

發(fā)布時間:2019-08-30 來源: 感恩親情 點擊:

  [摘要]目的 建立壯藥材藤苦參中強心苷的含量測定方法,研究不同產(chǎn)地、采收季節(jié)對藥材含量的影響。方法 利用甲型強心苷α,β-不飽和內(nèi)酯環(huán)的顯色反應(yīng),采用紫外分光光度法建立藤苦參中強心苷含量測定的方法,并進行方法學(xué)考察,測定不同產(chǎn)地、采收季節(jié)的藤苦參藥材中強心苷含量。結(jié)果 按紫外分光光度法,以地高辛為對照品,堿性苦味酸溶液為顯色劑,415 nm的波長下檢測,在0~0.08 mg/ml范圍內(nèi)對照品含量與吸光度呈良好的線性關(guān)系;回歸方程為y=14.968x+0.008(r=0.9969);精密度RSD=0.1%;平均加樣回收率為95.51%,RSD為2.16%(n=6)。測定6批藤苦參中強心苷平均含量,為2.07 mg/g。測定廣西四個不同產(chǎn)地及不同采收季節(jié)藤苦參強心苷含量,結(jié)果產(chǎn)于欽州八塞溝、并于10~12月采收的藤苦參中強心苷含量最高。結(jié)論 所建立的藤苦參強心苷的含量測定方法,穩(wěn)定性和重復(fù)性高,回收試驗良好,可作為藤苦參藥材的質(zhì)量控制方法使用。不同產(chǎn)地及不同采收季節(jié)對藤苦參強心苷含量有顯著影響。
  [中圖分類號] R927.2 [文獻標識碼] A [文章編號] 1674-4721(2018)4(c)-0014-04
  Determination of the content of cardiac glycoside in Zhuang herb Streptocaulon griffithii and its influencing factors of different producing areas and harvesting seasons
  LUO Yu-dong1,2,3 TAN An-qiang1▲ LU Shi-heng1 WU Yu-qiang1,3 ZHANG Qiang1
  1.Pharmaceutical Factory,Guangxi University of Chinese Medicine,Nanning 530023,China;2.Key Laboratory of Zhuang Medical Formulae and Applied Research of Colleges and Universities in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region,Nanning 530001,China;3.Key Laboratory of Common Technology Research and Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine Preparation of Colleges and Universities in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region,Nanning 530001,China
  [Abstract]Objective To establish a method for the determination of cardiac glycoside in Zhuang herb Streptocaulon griffithii,and to study the influence of different producing areas and harvesting seasons on the content of medicinal herb.Methods The colorimetric reaction of α,β-unsaturated lactone ring of type A cardiac glycosides was used to establish the method for the determination of the content of cardiac glycoside in Streptocaulon griffithii by ultraviolet spectrophotometry (UV spectrophotometry).The methodology was also verified.The content of cardiac glycoside in Zhuang herb Streptocaulon griffithii from different producing areas and harvesting seasons was determined.Results By UV spectrophotometry,Digoxin was used as reference substance,and alkaline picric acid solution was used as chromogenic agent.The good linear relation of the content of reference substance and absorbance was displayed in the range of 0-0.08 mg/ml in 415 nm wavelength.The regression equation y=14.968x+0.008 (r=0.9969).The precision of RSD was 0.1% and average recovery was 95.51% (n=6;RSD=2.16%).The average content of cardiac glycosides from 6 batches of Streptocaulon griffithii was 2.07 mg/g.The cardiac glycosides of Streptocaulon griffithii from four different producing areas and seasons in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region were determined.The highest content of cardiac glycoside of Streptocaulon griffithii was from Basaigou,Qinzhou City and was collected from October to December yearly.Conclusion The established method for the determination of cardiac glycosides of Streptocaulon griffithii has high stability and repeatability in good recovery,and can be used as quality control for Streptocaulon griffithii.Different producing areas and harvesting seasons have significant impact on the content of cardiac glycosides of Streptocaulon griffithii.

相關(guān)熱詞搜索:含量 強心 苦參 采收 測定

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