

發(fā)布時間:2018-11-07 來源: 感悟愛情 點擊:



If you"re one that was born between the dates of August 23- September 22 then you"re considered a Virgo. Virgos, just like the other zodiac signs, have many different traits. 如果你出生在8月23日到9月22日之間,那你就是處女座的。處女座和其它星座一樣,都有許都不同的特點。

1. It is very hard to read a virgo, they are illusive with emotions and are secretive. 想讀懂一個處女座想什么很難,他們總愛隱藏真實情感,行事詭秘。

2. Virgos


are never completely satisfied with themselves. They always want to be better, go higher and have more for their life. 處女座的人從來不會對自己滿意。他們在生活中總想做到更好,站得更高,擁有更多。

3. Virgos are compassionate yet critical, generous yet skeptical and practical yet complex. 處女座的人同情憫人卻又吹毛求疵,慷慨大方卻又生性多疑,簡單務實卻又復雜難解。

4. Virgos are quick to pick out mistakes, even if they don"t mention it. 處女座的人很快就能找到錯誤,即使他們有時不會說出來。

5. A Virgo"s silence is always judged as being stuck up or arrogance. 處女座的人沉默時總會被認作是傲慢自大的表現(xiàn)。

6. If a virgo doesnt like you, they are more prone to have feelings of indifference than hate toward you. 如果有個處女座的人不喜歡你,他們更傾向于忽視你而非憎惡你。

7. Virgos are not trusting with sharing much of who they are with everyone; they"re a mystery to a lot of people. 處女座的人并不信任所有人,也不會和他們過多透露真實的自己;對于很多人來說,處女座的人就是一個謎。

8. Virgos are only affected by the people who matter to them. If you hate them, they probably don"t care. 處女座的人只在乎對他們重要的人。他們可能不會在意他人對處女座的厭惡情緒。

9. Virgos are perfectionists and whatever they do, they need to do it thoroughly and get it exactly right or they feel dissatisfied. 處女座的人都是完美主義者,不管做什么都要做完做好,否則就會感覺不滿意。

10. A virgo always has something smart to say, even if they don"t say it. 處女座的人總能“妙口生花”,不鳴則已一鳴驚人。

11. Virgos take pride in being useful, but when unappreciated, they feel used. 處女座的人會為自己有用武之地而感到驕傲,但若是沒得到他人感激,則會有種被利用的感覺。

12. A virgo will not stay where they are not needed. 處女座的人不會待在不需要他們的地方。

13. Virgos emotions can run the warmest warm and the coldest cold; even for the same person. 處女座的人情緒多變,就算同一個人也會時而燦如陽光,時而冷若

相關熱詞搜索:英語星座資訊:處女座的20個特質 處女座的地二個星座 處女座的下一個星座

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