

發(fā)布時間:2017-01-18 來源: 感悟愛情 點(diǎn)擊:

愛情于金錢篇一:愛情與金錢 人物

愛情與金錢 人物清單

The Clarkson family 克拉克森家

Molly 莫利

Jackie 杰基

Roger 羅杰

Diane 黛安娜

Peter Hobbs 彼得·霍布斯

Uncle Albert 艾伯特

Annie 安妮

Tom Briggs 湯姆·布里格斯 Dr Pratt 普拉特醫(yī)生

Inspector Walsh 沃爾什探長

Sergeant Foster 福斯特警官


Dr Frederick Treves 弗雷德里克·特里維斯博士

Joseph Merrick 約瑟夫·麥里克

Simon Silcock 西爾庫克先生

Cars Gomm卡爾·戈蒙先生

Her Majesty, Queen Alexandra 陛下,亞歷山德拉王后,當(dāng)今英國女王。”


Bess Curle 貝斯·柯爾

Mary Queen of Scots 瑪麗蘇格蘭女王 James 詹姆斯

Francis 弗朗西斯 法國王John Knox諾克斯

King of Spain,Don Carlos 唐·卡洛斯 Robert Dudley,the Earl of Leicester 萊斯特伯爵羅伯特·達(dá)德利

Hey Darnley 亨利·達(dá)恩利

a young Italian, David Riccio.里奇奧

Moray 馬里伯爵

Ruthven 魯斯溫勛爵

Lord Bothwell博思韋爾


Jennet Device 詹妮特·迪瓦斯 Mr Webster韋伯斯特先生

Edmund Robinson 埃德蒙·魯濱遜 Alizon 艾麗森


John Law約翰·勞

Roger Nowell

Elizabeth Device Old Demdike


Love or Money1


Chapter 1

The Clarkson family lived in the country near 1 克拉克森家住在劍橋附近的鄉(xiāng)下,離最近的

Cambridge, abouthalf a milefrom thenearest 村莊約有半英里路,距離河有1英里左右。他們有

village and about a mile from the river. They had a 幢大而古老帶有美麗花園的房子,花園里有許多花

big, old house with abeautiful garden, a lot of 和許多古樹。

flowers and many old trees.

One Thursday morning in July, Jackie came in 7月的一個星期四早上,杰基從花園進(jìn)了屋。

from the garden. She was a tall, fat woman, thirty 她是個高大,肥胖,30來歲的女人。這是一年中最

years old. It was the hottest day of the year, but she 熱的日子,而她卻穿著暖色調(diào)的黃色襯衫和棕色裙

wore a warm brown skirt and yellow shirt. She went 子。她走進(jìn)廚房去喝水,這時電話響了。

into the kitchen to get a drink of water. Just then the

phone rang.

'Cambridge 1379,' Jackie said.

'Hello. This is Diane. I want to talk to Mother.'

'Mother isn't here,' Jackie said. 'She's at the


'Why? What's Wrong?' “劍橋1379號,”杰基說。 “你好!我是黛安娜。我想和媽媽說話! “媽媽不在家,”杰基說!八瘁t(yī)生去了! “怎么了?出了什么事?” “沒什么,”杰基說!澳愦螂娫捀陕铮窟@個

'Nothing's wrong,' Jackie said. 'Why are you 周末你回來嗎?媽媽希望每個人都在!

telephoning? You are going to come this weekend?

Mother wants everyone to be here.' “是啊,我想回來,”黛安娜說!拔艺驗

'Yes, I want to come,' Diane said. 'I'm phoning 沒錢買火車票,才打電話!

because I have no money for the train ticket.'

'Nomoney!Motherisalwaysgiving you


“電話費(fèi)很貴,”黛安娜冷冷說道。“請告訴 'This phone call is very expensive,' Diane said

媽媽,我需要錢。” coldly. 'Tell Mother please. I need the money.'

Jackieputthephonedown.She tooka

cigarette from her bag and began to smoke. She 杰基放下電話,她從包里拿了支煙抽起來。她

felt angrybecause her sisteralways askedfor 因她的妹妹總是要錢感到生氣。黛安娜20歲了,在

money. Diane was twenty years old, the youngest 家里最小。她住在倫敦,在一所大房子里有間屋子。 in the family. She lived in London, in one room of a 她想成為一個歌唱家,她唱得很棒,可是她卻從來

big house. She wanted to be a singer. She sang 不愿找工作。

very well but she could never get work.

Jackie went back into the kitchen and began to

make some sandwiches. Just then the back door

opened, and her mother came in. 杰基走回廚房動手做一些三明治。這時后門開

'It's very hot!' Molly said. She took off her hat 了,她的母親走了進(jìn)來。

and put it down on the table. She was a tall, dark

woman with beautiful eyes. “天太熱了!”莫利說道,她脫下帽子放在桌

Two big, black dogs came into the kitchen after 上。她是位高個子、皮膚淺黑,有雙美麗眼睛的女人

兩條大黑狗跟著她進(jìn)了廚房圍著她轉(zhuǎn),她坐下 her and ran across to her. She sat down and put

來把手放在它們的頭上。 her hands on their heads.

Jackieputthesandwicheson thetable.

'Mother,'shesaid, 'Dianephoned.Shewants

money for her train ticket.'

Molly closed her eyes for a minute. Then she

第 1頁/共 17頁 “沒錢!媽媽總是給你錢!” 杰基把三明治放在桌上!皨寢,”她說道, “黛安娜打來電話,她想要錢買火車票!

stood up. 'This afternoon I want youto get the

please go to the village later and get my tablets.'

'Yes, Mother,' Jackie said.

Molly went to the door.

'Mother, please waita minute,' Jackiesaid.

'Peter Hobbs came here this morning. He's very

angry with you about that letter. He lost his job, you 莫利閉上眼一會,然后站起來。“下午我希望 后請去村里給我買些藥片! house ready for the week


end,' she said. 'Oh, and 你收拾一下房子為周末做準(zhǔn)備,”她說。“哦,隨 “好的,媽媽,”杰基說。 莫利向門口走去。 “媽媽,請等一會!苯芑f!氨说谩せ舨

know. Why did you write to his office? He wants to斯今早來了,他對你的那封信很生氣。你知道,他

talk to you about it.'丟了工作。你為什么 寫信給他的辦公室?他想和你

'Well, I don't want to talk to him,' Molly said.談?wù)勥@事!

She opened the door.

'But Mother, you don't understand. He's

seventeen, and it was his first job. He's very, very

一份工作,他 非常非常生氣。他說??他說他會殺 angry. He says… he says he's going to kill you!'

Molly did not answer. She went out of the room 了你!”

and closed the door.

莫利沒 答話,她走出房間關(guān)上了門。

Chapter 2

It wasseven o'clockon Saturdayevening.

Jackie stood at the window. A car drove slowly up to

the front door and stopped. A tall man with white


'Here's Uncle Albert,' Jackie said. 'Always late.'

She went out of the room and opened the front

door. Albert came in and went at once to Molly.

'Oh, dear. I'm very late. I am sorry,' Albert said.

'Fifty years old today! What a wonderful dress!'

Molly did not smile. 'Thank you, Albert. We're

all getting older.' Tonight she wore a long black “哦,親愛的, 抱歉,我來得太 遲了,”艾伯 dress, and thetwo black dogs satat her feet.特說!敖裉焓悄50歲生日!多漂亮的裙子!”

莫利沒有 笑。“謝謝你,艾伯特。我們都老 'Everyone is here now. Let's go in to dinner,' she

了。”今晚她穿了一條長長的黑裙子,兩條黑狗 蹲 said.

在她腳邊!艾F(xiàn)在大家都到了,咱們吃飯吧!彼f Everyone stood up and went to the table.

'The table looks nice, Jackie. What wonderful

flowers!' Diane said. She was a beautiful girl, with

long black hair and dark blue eyes. She wore a long

red dress.

Molly's son, her second child. He lived in

Cambridge, in an expensive house.

'Someone called Peter stopped me down the

you, Molly.'

'That's Peter Hobbs, from the house across the “那是彼得·霍布斯,家住在馬路對面的房子

road,' Jackie said quickly. She looked across the 里!苯芑芸斓卣f。她看著餐桌對面的莫利!八

table at Molly. 'He lost his job last week and he's 上周丟了工作,他生每個人的氣!

angry with everyone.'

'It's Molly he doesn't like,' Albert said. “他不喜歡的是莫利,” 艾伯特說。

第 2 頁/共 17頁 “好啦,我不想和他談,”莫利說,她打開門 “可是媽媽,你不明 白。他17歲了,那是他第 2 星期六晚上7點(diǎn)。杰基站在窗前。一輛小車徐徐 他是艾伯特,莫利 姐姐的丈夫。 hair got out. It was Albert, the husband of Molly's駛到前門停下來。一個白頭發(fā)、高個子的男人下了車 “是艾伯特姨父,”杰基說!八偸沁t到。” 她走出房間打開 前門。艾伯特走進(jìn)來,立刻便 走向莫利。 大家都站起來走到桌 前。 “餐桌看起來不錯,杰基。多美的花!”黛 安娜說。她是個美麗的女孩,有一頭長長的黑頭 發(fā) 艾伯特坐在羅杰的旁邊。羅杰是莫利的 兒子, 她的第二個孩子。他住在劍橋一幢昂貴的房子里。 “有個叫彼特的人沿路阻擋我,”艾伯特說。 Albert satdown next to Roger.Roger was 和一雙深藍(lán)色的眼睛,她穿了一條 紅色的長裙。 road,' Albert said. 'Who is he? He's very angry with “他是誰?他很生你的氣,莫利!

Molly said nothing. Everyone began to eat.

'How is Aunt Annie?' Jackie asked.

'She's much worse now,' Albert said. 'She stays

hours a day.'

'I am sorry.' Molly said. 莫利一 言不發(fā)。大家開始吃東西。 “安妮姨媽好嗎?”杰基問。 “她現(xiàn)在更糟糕了,”艾伯特說!八袝r “我真難過”,莫利說。 艾伯特停下來看著莫利!澳 知道,這事非常 in bed all the time. She needs a nurse twenty-four 間都呆在床上。她一天 24小時都需要護(hù)士 。”

Albert stopped eating and looked at Molly. 'It's麻煩并且非常 花錢。莫利,安 妮因為你不去看她很 very difficult and very expensive, you know. Annie 不高興 。她非常愛你,你知道,你是她的小妹妹。” feels very unhappy becauseyou don't visit her,

莫利閉上了眼!拔 知道這些,艾伯特。我都 Molly. She loves you very much. You are her little

sister; you know.' 50歲了,可我總是她的‘ 小’ 妹妹。好吧,我們以

Molly closed her eyes for a minute. 'I know 后再談 這事!

艾伯特笑道!芭,是啊,我們以后再談 。that, Albert. I am fifty years old, but I am always her 莫利 “l(fā)ittle” sister. Well, we can talk about it later.' 和你總是以 后,總是明天。從來不是 今天!

杰基看著她的母親,她的母親生 艾伯特的氣。 Albert laughed. 'Oh yes, we can talk later. It's

always laterwithyou, Molly.Always tomorrow. 莫利從來 就 不喜歡談?wù)? 她姐姐,也 不喜歡去拜訪 她 Never today.'而她病 得很重 。

Jackie watched her mother. Her mother was

angry with Albert. Molly never liked talking about

her sister Annie and she did not like visiting her問。

because she was very ill. “謝謝,杰基。是的,新 裙子,非常貴。我周三

'That's a beautifuldress, Diane. Is it new?' 才買的!摈彀材日f。她沖 著杰基微笑 。

Jackie asked.

'Thank you, Jackie.Yes, it's new, and very

smiled at Jackie.

'All your thingsare expensive,' Jackie said. “我不喜歡便宜 的東西,”黛安娜說!拔也

She remembered the phone call on Thursday about久 會需要更多的錢,我想去美國 。羅杰,你能幫 我

嗎?” the train ticket.

'I don't like cheap things,' Diane said. 'And I'm “哦,不行 ,”羅杰說!皼]有人想幫 你,黛 going to need more money soon. I want to go to 安娜。我們都知道,你不喜歡工作, 但 是我們都希 America. Can you help me, Roger?' 望你找份工作!

黛安娜笑道!皼]關(guān)系,羅杰。我不需要你的幫 'Oh no,' Roger said. 'Nobody wantsto help “你所有的東西都昂貴,”杰基說。她記 起周 expensive. I got it on Wednesday,' Diane said. She 四關(guān)于 火車票的電話。 “這裙子真漂亮 ,黛安娜。是新 的嗎?”杰基

you, Diane. You don't like working, we all know that,助 ,媽媽總是會幫 我的,媽媽最愛我!彼 然笑 but we all want you to get a job.' 了一下,一個轉(zhuǎn)瞬即逝 美麗的微笑 ?伤难 神 卻

Diane laughed. 'It doesn't matter, Roger. I don't 是冷冷的。

need your help. Mother always helps me. Mother

beautiful smile. But her eyes were cold.

Jackie looked at her mother. Molly's face was

white. Jackie did not understand. Was her mother

happy today.

羅杰站起來動手給大家 加 了些酒 !斑@酒 不

Albert?' Jackieasked. 'Roger,canyou give 錯,”他說。

莫利第一 次笑 了!笆前。愀赣H愛喝這種酒。 everyone some more to drink?' 'Wouldyoulikesomemoremeat,Uncle

Roger got up and began to give more wine to 他經(jīng)常 喝!

everyone. 'This is good wine.' he said.

Molly smiled for the first time. 'Yes, your father

loved this wine. He often drank it.' “是啊”,艾伯特看著莫利說“ 也非常 貴。” “羅杰,這個周末你想見見布 里格斯 嗎?”杰 基急忙問 !八麆 來農(nóng)場 。他想見見

你! 杰基看著她的媽媽,莫利 臉 色蒼白 。杰基不明 媽今天快快樂樂。 “艾伯特姨父,你還要些肉 嗎?”杰基問。 loves mebest.' Shesuddenly smiled,a quick,白為什么。她的媽媽會怕黛安娜?杰基希望她的媽 afraid of Diane? Jackie wanted her mother to be “羅杰,你能 給每人再添 些飲料嗎?” 第 3 頁/共 17頁

'Yes,' Albert said, and looked at Molly.

'Expensive, too.' “布里格斯 ?布里格斯 ?”莫利說,她 突 然生 氣了。“不要和我談那個男人,我不喜歡他。他想要

'Would you like to meet Mr Briggs this 我把一半的花園當(dāng) 他的農(nóng)場 。他說,他需要更多的 weekend, Roger? Jackie asked quickly. 'He's the土地 。我不希望他來我家,他總是臟兮兮的,還 有

一口壞new man at the farm. He wants to meet you.' 牙! 'Briggs? Briggs?' Molly said, suddenly angry.

'Don't talk to me about that man. I don't like him. He

wants half my garden for his farm. He needs more

always dirty and he has bad teeth.'

杰基開始抽煙,她感到很生氣,但 她什么也 沒 Jackie stood up and got her bag. 'Excuse me, I

want a cigarette.' 說。她想讓 她媽媽今晚快樂 些,可看來這 非常難 。

羅杰喝了好些酒 。“好啦,媽媽,布里格斯先 'Cigarettes! Always a cigarette in your mouth,'

Molly said. 'I don't like it. Cigarettes aren't good for 生可能 是對的。你清楚 ,花園是太大了,”他說。 you.'

said nothing. She wanted her mother to be happy

this evening, but it was very difficult. “你要干許多的事,房子也 太大了。你都5 0歲了, Jackie began to smoke. She felt angry but she 你需要更多的照顧 ! “羅杰!你明白,我不需要護(hù)士 !我每天在花 杰基站起來拿她的包。“抱歉,我想抽枝煙! “煙!你的嘴 總是叼 著煙,”莫利說!拔 討 land, he says. I don't want him in my house. He's厭 煙,抽煙對你不好。”

Roger drank some more wine. 'Well, Mother, 園里干點(diǎn)活 ,我在那兒感到快樂 !蹦酒饋怼

perhaps Mr Briggs is right. The garden is very big, “我知道你們都想要我的錢。你們來這兒只 為一頓

you know,' he said. 'It's a lot of work for you. The免 費(fèi)的晚餐,不是想來看看我,你們不愛我。你們 house is big, too. You're fifty now. You need to be 想要我的房子,我的錢。好吧,你們都等著。在我死

之前 ,任何 人都別 想從我這兒得一點(diǎn)more careful.' 兒!” 'Roger! I don't need a nurse, you know! I work

in the garden every day; I feel happy there.' Molly

stood up. 'I know you all want my money. You come

You don't love me. You want my house, and my

money. Well, you can all wait. Nobody is getting

more money from me, not before I die!'

'Don't say that, Mother!' Jackie cried.

feel ill now. I'm going upstairs to bed.'

Molly left the room. Nobody moved. “別 說這些,媽媽!”杰基叫道。 莫利穿 過 房間走到門 前!艾F(xiàn)在我感到不舒服 。 here for a free dinner, you don't want to see me. 我要上樓睡覺了! 莫利離開了房間,大家都沒動。 “有一天我會 殺了這女人,”黛安娜平靜地說 羅杰看看黛安娜,但 什么也 沒說。艾伯特上下 搖晃 著腦袋 。“不舒服 !她生氣了,就 這好點(diǎn)?安妮不久就 要死 了,莫利 知道這些! 樣 ,”他 Molly walked across the room to the door. 'I 說。“莫利 談到錢總要生氣。為什么她不能對 她姐姐

杰基抽完 煙站起來!懊咳硕紒硇 咖啡嗎?到 'One day I'm going to kill that woman,' Diane

廚房去,咱們在那兒喝吧!” said quietly.

Roger looked at Diane but said nothing. Albert

moved his head slowly up and down.'Ill! She's

angry, that's all,' he said. 'Molly always gets angry

about money. Why can't she be good to her sister? 3 第二天清晨整 幢房子靜悄悄的。突

然從羅杰房 Annie's going to die soon. Molly knows that.' 間旁邊他母親的屋子里 傳出一聲尖叫 。羅杰睜 Jackie finishedher cigarette andstood up. 看了下鐘 ,還 不到7點(diǎn)。他下了床,悄悄 打開門。正 開眼 'Would everyone like some coffee? Come into the 在這時他母親房間的門 也 打開了,黛安娜走出來,

kitchen and let's drink it there.'

Chapter 3

Earlynextmorningthehousewas quiet.

Suddenly there was a cry from the room next to

and looked at the clock. It was nearly seven o'clock.

第 4 頁/共 17頁 她的臉非常蒼白 。 “羅杰!媽媽她,我端 了杯咖啡給她,發(fā)現(xiàn)她 Roger's, his mother's room. Roger opened his eyes死 了。她死 了??死 在她床上,”她哭 道。

羅杰急忙 走到他母親的門 前往里看,窗戶 是開 the sametimethe doorof hismother's room 著的,可房間里是 溫 暖的。莫利 躺 在床上,一只 手

opened and Diane came out. Her face was very 在她頭下。羅杰走到床前把手放在她的手 臂 上,尸 He got out of bed and opened the door quietly. At

white. 體已經(jīng)冷了。床邊的小桌上有杯 熱咖啡 和一個空杯 'Roger! It's Mother! I brought a cup of coffee for 子。

her and I found her dead. She's dead…dead in her

bed,' she cried.

Roger went quickly to the door of his mother's

room and looked in. The window was open but the

under her head. Roger went across to the bed and “我打電話去叫醫(yī)生,”黛安娜說。 “她死 了,”羅杰慢慢地 說。他的臉也變白了。 room was warm. Molly was on the bed, one hand “媽媽死 了!” 黛安娜穿過 房間走到門口!拔胰ゴ螂娫 叫醫(yī)

put his hand on her arm. It was cold. On the little 生,”她又 說。

“等會兒!”羅杰叫道!霸蹅兊孟 告訴家 table next to the bed was a hot cup of coffee and an

empty cup. 人。”

'I'm going to call the doctor,' Diane said.

was white. 'Mother is dead!'

Diane walked across the room to the door. 'I'm

going to phone the doctor,' she said again. “家里人!沒有人愛媽媽!”黛安娜走出去跑 羅杰跟著她慢慢走下樓 站在電話旁。 “普 拉特先 生,我是黛安娜·克拉克森。我的 'She's dead,' Roger said slowly. His face, too, 下樓 。

'Wait a minute!' Rogercalled. 'Let's tell the 媽媽——她死 了。你能盡快趕來嗎?”

family first.'黛安娜放下電話。“這不是真 的,羅杰!媽媽

'Family! Nobody loved Mother!' Diane went out死 了!爸爸 去年冬 天死 了,現(xiàn)在媽媽也死 了!摈 and ran downstairs. 安娜開始哭泣。

“別哭 了,黛安娜,”羅杰說!霸蹅兩蠘 去 Roger slowly went downstairs afterher and

stood by the telephone. 告訴艾伯特姨父和杰基!

“不!你去告訴他們!沒人愛媽媽,你們不必 'Dr Pratt, this is Diane Clarkson. It's my mother

內(nèi)疚 。看看你們!你們想要她的錢。不過如—she's dead. Can you come quickly?'

Diane put the phone down. 'It isn't true, Roger! 此!

羅杰突 然想揍 黛安娜!鞍察o點(diǎn) !”他說。Mother dead!Daddy died lastwinter, andnow 怎么了?你不愛媽媽,你也想要她的錢,別忘 了

“你 這點(diǎn)!”Mother.' Diane began to cry.

'Don't cry, Diane,' Roger said. 'Let's go upstairs

and tell Uncle Albert and Jackie.'

aren't sorry. Look at you!You want her money.

That's all.' “不行 ,”羅杰說!搬t(yī)生就 要來了,我想你

Roger suddenly wanted to hit Diane. 'Be quiet!'留 在這兒!

黛安娜沒說話。她走進(jìn)廚房。狗立即 站起來走到 he said. 'What about you? You didn't love Mother.

她旁邊!岸嗥恋墓!爸爸愛你們,媽媽也 愛You wanted her money, too. Don't forget that!'

你 'It's true,' Diane said. 'Oh, I can't stay in this 們,F(xiàn)在我會愛你們的!彼蜷_后門,帶著狗走了

house. I'm going out. I'm going to the river with the 出去。


'No,' Roger said. 'The doctor's coming and I

want you here.' 羅杰沒動,他仍 站在電話旁!安诲e,”他想。

Diane said nothing. She went into the kitchen “我的確 為錢高興 。我需要錢,現(xiàn)在我是富 有的了。

and at once the dogs got up and came to her. 事情現(xiàn)在對我來說更容易 。但 是媽媽??我為什么

'Beautiful dogs! Daddy loved you and Mother loved 不多愛她些呢 ?可現(xiàn)在她死 了!绷_杰慢慢地 上了 you. Now I'm going to love you.' She opened the樓 ,他想在普 拉特醫(yī)生來前穿好衣服 。

back door and went out with the dogs.

Roger didnot move.He stoodbythe

telephone. 'It's true,' he thought. 'I am happy about 普 拉特醫(yī)生是個矮胖沒有多少 頭發(fā)的男人, “不錯,”黛安娜說。“哦,我不能再呆在這 'No! You tell them! Nobody loved Mother. You兒了。我要出去。我要和狗去河邊!

第 5 頁/共 17頁


Money and Love金錢與愛情

When the Romantic Movement was still in its first fervor,在浪漫主義運(yùn)動仍很高漲之時,It was a common matter of debate whether people should marry for love or for money. 對于應(yīng)該為金錢還是為愛情而結(jié)婚是一個非常普遍的爭論話題.The young people concerned usually favored love, and their parents usually favored money. 一些年輕人通常傾向于為了愛情,而他們的父母通常傾向于為了金錢. In the novels of the period the dilemma was felicitously solved by the discovery, on the last page, 在這一時期的小說中,這種困境通常是這樣巧妙地解決的:在最后一頁中, that the apparently penniless heroine was really a great heiress.這個身無分文的女主人公原來是一大筆財產(chǎn)的繼承者.But in real life young men who hoped for this denouement were apt to be disappointed.但在現(xiàn)實生活中,那些希望有這樣結(jié)局的年輕男人們會很失望.Prudent parents, while admitting that their daughters should marry for love,那些非常謹(jǐn)慎的家長,一方面承認(rèn)他們的女兒們應(yīng)該為了愛情而結(jié)婚, took care that all the young men they met should be rich. This method was sometimes very successful.但是也照顧到一點(diǎn),那就是她們遇到的男人應(yīng)該是富有的.這種方法非常奏效.It was adopted, for example, by my maternal grandfather, who had a large number of romantic daughters,比如說,這種方法就被我的外公采納.他有很多天生浪漫的女兒, none of whom married badly.沒有一個人嫁得不好的.In these days of psychology the matter no longer looks so simple as it did eighty years ago. 在今天,這種心理狀態(tài)已不再像80年前看起來那么簡單了.We realize now that money may be the cause, or part of the cause, of quite genuine love;我們現(xiàn)在意識到,錢可能是真正愛情的全部原因或部分原因, of this there are notable examples in history. 歷史上就有非常著名的例子.Benjamin Disraeli, who became Lord Beaconsfield, was, in his youth, poor and struggling and passionately ambitious.成為比肯斯.菲爾德男爵的本杰明.迪斯雷利年輕時很窮,但很能奮斗也很有野心.He married a rich widow, much older than himself, and considered by the world to be rather silly.他娶了一個非常有錢的寡婦,比他自己大很多,被世人認(rèn)為是件愚蠢的事.Owing to her, he was able to make his career a success. 但是就因為她,他才能在事業(yè)上取得成功.A cynical world naturally assumed that he loved her money better than he loved her, but in this the world was mistaken;那些憤世嫉俗的世人自然就認(rèn)為比起愛那個女人,他還是更愛她的錢.但是在這一點(diǎn)上,世人都錯了. throughout the whole of their married life, he was deeply and genuinely devoted to her.在這一生的婚姻生活中,他都全心全意地愛著她. I do not suppose he would have loved her if she had been poor when he first knew her, 我不是說如果他第一次見到她時,即使她很窮他也會愛他, but the gratitude which he felt for the help,而是說他對這種幫助的感激, which he owed to her kindly interest in him easily, developed into a sincere affection.使他很容易發(fā)展成一種真誠的愛.A great deal of affection is based upon the fact許多愛都是建立在這樣一個基礎(chǔ)上的, that its object is a help in realizing the purposes of the person who feels it. 愛的目的是幫助想要實現(xiàn)夢想的人達(dá)到他的目的. Men in whom ambition is the leading passion are likely to love women who assist them in their career,那些把理想抱負(fù)放在首位的男人,很可能就會愛那些在事業(yè)上能給與自己幫助的女人.and it would be very shallow psychology to suppose that the love is not real這種心理狀態(tài)就很難說不是真正的愛情,because it has its instinctive root in self-interest.因為它的內(nèi)在的根源是人的個人興趣.An even more notable instance than Disraeli is Mohammed. 一個比迪斯雷利更著名的例子就是穆罕默德. As everyone knows, he was camel-driver to a rich widow whom he loved and ultimately married. 眾所周知,他是一個給非常有錢的寡婦趕駱駝的人,他愛上了她并最終娶了她. It was her capital that supported him throughout the early uemunerative years of the prophet business.在他早些年以預(yù)言為業(yè)但沒有收益的時候,是依靠她的資產(chǎn)生活的.Mohammed was not the man to give an exclusive devotion to any one woman, 穆罕默德不會把自己全部的愛都投入到一個女人的身上,but there is no doubt that, within the limit set by polygamy, he was genuinely fond of his wife and benefactress. 但毫無疑問地是,在一夫多妻的制度下,他還是真誠地愛他的妻子--這位女捐助人. I have taken examples where the man was poor and the woman rich,我舉的例子都是男的窮而女的富.but in a world dominated by men the opposite is the commoner case 但在這樣一個男人主宰的世界里,相反地情形才是更常見的.The psychology, however, is much the same. 然而,心理狀態(tài)大都是一樣的. If a very rich man asks a very poor girl to marry him, she is likely, especially if she has social ambitions,

如果一個非常有錢的男人讓一個很窮的女孩嫁給他,尤其是她有個人理想抱負(fù)的時候,to feel a kind of gratitude which will lead her to fall in love with him, provided he is not too repulsive;


at any rate, he will need a smaller degree of personal attractiveness than a poor man would need.


Wealth can often purchase not only the semblance of love but its reality.財富通常不僅能夠買來愛情的外表,還能買來愛情的真諦.

This is unjust and undesirable but nonetheless a fact.


相關(guān)熱詞搜索:金錢 愛情 愛情與金錢簡介 金錢謀殺愛情

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