

發(fā)布時間:2019-08-22 來源: 感悟愛情 點擊:

  [摘 要]為研究片煙在不同氮氣濃度貯存環(huán)境中常規(guī)化學成分與感官質(zhì)量變化的關(guān)系,將興義煙葉儲運站煙葉倉庫內(nèi)已經(jīng)醇化三年的2010年陳煙和處于初始醇化狀態(tài)的2013年新煙置于同一倉儲條件下,分別在不同氮氣濃度環(huán)境中貯存養(yǎng)護,期間在不同時間點對煙葉常規(guī)化學成分和感官質(zhì)量進行檢測和評價,結(jié)果表明:(1)總糖、還原糖、總植物堿和PH值均表現(xiàn)為下降趨勢,下降幅度表現(xiàn)為自然醇化>充氮85%>充氮90%>充氮95%;(2)總氮、氯和鉀變化趨勢不明顯;(3)初始醇化新煙內(nèi)在感官質(zhì)量評吸得分表現(xiàn)為:自然醇化>充氮85%>充氮90%>充氮95%;醇化到位陳煙表現(xiàn)出相反的規(guī)律;(4)PH值與內(nèi)在感官質(zhì)量的變化存在顯著的相關(guān)性。因此,氮氣貯存能夠有效抑制片煙醇化,減緩醇化到位煙葉質(zhì)量衰減的速度,氮氣濃度越高抑制效果越明顯,同時,還能通過對PH值的檢測,輔助判斷煙葉醇化質(zhì)量。
  中圖分類號:S211 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1009-914X(2018)02-0293-02
  [Abstract]in order to study the relationship between the changes of conventional chemical components and sensory quality in different storage conditions of nitrogen concentration in tobacco leaves, The 2010 Xingyi tobacco tobacco warehouse storage station has three years of aging Chen smoke and in the initial state of the 2013 new tobacco alcoholization in the same storage condition, Storage and maintenance in different nitrogen concentration environment respectively, The routine chemical composition and sensory quality of tobacco leaves were detected and evaluated at different time points, The results showed that: (1) the total sugar, reducing sugar, total alkaloid and pH were decreased, the decreased as aging nitrogen > 85% > 90% > 95% nitrogen nitrogen; (2) the total nitrogen, chlorine and potassium showed no obvious trend;(3) the initial aging smoking quality scores within the new performance: 85% > > Natural alcoholize nitrogen nitrogen nitrogen 90% > 95%; aging in place stale tobacco smoke showed the opposite pattern; (4) nitrogen storage environment, the relation between main chemical components and sensory quality of the inner, especially the change of pH value and intrinsic sensory quality exist significant correlation. Therefore, nitrogen storage can effectively inhibit tobacco aging, slow aging in place of tobacco quality decay rate, nitrogen concentration the higher the inhibitory effect is more obvious. At the same time, but also through the detection of the pH value, the auxiliary judgment of tobacco leaf aging quality.
  [Key words]nitrogen; smoke; chemical composition; sensory quality

相關(guān)熱詞搜索:下片 氮氣 貯存 感官 濃度

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