
A。拢椋纾纾澹颉。校铮欤椋簦椋悖幔臁。牵幔恚猓欤:Political status

發(fā)布時間:2020-03-27 來源: 感恩親情 點擊:

  The United States has taken a numberof steps against Iran recently, arrest-ing and detaining five Iranian con-sular staffers in Erbil, north Iraq,freezing all the assets of BankSepah within the United States and sendinga second aircraft carrier to the Gulf region.

相關(guān)熱詞搜索:Bigger Political Gamble A。拢椋纾纾澹颉。校铮欤椋簦椋悖幔臁。牵幔恚猓欤 apolitical politicala

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