

發(fā)布時間:2019-08-25 來源: 感悟愛情 點擊:

  摘要:為了研究離子色譜法測定煙葉中游離氨基酸含量,以游離氨基酸測定總量為指標,考察了萃取所用的溶劑、溫度、時間以及料液比等因素對游離氨基酸測定量的影響。結果表明,煙草中游離氨基酸的最優(yōu)檢測條件為:萃取溶劑為0.1 mol/L鹽酸、萃取時間為30 min、萃取溫度為30 ℃、煙葉與鹽酸的比例為1∶40(w/v)。測定方法的氨基酸檢出限為2.76~22.36 ng/mL,定量限為9.57~102.13 ng/mL,試驗的RSD為1.26%~4.96%,氨基酸的加標回收率為83.51%~106.78%,說明該優(yōu)化方法可行,利用確定的最佳條件測定了國內(nèi)主產(chǎn)區(qū)的10種烤煙型煙葉。
  中圖分類號:O656.3        文獻標識碼:A        文章編號:0439-8114(2015)23-6023-03
  Determination of Free Amino Acids in Tobacco by Ion Chromatography Method
  LI Hui1,YUE Xian-ling1,LI Hao2,HOU Peng-juan2,ZHANG Jun-song2
 。1.Technology Center of Heilongjiang Tobacco Industry Co.,Ltd., Harbin 150001, China;
  2.College of Food and Bioengineering Zhengzhou University of Light Industry, Zhengzhou 450002, China)
  Abstract: In order to study the effect of ion chromatography method for the determination of free amino acids in tobacco, the optimization of the experimental conditions were studied, the value of free amino acids used as a response value. The experimental results showed that the best experimental conditions were as follows: the extract solvent was 0.1 mol/L hydrochloric acid; the temperature of experiment was 30 ℃; the extract time was 30 min; the solid to liquid ratio was 1∶40(w/v). The detection limit of the method was 2.76~22.36 ng/mL,limit of quantitation was 9.57~102.13 ng/mL, the method has high recovery(83.51%~106.78%)and good repeatability (RSD<5%), these results demonstrate that this method is feasible. The contents of free amino acids in 10 flue-cured tobaccos were determined.
  Key words:tobacco;free amino acids;ion chromatography;determination
  1  材料與方法
  1.1  材料與儀器
  試驗所用煙葉均為黑龍江煙草工業(yè)有限責任公司技術中心提供;17種氨基酸標樣(>99%,百靈威公司);無水醋酸鈉(>99.9%, Dionex公司);氫氧化鈉和氨水(AR,中國醫(yī)藥集團上;瘜W試劑公司);37%鹽酸(ACROS公司);SPE SCX 4 mL/200 mg強陽離子交換固相萃取小柱;0.45 μm水相濾膜(津騰)。
  1.2  試驗方法

相關熱詞搜索:煙葉 色譜 氨基酸 游離 離子

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