

發(fā)布時間:2020-03-11 來源: 感恩親情 點擊:

  Many countries east and west are faced with the same problem ? the grey generation. The percentage of the population that is past their sell-by date is increasing all the time while those involved in productive employment are shrinking faster than the Arctic ice-cap. Every society that meets this situation has to deal with the situation of what to do with all these elderly folk and even more pressing where to get the money to pay for such provision. The United Kingdom is no exception, so it might be interesting to consider that country’s experience and the way that it attempts to deal with this global conundrum.
  Since the welfare state was developed at the end of WWII all the workers in the UK have contributed to a scheme of compulsory National Insurance. This is based on a deduction of a regular contribution deducted from your pay or salary by their employers at the same time as Income Tax is collected on behalf of the government. Even if you pay no tax you must still pay National Insurance. Self-employed people have to make the payment in the same way as they pay taxes. If people are unemployed, their contributions are credited to them. The National Insurance funds are designed to provide funding for the National Health Service (still basically free) and Unemployment Benefits as well as for the pensions paid to the elderly. At the age of 65 for a man and 60 for a woman, all who are covered by the National Insurance provision will qualify for a pension.
  In theory, the contributions collected from the workers should provide sufficient funds for a basic living pension for the old people of the country. In practice, as the ratio of pensioners to workers becomes increasingly unbalanced and the costs of the Health Service soar almost out of control, there is never really enough money to make proper provision. The standard pension now is barely sufficient to live on if there is no other income. In cases of hardship people can apply for pension credits of various kinds which are designed to meet day-to-day living costs. However, the government is eager to encourage all those in employment to make some private provision which is usually done through a pension scheme organised by their employers or by private insurance.
  Workers in state-run employment such as teachers or civil servants have no option but to contribute a percentage of their salary every month to the national schemes organised by the government itself and will be paid a pension based on a proportion of their final salary at the time of retirement. Employers with a large work-force will have their own pension schemes wit their own levels of contribution and final pensions ? some very generous and some less so. However, no matter how much your final pension, you will still qualify for a State Pension. There, of course, a catch. Your pensions, including your State Pension, for which you have contributed all your working life are subject to income tax ? the more your pension, the more tax you pay.
  There are other lesser financial benefits from being old. At 60 you qualify for free travel on buses and cheap travel on the railway system. There a few health benefits ? free prescription medicines and free eye-tests, for example. Many places have reduced or even free admission charges for pensioners. Even so, anyone living on the basic pension alone find it quite hard to make ends meet.
  One major problem for old people everywhere is accommodation. Providing the elderly are still physically well and active, they tend to stay in their own homes as long as they possibly can. With the mobility that exists in employment in the UK, fewer sons and daughters now stay within easy reach of their parents so that regular visiting becomes less convenient. As the parents become older and frailer, this raises a series of problems. Different families work out various solutions. If the family can afford it, they sometimes equip a room or even a small apartment ? the “granny flat” ? in their own home for their aged parent. Sometimes, the old people move into “sheltered housing” where they stay in their own house or apartment in a group of similar places and there are wardens employed to check on their welfare several times every day and to perform minor services for them. This provision is usually subsidized by the local government or by a charity organisation. It is a very popular solution with many families though it is seldom a cheap option and the number of such units is far fewer than the demand for them. Another solution is some kind of nursing home or retirement home where the old people live in a large house where they have their own room and can be cared for by trained staff in accordance with their physical condition. Especially as they grow older and their health deteriorates, the majority of people probably end their life living in some kind of “home”. The kind of life that the old enjoy there, and perhaps the standard of care they enjoy, depends on the nature of the establishment and that, unfortunately, often depends on the ability to pay. There are no maximum charges for nursing home care and paying for this can use up the old people’s savings and the income from the sale of their own property very rapidly. The government will pay for the cost of basic care in a low-cost home, but only after all the elderly individual’s own financial resources have been exhausted. This is a situation which causes a lot of distress and many a family quarrel.
  For many old people in the UK, as elsewhere, their dream is to live in their own home, visited frequently by their children, and to pass away peacefully sleeping in their own bed having saved a little bit of money to pass on to their family. Fortunately, for many this dream can still come true. For some, and maybe these days a majority, the sunset years have become troubled by too many clouds of near-poverty, poor health, and a fairly meaningless existence in an institution surrounded by strangers while all their hard-earned savings go to make some enterprise even richer.

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