
有創(chuàng)意的科技公司名字 以科技推動農(nóng)民增收

發(fā)布時間:2020-03-10 來源: 感恩親情 點擊:

  農(nóng)村富余勞動力的對外轉(zhuǎn)移也是農(nóng)民增收的一條重要途徑。 據(jù)統(tǒng)計,2003年山東全省實現(xiàn)農(nóng)村勞動力轉(zhuǎn)移達到129萬人,農(nóng)民人均非農(nóng)收入1752元,非農(nóng)收入比重達到55.6%,非農(nóng)產(chǎn)業(yè)的報酬收入已成為農(nóng)民增收的重要來源。
  Xing Yuhong, at the age of 21, is a peasant engaged in greenhouse gardening in Xingjia Village, Zhaokuiyuan Township, Shanghe County, Shandong Province. While most of her contemporaries have left their hometown to seek jobs, Xing has made a fortune by tilling her own land. Nowadays, Xing and her family members plant seedless watermelon in six greenhouses, producing an income of around 50,000 yuan every year.
  Xing started to plant seedless watermelon in 2000. In order to support her, the township government specially paid money to invite an expert on watermelon plantation from Changle, which is honored as the “Watermelon Home Town” in Shandong Province, to instruct her in the proper agricultural techniques. In the very first full year of production, each of the six watermelon greenhouses resulted in more than 7000 RMB in net profits for Xing.
  Low peasant incomes have hindered the economic development of the countryside throughout China for many years, and this has caused a series of social problems. However, in the past two years, in order to help peasants increase their incomes, government departments at all levels in Shandong Province have been making every effort to help them. Besides introducing investment projects, inviting technicians, and collecting information for the peasants, the governments have also offered many opportunities for them to make a fortune. Consequently, during this period, the peasants’ incomes have increased with greater rapidity than ever before. In 2003, throughout Shandong Province, the average net incomes per capita hit 3145 yuan, an increase of 6.5% over the previous year, which was the highest rate over the past five years.
  Nowadays, there are many governmental policies favoring peasants. However, to make them richer still, much more should be done in terms of agricultural development. Wang Zhiliang is director of the Popularization Station of Agricultural Technologies of Qingdao City. Under his leadership over the past several years, this station has promulgated a series of improved agricultural products, such as black wheat, corn for special use, and certain strain of sweet potato. He thinks that under current conditions, in order to increase total grain output and peasants’ incomes, the government should do three things: (1) strengthen the protections for cultivated land, thus creating a solid foundation for development; (2) apply scientific technologies to agriculture to promote the per unit area yield; and (3) promote the intensive processing of grain, so that its “value added” component can be enhanced.
  To further increase income, the “enterprise plus peasant household” model, which has heretofore been successfully carried out in some areas, is now being promulgated far and near. In accordance with this effective model, an enterprise sets its production volume in accordance with market demands, then adjusts its plantation volume in accordingly, and finally signs a plantation contract with peasant workers.
  In this way, the enterprise has a fixed plantation base and the peasants’ grain has an oriented market, which benefits both the enterprise and the peasants. In recent years, the grain products of the Popularization Station of Agricultural Technologies of Qingdao City have been sold according to the rubric of “united packaging, united quality standards, united brand” model, which has so far turned out good profits. Facts have confirmed that peasants following this model can increase their average household income from 3000 to 5000 yuan per year..
  Relocating surplus labor force from the countryside to other regions is also an important way to increase peasants’ incomes. Statistics reveal that in 2003 more than one million people of rural labor force throughout Shandong Province were transferred. As a result, more than 60% of the increased incomes of the peasants was created in this way, an important revenue resource for the peasants. Meanwhile, with the rapid development of secondary and tertiary industries in the countryside, the resources to increase the peasants’ incomes have also been expanded.
  In the anticipated goals concerning economic and social development in 2004, Shandong Province has declared that the net incomes of the peasants per capita will increase by 5% over the previous year. Centering on this goal, Shandong will continue to make every effort to adjust its agricultural and rural economic structures, develop quality agricultural products that can be exported, and popularize regional layout, professional cultivation, and standardized production. While continuing to accelerate the county-level agricultural economy, more importance will be attached to town-run enterprises and the secondary and tertiary industries in the rural villages. In this way, it is anticipated that the agricultural industrialization and construction of the township cities will be combined. Actual work will be done to lighten the burdens on peasants. Save for tobacco, all taxes on special agricultural products will be cancelled. Grain markets will be opened directly to peasant farmers to encourage their enthusiasm for grain plantation.

相關(guān)熱詞搜索:農(nóng)民增收 推動 科技 以科技推動農(nóng)民增收 科技+推動++農(nóng)民增收 促進農(nóng)民增收

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