

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2019-08-29 來(lái)源: 感悟愛(ài)情 點(diǎn)擊:

  中圖分類(lèi)號(hào):R284.2 文獻(xiàn)標(biāo)識(shí)碼:A 文章編號(hào):0439-8114(2016)08-2039-06
  Abstract: The ordinary powder and ultrafine powder of herba cistanches, wormwood leaves and herba houttuyniae was obtained by ordinary grinder and ultrafine grinding mill at room temperature, respectively. The microscopic morphology of the medicinal powder was observed by scanning electron microscopy, and the extraction rate of main functional components was determined by spectrophotometric or high performance liquid chromatography. For the three herbs, the particle size of ultrafine powder was obviously smaller and more uniform than of ordinary powder. For ultrafine powder of herba cistanche, the dissolution rate of verbascoside and echinacoside was significantly higher than ordinary powder, while the total flavonoid content was very significantly lower. For ultrafine powder of wormwood leaves, the dissolution rate of total flavonoids was significantly higher than ordinary powder, while the volatile oil content was significantly lower. For herba houttuyniae ultrafine powder, the dissolution content of total flavonoids, quercetin and hyperoside was significantly higher; while of houttuyfonate was not significantly changed. Due to the characteristics of different herbs, the dissolution rate of main functional components in ultrafine powder and ordinary powder was not the same, thus the grinding method in drug manufacturing practice should be chose depending on the target ingredients and properties of the herb.
  Key words: herba cistanches; wormwood leaves; herba houttuyniae; ultrafine grinding ; functional component
  肉蓯蓉又名金筍、地精、蓯蓉、大蕓,為列當(dāng)科(Orobanchaceae)肉蓯蓉屬(Cistanche Hoffmg. et Link)植物肉蓯蓉(C.deserticola Y.C.Ma)或管花肉蓯蓉[C. tubulosa(Schenk)Wight]的干燥帶鱗葉的肉質(zhì)莖,主產(chǎn)于內(nèi)蒙古、甘肅、新疆、青海。ㄗ灾螀^(qū))等地[1]。近年來(lái),肉蓯蓉以其獨(dú)特的醫(yī)療、保健功效在治療疾病、保障健康中發(fā)揮著重要的作用。傳統(tǒng)醫(yī)學(xué)認(rèn)為肉蓯蓉具有補(bǔ)腎陽(yáng)、益精血、潤(rùn)腸通便的作用,現(xiàn)代藥理研究證明肉蓯蓉及其有效成分具有抗疲勞、抗衰老、抗腫瘤、增強(qiáng)機(jī)體免疫力等藥理作用,因而備受人們的關(guān)注,成為醫(yī)藥領(lǐng)域研究的熱點(diǎn)之一[2]。艾葉是菊科(Compositae)蒿屬(Artemisia L.)植物艾草(A. argyi H. Lév. & Vaniot)的干燥葉,中醫(yī)在長(zhǎng)期的實(shí)踐中認(rèn)為艾葉性味苦、溫、辛,有逐寒濕、溫經(jīng)、理氣血、止血、安胎等功效,在臨床上主要用于各類(lèi)殺蟲(chóng)止癢、出血癥、內(nèi)科、婦科等疾。话~作為治病的藥物有二千年以上的歷史,特別是近年來(lái)對(duì)艾葉的研究逐漸深入,其應(yīng)用范圍也日益拓展。魚(yú)腥草是三白草科(Saururaceae)蕺菜屬(Houttuynia Thunb.)植物蕺菜(H. cordata Thunb.)的全草,是衛(wèi)生部確認(rèn)的“藥食兩用”資源之一,它在食品、藥品等方面都具有較大的開(kāi)發(fā)潛力;作為食品,它富含多種維生素、礦物質(zhì)、蛋白質(zhì)等營(yíng)養(yǎng)成分,具有良好的食用價(jià)值;作為藥品,又具有抗氧化、抑制細(xì)菌、抗病毒、抗炎癥、抗腫瘤和提高免疫力等生理功效[3]。

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