
[2018年六級作文萬能句型:圖表型] 英語圖表作文常用句型

發(fā)布時間:2018-09-24 來源: 感恩親情 點擊:


一. 上升增長
  1.…add up to… 增加了
  . The total amount of … added up to 14 billion pounds(14%) in 1994.
  2. to jump to / to soar to…… 一躍達到/ 猛增到…
  . The total working days lost soared to 10 million in 1979. 3.…an increase of about…percent as compared with…… 與…相比大約增加了…
  eg. In August as many as 39 car accidents were reported, indicating an increase of about 79% as compared with the number of January. 4.…to experience an increase/incline …有了增長 eg. Tobacco consumption is experiencing an incline.
  二. 下降,減少
  1.…to sink/drop/reduce to… 減少到…
  eg. The rate of strikes sank/dropped to the lowest point in 1979. 2.…to experience a decrease/decline …有了減少
  eg. Tobacco consumption is experiencing a decrease. 注意: 修飾上升/減少的副詞有:
  rapidly slowly dramatically respectively 表達上升/減少的最后狀態(tài)的詞有:
  the highest peak the lowest point 10 million 10%
  三. 起伏
  1.…to go up and down …起伏不定
  eg. The strike rate went up and down during the period from 1952 to 1967.
  2.There be ups and downs …有起有伏
  eg. Between 1972 and 1979, there were several ups and downs in (某方面).
  四. 穩(wěn)定
  1.…to remain steady/level/unchanged …保持穩(wěn)定,幾乎不變
  eg. The rate of …remained steady (fairly level/almost unchanged) during the four years from 1963 to 1967. 2.…to level off (vi.)
  eg. After a steady decline for a whole decade, the …rate shows signs of leveling off. 注意:
  almost fairly 可以用于表達起伏,穩(wěn)定狀態(tài)的句子中的詞組或句型: the general situation was not worsening
  show indications of improvement it can be predicted that…
  eg. The rate of …remained steady during the four years from 1963 to 1967,and it can be predicted that the general situation was not worsening.
  eg. The rate of …remained steady during the four years from 1963 to 1967,showing signs of improvement in …
  五. 成正比,反比
  1.…be in direct /inverse ratio to/with 與…成正比/反比
  eg. Male illustrations are in direct ratio to /with the advancement of grades, while female illustrations are in inverse ratio.
  六. 占百分之幾,幾分之幾
  1….to form/comprise/make up/constitute ….percent …占百分之… eg. Women comprise more than 50% of the U.S. population.
  eg. Females make up only 24% of the illustrations whereas males constitute 76%.
  2.…to form/comprise/constitute a half/third/fourth of……占…的1/2,1/3,1/4
  eg. Female illustrions form less than a fourth of the total. 3.…account for…percent 占百分之幾
  eg. ……, accounting for approximately 20 percent of…
  七. 倍數(shù)
  1.A be …times as much/many as B
  eg. The annual rainfall of Hunan is 5 times as much as that of Sichuan.
  2.A doubles/is half/triples B A是B的兩倍,一半,三倍
  eg. The annual rainfall of Jidda doubles that of Janta, but is only half the amount of rain Kuwait receives each year.

相關(guān)熱詞搜索:2018年六級作文萬能句型:圖表型 英語六級作文萬能句型 四六級作文句型

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