

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2020-03-10 來(lái)源: 感悟愛情 點(diǎn)擊:

     不久前,曲阜“三孔”迎來(lái)了一位遠(yuǎn)方的客人――法國(guó)前總統(tǒng)吉斯卡爾?德斯坦。   現(xiàn)年78歲的德斯坦先生曾于1974年至1981年擔(dān)任法國(guó)總統(tǒng),在此期間為促進(jìn)中法兩國(guó)關(guān)系和雙邊經(jīng)貿(mào)合作作出了貢獻(xiàn)。2003年2月他又出任歐盟制憲委員會(huì)主席,還擔(dān)任著法國(guó)企業(yè)家協(xié)會(huì)法中委員會(huì)主席,至今仍是活躍于國(guó)際政治舞臺(tái)的舉足輕重的政治家。近年來(lái),德斯坦先生每年都來(lái)中國(guó)訪問(wèn),此次他在赴上海參加“中法經(jīng)濟(jì)研討會(huì)”期間,表達(dá)了訪問(wèn)孔子與孟子故鄉(xiāng)的意愿。
  On April 2, 2004, Qufu, the hometown of Confucius, received a distinguished guest from far away Ñ the former French President Valery Giscard d’Estaing.
  Mr. d’Estaing, now 78, assumed the French presidency from 1974 to 1981. During that time, he made remarkable contributions to promoting friendships, as well as economic and trading cooperation, between China and France. In February 2004, he became president of the Convention on the Future of Europe as well as president of the France-China Committee of the French Enterprisers’ Association. So even now, he is still an important diplomatic activist in the international political arena.
  Recently, Mr. d’Estaing has been visiting China every year. This year, availing himself of the opportunity to the annual China-France Economic Seminar in Shanghai, he expressed his desire to visit the hometowns of Confucius and Mencius in Shandong Province.
  Mr. d’Estaing commented: “It’s been my long-term wish to come to show my sincere appreciation of Confucius in Qufu. This is something I have been mulling over for quite some time; but, not long ago, in the Musee Guimet in France, I visited the Confucian Culture Exhibition. The outstanding display of articles and pictures there deeply moved me. Then I made up my mind to visit the hometown of Confucius at once.”
  As a result, Mr. d’Estaing, heading a delegation of five people, including Mr. Jean-Pierre Lafon, the French ambassador to China, visited the Confucian Mansion, Confucian Temple, and Cemetery of the Confucian Family, which in Chinese are collectively called the “San Kong” or Three Confucian Treasures, which are listed and protected by UNESCO as World Cultural Heritage Sites.
  Wherever he went in exploring the San Kong, Mr. d’Estaing preferred to walk alone to experience for himself as an ordinary tourist the harmonious human and cultural atmosphere.
  At the Dacheng Hall (Hall of Great Achievements), the major edifice in the Confucian Temple complex, while carefully listening to the explanation by the tour guide, Mr. d’Estaing made his own deep research into the Chinese characters “Wan Shi Shi Biao” (Model Teacher for All Ages, an epithet for Confucius known to all Chinese) and “Si Wen Zai Ci” (Where Culture Lies), which are found horizontal inscribed on large horizontal boards, and tried to discern the true meaning of these characters.
  At the Kuiwen Tower, while appreciating the ancient painted pictures of the life of Confucius, Valery d’Estaing carefully listened to the tour guide telling stories about Confucius’ tour of the warring states. At the Apricot Altar, upon hearing that this is the site of the earliest known school in China, he nodded and asked to hear more about the history of the apricot tree found on the site. By the ancient well in the Confucian Mansion, he asked whether Confucius used to drink water from the well and then announced in Chinese: “I wish to visit the place where Confucius was born.”
  When touring the “Kong Lin” (literally, “Confucius’ Forest”) or Cemetery of the Confucian Family, Mr. d’Estaing asked the driver to stop the car several times so he could walk about on foot. While viewing hundreds of the ancient statues and steles found along the silent, shrouded paths of the Confucius Forest, he became so fascinated by the sense of history spanning more than 2500 years that he was reluctant to leave. He remarked with considerable emotion: “In this hallowed place, one should walk lightly and think silently.”
  Crossing the Zhushui Bridge, Mr. d’Estaing finally arrived at the tomb of Confucius himself. Though the area was crowded with many tourists, Mr. d’Estaing, stood in front of the tomb, meditating for a long time. After touring other sites in the cemetery, Mr. d’Estaing returned once again to the tomb of Confucius, politely asked the tourists around to slightly make a way, and closed his eyes to meditate once more. He later told us that “In this holy and clean place, noise is the greatest pollution.”
  After a simple lunch, according to the schedule, the delegation was supposed to move on to Zoucheng to visit the Temple of Mencius. However, Mr. d’Estaing proposed a modification of the schedule, because he wanted to visit the Kong Family Cemetery once more. By that time, most of the tourists had departed, so that Kong Lin was quieter and more peaceful than before. After getting out of the car, Mr. d’Estaing went directly to the tomb of Confucius and stood there once again for a long time. On the way back, he commented: “I saw the portrait of Confucius in Xi’an for the first time. It is said that it is the earliest portrait of Confucius which can be seen nowadays, so I still have a fresh memory of it in my mind. Recalling that portrait little by little in front of the historical tomb of Confucius makes me have a real sense of the man himself.”
  Mr. d’Estaing also said: “I have often read The Analects of Confucius in English. The preface is well written and can prepare the reader to fully understand the thought of Confucius. I also like to browse the Chinese version of The Analects. I have many of same feelings and thoughts as Confucius, who was faithful to and revered the Ancients. He respected the thoughts and achievements of the sages who had preceded him. I agree with him on this point very much. I cherish a feeling of profound reverence towards all those who made remarkable contributions to history.”
  He continued: “Confucius is a marvelous philosopher. His conception of great harmony is extremely valuable. Moreover, Confucius found much evidence to verify and exemplify his thought, displaying his extensive and ample knowledge of history, as well as his own times. I especially like to read these concrete examples, which are quite convincing.”
  During his visit in Qufu, Mr. d’Estaing always carried an English version The Analects with him. When talking about the two kinds of successful people Confucius referred to - those who succeed by venture and those who succeed by careful doing Ñ Mr. d’Estaing commented: “I appreciate those who succeed by careful doing.” Together with Ambassador Jean-Pierre Lafon, he finds the source of this theory in The Analects. In Book VII in The Analects, Confucius thus said: “The man who is ready to Ôbeard a tiger or rush a river’ without caring whether he lives or dies Ñ that sort of man I would not accept [as a disciple]. I would certainly take someone who approached difficulties with due caution and who preferred to succeed by strategy.”
  Mr. d’Estaing remarked: “It is a great pity that in France there few people really involved in the studies of Confucius and Confucianism. Confucian culture is the core and key of Chinese culture, and the current economic development of China is now attracting worldwide attention. Chinese culture in general should get more attention in academic circles around the world.”

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