

發(fā)布時間:2019-08-29 來源: 感恩親情 點擊:

  中圖分類號:S794.3文獻標(biāo)識碼:A文章編號:1004-3020(2016)05-0009-03Effect of Different Canopy Degree on the Growth of Five kinds
  of Herbs Interplanted in Vernicia fordii ForestDu Yangwen(1,2,3,4)Zeng Xiangfu(1,2,3,4)Deng Xianzhen(1,2,3,4)Li Shuanglong(5)
  (1.Hubei Academy of ForestryWuhan430075; 2.Hubei Provincial Engineering Technology Research Center of Woody
  OilBearing ForestWuhan430075;3.Hubei Collaborative Innovation Center for Exploiting Characteristic Resources
  in Dabie MountainsHuanggang438000;4.Hubei Key Laboratory of NonTimber Forest Germplasm Improvement and Resources
  Comprehensive UtilizationWuhan430075;5.Enshi Autonomous Prefecture Forestry Research InstituteEnshi445000)
  Abstract: Polygonatum sibiricum,Platycodon sp., Ophiopogonis sp., Lyeoris radiate and Polygonatum odoratum were interplanted in the Vernicia fordii forest with different canopy degree. The growth amount of the fresh weight of the overground part and the growth rate of the fresh weight of the underground part of different herbs were surveyed. The results showed that P. odoratum and P. sibiricum which were shadetolerant were suitable for being interplanted in the V. fordii forest with the canopy degree of 0.7 ,L. radiate and Ophiopogonis sp. which were middle shadetolerant were suitable for bgeing interplanted in the V. fordii forest with the canopy degree from 0.5 to 0.7,P. sp. which were lightdemanding was suitable for being interrelated in V. fordii forest with the canopy degree from 0.3 to 0.5.
  Key words:Vernicia fordii;canopy degree;interplanted;herbs
  油桐Vernicia fordii是中國特有的木本油料樹種,主要分布在長江流域及其以南地區(qū),以四川、湖南、湖北和貴州較為集中。油桐是世界上最優(yōu)質(zhì)的干性油,是重要的工業(yè)用油,是我國重要的油料出口物質(zhì)之一\[4\]。我國桐油品質(zhì)優(yōu)良,出口產(chǎn)量和質(zhì)量均居世界第一[5]。
  試驗地位于湖北省恩施州來鳳縣百福司鎮(zhèn)(東經(jīng)109°09′~109°27′,北緯29°04′~29°07′),位于湖北省恩施州西邊陲,地處鄂、湘、渝三省(市)交界之地,全鎮(zhèn)平均海拔389 m,最高海拔1 127 m,最低海拔33990 m。土壤主要為紅壤、黃壤和沙壤。亞熱帶大陸性季風(fēng)濕潤型山地氣候,年日照時數(shù)1 260 h,無霜期269 d ,年平均降雨量1 494 mm,年平均氣溫168 ~185 ℃ ,年極端最低氣溫-7~15 ℃,極端最高溫389 ℃,≥10 ℃積溫為5 310~3 310 ℃,無霜期293~207 d,相對濕度81%。

相關(guān)熱詞搜索:林下 郁閉度 油桐 藥材 生長

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