

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-06-23 來源: 感悟愛情 點(diǎn)擊:

  [摘要]目的 調(diào)查東莞市虎門鎮(zhèn)居民對(duì)梅毒預(yù)防知識(shí)的知曉情況。方法 采用多階段整群抽樣的方法,于2017年3~10月入戶調(diào)查東莞市虎門鎮(zhèn)的城鎮(zhèn)居民(n=150)和流動(dòng)人口(n=150),調(diào)查內(nèi)容包括居民基本情況和對(duì)梅毒預(yù)防相關(guān)知識(shí)的知曉情況。結(jié)果 300例調(diào)查對(duì)象的梅毒預(yù)防知識(shí)問卷各問題答題正確率為35.3%~92.0%,正確率最低的條目為“梅毒會(huì)增加艾滋病的傳播”(35.3%),正確率最高的條目為“梅毒是一種性病”(92.0%)。城鎮(zhèn)居民梅毒預(yù)防知識(shí)知曉率58.00%(87/150),流動(dòng)人口梅毒預(yù)防知識(shí)知曉率49.33%(74/150),城鎮(zhèn)居民梅毒預(yù)防知識(shí)的知曉率與流動(dòng)人口比較,差異無統(tǒng)計(jì)學(xué)意義(χ2=2.266,P=0.132)。居民梅毒預(yù)防知識(shí)獲取途徑選擇頻次最多的前三位來源分別為:網(wǎng)絡(luò)(23.6%)、電視(22.1%)和宣傳活動(dòng)(14.4%),這些是居民獲取梅毒預(yù)防知識(shí)的主要來源,而醫(yī)生咨詢(5.6%)、學(xué)校講座(2.2%)等專業(yè)途徑所占比例較低。結(jié)論 東莞市虎門鎮(zhèn)城鎮(zhèn)居民及流動(dòng)人口對(duì)梅毒預(yù)防知識(shí)的知曉率均較低,應(yīng)當(dāng)采用多種途徑進(jìn)行大眾宣傳和干預(yù)工作,提高人群對(duì)梅毒預(yù)防知識(shí)的知曉率。
  [中圖分類號(hào)] R512.91 [文獻(xiàn)標(biāo)識(shí)碼] A [文章編號(hào)] 1674-4721(2018)2(b)-0157-03
  Investigation on the awareness of the knowledge of syphilis prevention among residents in Humen town of Dongguan city
  CHEN You-nian WU Shao-bin LI Guo-qiang
  Office of Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases,Disease Prevention and Control Center in Humen Town of Dongguan City,Guangdong Province,Dongguan 523900,China
  [Abstract]Objective To investigate the awareness of the knowledge of syphilis prevention among residents in Humen town of Dongguan city.Methods Multistage cluster sampling method was adopted to investigate the urban residents (n=150) and migrant workers (n=150) from March to October 2017.The survey included the basic situation of residents and the awareness of the knowledge of syphilis prevention.Results The accuracy of the questions in the questionnaire of 300 respondents was 35.3%-92.0%,the lowest accuracy item was “syphilis can increase the spread of HIV/AIDS” (35.3%),the highest accuracy item was “syphilis is a venereal disease” (92.0%).The awareness rate for syphilis prevention knowledge of urban residents was 58.00% (87/150),while the awareness rate for syphilis prevention knowledge of floating population was 49.33% (74/150).The awareness rate for syphilis prevention knowledge of urban residents was compared with the floating population,the difference was statistically significant (χ2=2.266,P=0.132).Residents syphilis prevention knowledge acquisition way to select the top three frequency source were respectively: network (23.6%),television (22.1%) and promotion (14.4%),these were the main source of residents to acquir the syphilis prevention knowledge,while the proportion of professional approaches such as doctor consultation (5.6%) and school lecture (2.2%) was low.Conclusion The awareness rates of the knowledge of syphilis prevention are relatively low in urban residents and migrant workers in Humen town of Dongguan city.Publicity and intervention in various ways should be used to raise the population awareness rate of syphilis prevention knowledge.

相關(guān)熱詞搜索:東莞市 梅毒 知曉 居民 預(yù)防

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