

發(fā)布時間:2019-08-23 來源: 感恩親情 點擊:

  摘 要:對云南陸良地區(qū)6個主栽烤煙品種煙葉的物理特性、化學成分進行了采樣調查,共計收集241個C3F煙葉樣品。結果表明,NC102與紅花大金元兩個品種的綜合表現良好,烤后煙葉外觀物理特性突出,內在化學成分協調,各指標均在優(yōu)質范圍內,工業(yè)可用性較高,適宜在陸良地區(qū)種植。K326含梗率、雙糖差及淀粉含量偏高,葉片密度偏低;云煙87含梗率、淀粉及總氮含量偏高,雙糖及煙堿含量偏低;二者內在化學成分不協調,工業(yè)可用性較低,不適宜在陸良區(qū)域種植。NC297、云煙97兩個品種在陸良煙區(qū)種植適宜性有待進一步分析驗證。
  中圖分類號:S572 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1006-060X(2014)15-0023-03
  Suitability of Different Flue-cured Tobacco Varieties in Luliang
  CUI Chao-gang1,ZHOU Ji-heng1,LI Qiang1,ZHANG Bo2
 。1. Institute of Tobacco,Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha 410128, PRC;
  2. Tobacco Corporation of Qujing Luoping, Luoping 655800, PRC)
  Abstract:In order to study the suitability of dieffrent flue-cured tobacco varieties in Luliang,Yunnan,241 flue-cured tobacco middle leaves of grade C3F about 6 dieffernt varieties were collected and analyzed in 2010. Results indicated that “NC102” and “Hongda” had good synthetical character:leaf appearance and physical porperties were outstanding,intrinsic chymic composition was in harmonious proportions,all the indicators were in proper range of high quality flue-cured tobacco and fitted for industrially utilizing,both were suitable for planting in Luliang. The difference of total sugar and reducing sugar,stalk and starch content of “K326” was on the highside and the density of leaf was low. The stalk ,starch and nitrogen content of “Yunyan87” was on the highside,while the total sugar,reducing sugar and nicotine content was low,both of these two varieties were not harmonious in intrinsic chemical composition and had low industrial utilization,not suitable for planting in Luliang.Whether “NC297” and “Yunyan97” were suitable for planting locally needs further analysis and validation.
  Key words:flue-cured tobacco; variety; suitability; Luliang
  1 材料與方法
  1.1 試驗材料
  2010年,在云南陸良縣烤煙原料基地單元進行了大規(guī)模取樣,按照GB2635-1992烤煙分級技術要求,在各點取烤后C3F煙葉各1.5 kg,用于常規(guī)理化性狀分析。所取樣品為當地主栽品種,K326、NC102、NC297、云煙87、云煙97和紅花大金元(紅大)分別取樣28、24、24、109、35和21個, 6個品種共計241個煙葉樣品。
  1.2 測定指標及方法
  總氮、總糖、還原糖、煙堿、氯的含量按照YC/T 159~162-2002《煙草及煙草制品水溶性糖(總植物堿、總氮、氯)的測定連續(xù)流動法》中的方法測定,所用儀器為德國布朗盧比公司制造的AA3型流動分析儀;鉀含量采用火焰光度計法測定;淀粉含量采用蕙酮比色法測定,標準煙樣由湖南農業(yè)大學煙草研究院提供。數據采用DPS7.05和Excel軟件進行統(tǒng)計分析。
  2 結果與分析
  2.1 不同品種烤煙煙葉物理特性的比較

相關熱詞搜索:烤煙 云南 適宜 品種 地區(qū)

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