發(fā)布時間:2019-08-25 來源: 感恩親情 點擊:
摘要[目的]明確烘烤期煙葉霉爛病的癥狀、病因、侵染源和防治措施。[方法]通過病原形態(tài)學觀察、生物學特性觀察和ITS-PCR檢測分析,對烘烤期煙葉霉爛病的病原進行鑒定,并用二氧化氯和三氯異氰脲酸對煙柄噴霧或熏蒸裝煙后的烤房,研究其對烘烤期煙葉霉爛病的防治效果。[結果]烘烤期煙葉霉爛病的病原鑒定為米根霉(Rhizopus oryzae)。利用PSA平板采集烤房內外及煙葉表面的微生物,米根霉廣泛存在于烤房內外的環(huán)境中,能在烤房內存活和積累成為重要侵染源。用二氧化氯和三氯異氰脲酸對煙柄噴霧或熏蒸裝煙后的烤房,結果顯示熏蒸法對烘烤期煙葉霉爛病的防治效果在62.62%~69.57%。[結論]為煙葉霉爛病的有效防治提供了理論依據。
Control and Infection Source of Tobacco Leaf Mildew Rot during Fluecuring Period
WANG Yongdong1, GU Gang2, XIAO Shun1, ZHANG Shaosheng1* et al
。1.College of Plant Protection, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou, Fujian 350002;2.Fujian Institute of Tobacco Agricultural Sciences, Fuzhou, Fujian 350003)
Abstract[Objective] The aim was to explore the symptoms, causes, infection source and control ways of tobacco leaf mildew rot disease. [Method] The pathogen of tobacco leaf mildew rot disease was identified by the ITSPCR sequence analysis combined the morphological characters and biologic characters. The disinfectants chlorine dioxide and trichloroisocyanuric acid were used to control the disease by spraying to tobacco stalks and fumigation in curing barns. [Result] The pathogen was identified as Rhizopus oryzae. The microbial flora in the curing surroundings and tobacco leaf were isolated and analyzed by PSA plate culture, the results showed Rhizopus oryzae was widespread in the curing barns and their surroundings, the fungi could accumulate in the curing barns and were the important infection sources. The disinfectants chlorine dioxide and trichloroisocyanuric acid were used to control the disease by spraying to tobacco stalks and fumigation in curing barns, the disinfectants fumigation could effectively control the disease, and the control effect were up to 62.62%-69.57%. [Conclusion] The results provide theoretical basis for the control of tobacco leaf mildew rot disease.
Key wordsTobacco leaf mildew rot disease;Chlorine dioxide;Trichloroisocyanuric acid;Control
煙葉烘烤過程中常常發(fā)生烤壞煙?緣臒煹姆N類多樣,常見類型有烤青煙、蒸片煙、黑糟煙、掛灰煙、洇筋洇片煙、烤紅煙;烤壞煙的主要原因與煙葉的成熟度、含水量以及烤房烘烤期間溫度和濕度失調等物理因素有關[1-2]。由微生物引起的煙葉霉爛主要發(fā)生于倉儲期,病原菌主要是曲霉(Aspergillus spp.)、青霉(Penicillium spp.)、根霉(Rhizopus spp.)、毛霉(Mucor spp.),發(fā)病條件是環(huán)境濕度和煙葉含水量過高[3-5]。2010年云南省報道在大多數紅花大金元種植煙區(qū),煙葉烘烤過程中葉柄發(fā)霉造成很大損失[6]。近幾年在福建省紅花大金元烤煙生產區(qū)的煙葉在烘烤變黃階段發(fā)生霉變爛葉現象,不少烤房損失嚴重。曾婷英等[7]對福建省烘烤期煙葉霉爛的病原菌進行鑒定,首次確認烘烤期煙葉霉爛是由米根霉(Rhizopus oryzae Went et Geerligs)引起的侵染性病害,將該病害命名為煙葉霉爛病。據調查烘烤期煙葉霉爛病在其他煙區(qū)也常發(fā)生,為了有效防治病害,筆者對煙葉霉爛病的侵染來源和發(fā)病條件進行了調查,并結合實際生產開展了病害防治技術研究。