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ԣң塡ǣϣ On The Floor

l(f)r(sh)g:2020-03-27 (li)Դ: c(din)

Drama in the U.S. presidential election drags on andwill ultimately put China-U.S. relations to the test.

It is being dubbed as one of the most ef-fusive presidential primaries in a longtime and one that will surely go downin political chronicles. U.S. Democraticpresidential nominees Hillary RodhamClinton and Barack H. Obama have gonetoe-to-toe for four grueling months sincethe primaries began at the Iowa caucus onJanuary 3, with no quarter asked or given.The most recent results of the Pennsylvaniaprimary on April 23, however, again failedto provide the knock out punch for eithercamp and left both candidates with muchwork still to do.

P(gun)~Race ԣң塡ǣϣ thefatratDƬ thefatratٶȰٿ


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