

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2020-03-27 來(lái)源: 感悟愛(ài)情 點(diǎn)擊:

  The Chinese translation of Harry Potter"s latest adventure isalready available in China, long before the book"s official releasedate and despite stricter anti-piracy measures.
  About a month ago, Sun Shtmlinwas shocked when a friend hand-ed him a gift. It wasn"t the ges-ture, so much as the gift itself.There in all its glory was aChinese version of Harry Potter and theDeathly Hallows, the seventh and fial inthe series of the internationally acclaimedchildren"s books. What compoundedSon"s reaction is that he is the promotionexecutive at Beijing-based People"sLiterature Publishing Housing,the onlyauthorized Chinese-language pubfisher ofalI seven Harry Potter books on theChinese mainland. This meant Sun waswell aware the launch of the Chinese ver-sion of Deathly Hallows was only inOctober.

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