom and fearlessness of the twenties and the clarity of the forties, what the thirties want is nothing but a better life. “比起房租漲價,更讓人害怕的是不停不停地搬家,是你永遠(yuǎn)都沒法在這座城市扎下根來。” Compared to a rising rent, what scares you more is constant moving and you would never settle down in the city. “不管處在什么狀況下的女人,都應(yīng)該擁有夢想的權(quán)利的。” Regardless of their circumstances, women should have the right to dream. 比起情感的不安,物質(zhì)的困頓才時時刻刻勒著你的脖子。

 Compare to the romantic unease, material unease is what makes you feel strangled. 都說婚姻是避風(fēng)港,都想著避風(fēng),誰來當(dāng)港?

 It is believed that marriage is a harbor. But it seems that everyone wants to take shelter rather than serve as the harbor. 先把一個人的日子過明白,才知道自己需要怎樣的另一個人。雞零狗碎像一塊橡皮擦,磨掉生活和婚姻的所有光彩。


 You should get on with your own life, then you will get to know what kind of person you are going to share your life with. The bits and pieces of trifles are like an eraser which removes all the gloss from your life and marriage. 之前的三十年,我一直活在別人對我的期待里;以后,我想做點自己喜歡的事情。

 For the past 30 years, I have always lived a life others expected of me; In the future, I want to do something I like. 儀式感,是沒有放棄自己最好的證明。

 Caring about little ceremonies in life is the best proof that you have not given up on yourself.


 If you take something that doesn’t belong to you, you will pay it back in an unexpected way.

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