
【令人厭惡的“自由”】 令人厭惡的英文

發(fā)布時間:2020-02-17 來源: 感恩親情 點擊:

  To illustrate how violent and lawless the American West was during the nineteenth century, the famous British playwright and wit Oscar Wilde wrote about how, when he was traveling in America , he entered a saloon with the sign?lease don? shoot the piano play-er?e is trying his best.?It is possible to learn much about society from its signs, and I was reminded of this Oscar Wilde story when I was walking around the China World Tower, an expen-sive symbol of modernized China, and saw a sign above the skating rink that said, ?lease do not throw things into the rink.? When I read the sign, my first reaction was to laugh, but then I began thinking: In North Ame-rica there would be no need for the sign, because Americans and Canadians would not even think of throwing things into a rink where children skate in clumsy circles. Then I recalled watching a film at an expensive movie theater for the first and last time in Beijing. I noticed many unpleasant things, things I could not get used to, accustomed as I am to the norms of North American theatres.
  While watching the movie, people would receive calls on their mobile phones and converse loudly, apparently quite annoyed that the film was distracting them form their phone calls. In America these people would be shushed by their neighbors, and if one of them kept on blabbing, someboby would go over and snatch away the phone, or get the manager to put the fool out of the theater. But that evening in Beijing phone calls proved to be a mild annoy-ance compared with my neighbors chatting away during the entire film.
  Perhaps the people who watch movies here are a different breed, akin to the frogs who croak away under the stars. One thing I have discovered is that ?ducated?peo-ple are no better than the rest. I once went to see a play, at the beginning of which Meng Jinghui and his actors came out on stage. Suddenly Meng received a call on his mobile and said,?orry, I can? talk now?? directing a play.?The actors then tossed him to the ground and started kicking him. At the end of this dramatic prelude, an actor walked to the front of the stage and said to the audience, ?lease shut off your mobile phones.?Having assumed that the 200 people in Meng Jinghui? audience were of the educated class, I was surprised that the actors had to go to such lengths to state their case. I was even more surprised when after this exhortation some in the audience still received calls during the performance!
  Chinese today enjoy much greater personal freedom than ever before. But what these examples illustrate for me is that many of them are using these new liberties badly. People are enjoying themselves while ignoring social opinion and neglecting their responsibilities to society?n effect, pursuing their own goals without giving a damn about their fellow human beings.
  In the West few people would dare commit any of these actions, and Chinese who venture abroad have discovered that things they did so casually and thoughtlessly before bring angry glances from passers-by.
  In other words, Chinese in the West observe that there are many voluntary constraints on personal freedom there in order to maintain social harmony. The few people so rash as to talk in a theater are silenced, and virtually no one would think of tossing garbage in sports facilities or th-rowing thing at other people for kicks. In Canada and the US, glances are enough to police most reckless and irresponsible anti-social behavior.
  Of course, I am a foreigner, so what business do I have in criticizing the social norms in China? I merely believe that for people to live together they must respect one another. And if in China people can live together without respecting one another, then so be it. Certainly, if thecitizens of modern China can enjoy all these personal freedoms without harming the social fabric, the sense of community and the mutual concern thatmake life worthwhile, then they are luckier than North Americans. But there are times, I must say, when I think I hear the fabric ripping.

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