

發(fā)布時間:2019-08-30 來源: 感恩親情 點擊:

  摘要:目的 研究甘肅8個主產(chǎn)縣紅芪藥材的傅里葉變換紅外光譜(FT-IR)指紋特征,為不同產(chǎn)地紅芪的鑒別應(yīng)用提供依據(jù)。方法 采用FT-IR技術(shù),采集甘肅省8個紅芪主產(chǎn)縣110批紅芪樣品在4000~400 cm-1范圍內(nèi)的指紋圖譜數(shù)據(jù),對指紋圖譜的共有模式進(jìn)行光譜解析,對8個主產(chǎn)縣紅芪的FT-IR指紋圖譜進(jìn)行相似度分析,比較不同主產(chǎn)縣紅芪的FT-IR指紋特征。結(jié)果 8個主產(chǎn)縣紅芪FT-IR指紋圖譜的平均相似度大小排序為宕昌>禮縣>西和>武都>漳縣>岷縣>隴西>渭源,隴西、渭源紅芪與其他產(chǎn)地的樣品差異較大;隴南地區(qū)(宕昌、禮縣、西和、武都)紅芪的FT-IR指紋圖譜較為相似,平均相似度較大,而定西地區(qū)(漳縣、岷縣、隴西、渭源)紅芪的FT-IR指紋圖譜較為相似,平均相似度較;每個主產(chǎn)縣紅芪的FT-IR指紋圖譜均具有顯著、唯一的FT-IR指紋特征。結(jié)論 根據(jù)FT-IR指紋特征能夠?qū)崿F(xiàn)甘肅8個主產(chǎn)縣紅芪藥材的鑒別應(yīng)用。
  中圖分類號:R284.1 文獻(xiàn)標(biāo)識碼:A 文章編號:1005-5304(2018)11-0062-06
  Abstract: Objective To study the FT-IR fingerprint characteristics of Hedysari Radix from 8 producing counties in Gansu Province; To provide references for identification and application of Hedysari Radix in different producing counties. Methods FT-IR fingerprints of 110 batches of Hedysari Radix from 8 producing counties in Gansu Province were collected in the wave number range of 4000–400 cm-1. The common pattern of the fingerprints were analyzed, and the similarity analysis were used to analyze the FT-IR fingerprints of Hedysari Radix from 8 producing counties. The FT-IR fingerprint characteristics of Hedysari Radix from 8 producing counties in Gansu Province were compared. Results The rank of average similarity of FT-IR fingerprints of Hedysari Radix from 8 producing counties was Tanchang County > Li County > Xihe County > Wudu District > Zhang County > Min County > Longxi County > Weiyuan County, and Hedysari Radix from Longxi County and Weiyuan County were very different from other producing counties. The FT-IR fingerprints of Hedysari Radix from Longnan City (Tanchang County, Li County, Xihe County and Wudu District) were similar, and the average similarity was relatively high; while that from Dingxi City (Zhang County, Min County, Longxi County and Weiyuan County) were similar, and the average similarity was relatively low. Hedysari Radix from every producing county had a significant and unique FT-IR fingerprint characteristic. Conclusion The identification and application of Hedysari Radix from 8 producing counties in Gansu Province can be realized according to FT-IR fingerprint characteristics.
  Keywords: Hedysari Radix; FT-IR; fingerprint; similarity analysis; fingerprint identification
  紅芪是豆科巖黃芪屬植物多序巖黃芪Hedysarum polybotrys Hand.-Mazz的干燥根,最早記載于《神農(nóng)本草經(jīng)》黃芪項下,被列為上品,入藥已有2000多年歷史[1]。紅芪有補(bǔ)氣固表、利尿、托毒排膿、斂瘡生肌等功效[2],在免疫調(diào)節(jié)、抗腫瘤、抗突變及抗損傷等方面作用突出[3]。

相關(guān)熱詞搜索:主產(chǎn) 甘肅 光譜 指紋 鑒別

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