

發(fā)布時間:2019-08-25 來源: 感恩親情 點(diǎn)擊:

  摘 要:對廣西省代表性煙區(qū)的氣象因子、土壤理化性狀與煙葉內(nèi)在化學(xué)成分的關(guān)聯(lián)度以及這3個方面在烤煙品質(zhì)形成中的貢獻(xiàn)率進(jìn)行了分析。結(jié)果表明:影響烤煙品質(zhì)最主要的氣象因子是氣溫、濕度(降水)、日照,影響烤煙品質(zhì)的土壤理化性狀主要有土壤有機(jī)質(zhì)和氮、磷含量,影響烤煙品質(zhì)的化學(xué)成分有煙堿、總氮、鉀;從主成分分析結(jié)果來看,氣象因子是影響煙葉品質(zhì)的重要因素。對于氣象因子,5~8月的氣溫是影響化學(xué)成分積累的重要因素,特別是成熟期(7~8月)的氣溫影響最為顯著。全年氣象因子與煙葉總氮含量關(guān)聯(lián)度最高,與總糖含量關(guān)系密切。在煙葉內(nèi)在化學(xué)成分中,總氮、煙堿、揮發(fā)堿、揮發(fā)酸對氣候條件反應(yīng)最為顯著(生長期);石油醚與土壤有機(jī)質(zhì)關(guān)聯(lián)度最高。
  中圖分類號:S572.05 文獻(xiàn)標(biāo)識碼:A 文章編號:1006-060X(2016)04-0076-04
  Correlation Study of Meteorological Factors, Soul Physical and Chemical Properties and Tobacco Leaves Chemical Composition
  ZHOU Xiao-feng,JIN Ya-bo
 。℅uangxi China Tobacco Industry Co., Ltd, Nanning 530001, PRC)
  Abstract:The correlation between meteorological factors, soil physical and chemical properties and the chemical composition of tobacco leaves in Guangxi province were analyzed. The contribution rate of these 3 aspects to the formation of flue-cured tobacco quality was analyzed. The results showed that the main meteorological factors affecting the quality of flue-cured tobacco were air temperature, humidity (precipitation), and sunshine, the soil physical and chemical properties were the contents of soil organic matter, nitrogen and phosphorus, which influenced the quality of flue-cured tobacco, the chemical components which affecting the flue-cured tobacco quality were nicotine, total nitrogen and potassium; according to the results of principal component analysis, meteorological factors are important factors affecting the intrinsic chemical composition of tobacco leaves. For meteorological factors, the temperature from May to August is an important factor affecting the accumulation of chemical components, especially the maturity period (July to August) has significant impact on temperature. The meteorological factors of whole year has highest correlation with total nitrogen content of tobacco leaves, closely related to the total sugar. In the intrinsic chemical composition of tobacco leaves, total nitrogen, nicotine, volatile base and volatile acid have the most significant response to climate conditions; the petroleum ether has the highest correlation with soil organic matter.
  Key words: flue cured tobacco quality; meteorological; soil physical and chemical properties; chemical composition; correlation

相關(guān)熱詞搜索:性狀 煙葉 理化 因子 土壤

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