【New,Hope,For,Peace】 New Hope
發(fā)布時間:2020-03-27 來源: 感恩親情 點(diǎn)擊:
The Palestinian Legislative Councilapproved the agrecment reached bythe Palestinlans" two major politicalfactions, Hamas and Fatah, on form-ing a national unlW govemment onMarch 17. The unity government came as acompromise among various political forcesinside and outside of Palestine, in whichSaudi Arabia played a pivotal role. Theannouncement not only is symbolically con-ducive to ending the turmoil in the territorybut also has injected new impetus into thesmiled Middle East peace process.
相關(guān)熱詞搜索:Hope Peace New Hope For Peace newhope郵箱 newhope外匯