

發(fā)布時間:2019-08-29 來源: 感恩親情 點擊:

  [摘要] 通過走訪和實地調(diào)查,收集烏拉爾甘草在全國的采樣信息。以烏拉爾甘草藥材生產(chǎn)區(qū)46個采樣點為分析基點,分析烏拉爾甘草中甘草苷、甘草酸、總黃酮含量,綜合氣候、地形等相關(guān)生態(tài)因子,利用GIS技術(shù)和最大信息熵模型分析其適宜性分布。應(yīng)用SPSS構(gòu)建烏拉爾甘草有效成分與環(huán)境因子之間的關(guān)系模型,采用ArcGIS 軟件空間計算方法進行烏拉爾甘草品質(zhì)區(qū)劃。研究結(jié)果顯示影響烏拉爾甘草適宜性分布的主要生態(tài)因子為7月平均氣溫,土壤亞類,12月降水量,植被類型和溫度季節(jié)性變化的標準差等5個生態(tài)因子,這與甘草喜光照充足、降雨量少、夏季酷熱、晝夜溫差大,適宜于分布在北溫帶的平原、山區(qū)的生活習(xí)性基本一致。此外,以甘草苷、甘草酸、總黃酮成分為指標的烏拉爾甘草品質(zhì)區(qū)劃結(jié)果還提供了其品質(zhì)適宜分布區(qū),為開展烏拉爾甘草合理引種栽培提供了科學(xué)依據(jù)。
  [關(guān)鍵詞] 烏拉爾甘草; 生產(chǎn)區(qū)劃; 最大信息熵模型; 生態(tài)因子; 生態(tài)適宜性;ArcGIS
  [Abstract] The distribution information of Glycyrrhiza uralensis was collected by interview investigation and field survey, and 46 related environmental factors were collected, some kinds of functional chemical constituents of G.uralensis were analyzed. Integrated climate, topography and other related ecological factors, the habitat suitability study was conducted based on Arc geographic information system(ArcGIS),and maximum entropy model. The AUC of ROC curve was both above 0.95, indicating that the predictive results with the maximum model were highly precise. The results showed that 5 major ecological factors have obvious influence on ecology suitability distributions of G. uralensis, including July average temperature, soil sub category, Dec precipitation, vegetation types and standard deviation of seasonal variation in temperature, et al. It is suitable for the living habits of the G. uralensis, adequate light, low rainfall, summer heat and large temperature difference between day and night, which is suitable for distribution in the northern temperate plains and mountains. In addition, the ecological suitability regionalization based on the chemical constituents of G.uralensis also provides a new suitable distribution area other than the traditional distribution area, which provides a scientific basis for the reasonable introduction of G.uralensis.
  [Key words] Glycyrrhiza uralensis; production regionalization; maximum entropy model(MaxEnt model); ecological factors; ecology suitability; ArcGIS
  甘草是一味重要的大宗藥材,別名國老、靈通等,為豆科植物甘草Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch.(也稱烏拉爾甘草)、脹果甘草G. inflata Bat. 或光果甘草G. glabra L. 的干燥根及根莖[1]。春秋二季采挖,除去須根,曬干。其性味甘平,歸心、肺、脾、胃經(jīng),具有補脾益氣、清熱解毒、祛痰止咳、緩急止痛、調(diào)和諸藥的功效[2];主要用于脾胃虛弱、倦怠乏力、心悸氣短、咳嗽痰多、脘腹和四肢攣急疼痛、癰腫瘡毒、緩解藥物毒性和烈性[3],F(xiàn)代研究表明,甘草主要活性成分是三萜皂苷和黃酮類化合物,具有抗?jié)儭⒖寡、解痙、抗氧化、抗病毒、抗癌、抗抑郁、保肝、祛痰和增強記憶力等多種藥理活性[4]。

相關(guān)熱詞搜索:甘草 區(qū)劃 藥材 生產(chǎn) 研究

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