

發(fā)布時間:2020-03-11 來源: 感恩親情 點擊:

  In my country, Scotland, tourism is a major industry and a very important source of income. Sometimes, however, people wonder if it is completely a good thing.
  The mountains in the west of Scotland are some of the most beautiful in the whole world. People from all over the world come there to climb these beautiful hills and enjoy the dramatic scenery by walking along the narrow tracks. But the weather is very wet and the soil is fragile. When many people walk along the mountain paths the soil crumbles and then slides down from the mountainside. New tracks have then to be cut out for a new batch of visitors. What is really happening is that the mountains which have lasted for many centuries are now gradually being worn away by the feet of the very people who come to enjoy them.
  Many people like to visit the Highlands of Scotland because they are quiet and peaceful ? unlike the cities from which they come. But when there are many busloads of tourists in a quiet place it is no longer a quiet place. Ironically the tourists destroy the very thing they have come to find.
  This is unfortunately often the case all over the world. A place becomes popular for some special reason and the tour companies respond to consumer demand. In the beautiful Italian city of Florence art lovers from all over the world queue patiently for two hours or more to gain admission to the famous Uffizi Gallery where many of the greatest works of the Italian Renaissance are on display. They will discover that once they are inside they will only be permitted to gaze in wonder for a few precious seconds at each famous painting. Why so? It is because the moisture in the breath of the art lovers is gradually affecting the paintings themselves.
  These two simple examples have a message for us all when we are considering the tourism industry. Tourism is a real engine of economic growth: in a small country like Scotland it is estimated to provide 3% of growth and direct employment for over 200,000 people. We cannot turn our back on it or refuse to share our heritage with others. What is required is to study best practice wherever it is found and to apply it appropriately.
  In China an excellent example of efficient tourism management is to be found in Hunan Province at Zhangjiajie. Here thousands of visitors are able to enjoy a world heritage natural experience in a most efficient and orderly way. It is a lesson for the rest of the world in how to cater for the visitors while preserving and protecting the wonderful environment they have come to appreciate.
  A second lesson that the tourism industry needs to learn is that tourists are customers and that they can be very fickle customers. Money is always as scarce commodity and as tourism becomes more sophisticated there is more and more choice available. In China, holidays are fairly infrequent and people are increasingly unwilling to be use them to visit a famous spot just because it is famous. All over the world there are tourist resorts that are now almost completely deserted and in disrepair because they failed to meet the needs of the market. If the customers are dissatisfied they won’t come back and neither will their friends. Tourism, like any other industry, if it is to be successful requires market research and careful planning.
  One of the important legacies of the Olympic Games for Beijing was their increased awareness of the standards expected by foreign visitors. It is important that these lessons are not forgotten and that any organization in China that is seriously anticipating a successful foray into the international tourism market should study these findings seriously. Many countries in the world which seek to attract tourist income from abroad fail to pay attention to basic things. There is perhaps nothing more basic than adequate provision of public toilet facilities. The public toilets in London, for example, are often a disgrace to any civilized country. An excellent example of the standard that should be aimed for can be found in Li Jiang in Yunnan. Here in the Old City all the public toilets are attractively built to blend with the ancient buildings. They are well sign-posted, beautifully maintained, staffed by people who are proud of their job, immaculately clean, devoid of any unpleasant odors --- and free.
  Really, the most crucial thing to understand is that tourists come to visit one place rather than another, go to one restaurant rather than another or stay in one hotel rather than another is because they want to. If we want them to come we must be willing to welcome them and we must make their visit so pleasant that they will want to return and that they will tell all their friends to come as well. On the other hand, it is only fair to expect our tourists to behave in such a way that we will be delighted with their visit and only too happy to welcome them back.
  One important factor in this is the attitude towards the customers who are expected to provide the prosperity.
  In Gaelic, the ancient language of Scotland, there is no special word for “tourist”, only a word for “guest”. But now many local people see the tourists not as “guests” but only as a source of money. This is not a good relationship and is harmful to both the “strangers” and the local people. Let us hope that the tourism industry in China can bring prosperity and development without the appearance of such negative effects and that millions of tourists from home and abroad will have the opportunity to appreciate the marvelous beauty of this wonderful land.

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