

發(fā)布時間:2020-03-10 來源: 感悟愛情 點擊:

  Approaching the nature reserve of the Yellow River Delta, where the Yellow River meets the sea, you can see swarming wild ducks fly to the sky from the tussock and water surface and quack one after another, which is truly a marvelous scene. This area provides inhabitancy to more than 100,000 wild ducks.
  The national-level nature reserve on the Yellow River Delta was established in 1992. Covering an area of 150,000 hectares, it is a wetlands type nature reserve established to protect the unique ecological system found here as well as the rare and endangered birds which make their homes here. Within the nature reserve, there are abundant wild animal resources and more than 393 kinds of herbaceous and ligneous plants. Wild soybean, a kind of endangered plant under grade two national-level protection, is extensively distributed throughout the reserve, while the natural reed marshes cover an area of more than 10,000 hectares.
  The Chinese tamarisk forest found here also covers an area of several thousand hectares. At present, the natural Chinese tamarisk forest belt along the coast is the largest natural vegetation area found on a beach in eastern China. This not only adds a marvelous spectacle to the nature reserve, but also provides abundant primitive materials for study of the protophyta. A preliminary investigation reveals that aquatic animal resources within the nature reserve have amounted to more than 641 kinds, among which amphioxus and spotted seal are under grade two national protection.
  In addition, the nature reserve provides inhabitancy for many kinds of precious and endangered birds. Among the 283 kinds of verified birds spotted here, five are under grade one national-level protection and 41 are under grade two protection. Black-beak sea gulls, a kind of endangered bird that is seldom seen in other countries, can be frequently seen in this nature reserve.
  The administration department has divided the nature reserve into three parts: core area, buffer area, and experimental area, each with differentiated management policies, which are strictly implemented. The core area is an area under absolute protection, where any construction or trespassing is forbidden in hopes of maintaining the natural status quo and the evolution driven by nature. Non-destructive scientific research, collection of specimens, and teaching sessions are allowed in the buffer area, but tourism is not. Planned scientific research, teaching visits, and tourism are allowed in the experimental area with a view towards making future comparisons with the core area.
  In order to restore the deteriorating ecological environment in the nature reserve, the “Restoration Project for Ecological Wetlands” was initiated last year with an investment of 6.84 million yuan and has been chosen by the National Forestry Bureau as a key project. Through diverting water from the Yellow River and constructing a dam along the seashore, this project will increase the fresh water reserves within the nature reserve. Meanwhile, efforts will be made to strengthen the self-regulation ability and balancing function of the nature reserve to improve the living environment of the birds.
  Last year, abundant water from the Yellow River enabled the restoration project for 4,238 hectares of wetlands flow smoothly. To meet demands brought about by the increase of bird specimens and numbers, the administration bureau has established “dinning halls” and “hospitals” for the birds. Two food replenishing areas, covering an area of 1000 hectares, have been established so that aquatic animals, such as shellfishes, can be cultivated to provide food for the birds.
  In the area of the Yellow River Estuary Administration Station and at the Lawenliu Administration Station of Kenli County, two food replenishing stations, each covering an area of 200 hectares, have been constructed so that wheat and cereal can be planted to provide food for the birds. And in order to save wounded migratory birds, a “first aid” station for birds has been established so that they can be properly cared for by highly trained professionals.

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