


發(fā)布時(shí)間:2019-08-24 來源: 感恩親情 點(diǎn)擊:

  摘 要: 分析了羅平縣植煙土壤的空間分布狀況及與煙葉化學(xué)成分的相關(guān)性。結(jié)果表明:(1)該縣植煙土壤速效磷含量總體偏高,植煙土壤速效磷含量1.20~217.54 mg/kg,平均為40.60 mg/kg,變異系數(shù)80.26%,變異程度較大;(2)不同植煙土壤類型速效磷含量存在顯著差異,由高到低表現(xiàn)為新積土>水稻土>黃壤>紫色土>紅壤;(3)各鄉(xiāng)鎮(zhèn)植煙土壤速效磷含量高低表現(xiàn)為阿崗鎮(zhèn)>富樂鎮(zhèn)>舊屋基鄉(xiāng)>馬街鎮(zhèn)>老廠鄉(xiāng)>九龍鎮(zhèn)>羅雄鎮(zhèn)>大水井鄉(xiāng)>鐘山鄉(xiāng)>板橋鎮(zhèn);(4)不同海拔高度的植煙土壤速效磷含量差異達(dá)顯著水平,其相應(yīng)的植煙土壤速效磷含量高低分布特點(diǎn)是海拔 1 600~
  1 800 m的>1 400~1 600 m的>-∞ ~1 400 m的>1 800 m~+∞的,海拔高于1 800 m的土壤組速效磷含量變異系數(shù)最大;(5)土壤速效磷與烤煙大量元素(除磷外)、中量元素之間無顯著相關(guān)性,對烤煙吸收硼、鐵、鉬有促進(jìn)作用,對銅和鋅的吸收有抑制作用。
  關(guān)鍵詞: 羅平縣;植煙土壤;土壤速效磷;相關(guān)分析
  中圖分類號: S127 文獻(xiàn)標(biāo)識碼: A 文章編號: 1006-060X(2014)13-0003-03
  Correlation Analysis of Available P Content in Tobacco Grown Soils with Tabacco Leaf Chemical Components
  LIU Kun, ZHOU Ji-heng, LI Qiang
  (College of Tobacco Research, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha 410128, PRC)
  Abstract: The study has analyzed the spatial distribution of tobacco grown soils and its correlation with tobacco leaf chemical components in Luoping County. The results are as follows.(1) The available P content in the tobacco soil is generally on the high side, with an average of 40.60 mg/kg , a variation coefficient of 80.26% and the large degree of variation in Luoping. (2) The different tobacco soil types in Luoping are of significant differences in available P content from high to low,i.e., alluvial soil > paddy soil > yellow soil > purple soil > red soil.(3) The different townships of Luoping are of different available P content in the tobacco soil in the order from high to low, i.e., Agang > Fule > Jiuwuji > Majie > Laochang > Jiulong > Luoxiong > Dashuijing > Zhongshan > Banqiao .(4) The different altitudes in Luoping are also of significant differences in vailable P content in the tobacco soil from high to low,i.e.,that of 1 600~1 800 m at altitude > that of 1 400~1 600 m > that of -∞~1 400 m> that of 1 800 m ~ +∞;and the variation coefficient of soil group"s available P content is up to the maximum at the altitude of over 1800m.And(5)the soil available P content has no significant relationship with flue-cured tobacco"s major elements and secondary elements except its P, and it can promote flue-cured tobacco"s absorption of B,F(xiàn)e and Mo and restrain the uptake of Cu and Zn.
  Key words: Luoping County;tobacco grown soil;soil available P;correlation analysis

相關(guān)熱詞搜索:煙土 速效 煙葉 含量 化學(xué)成分

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