

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2017-01-15 來(lái)源: 感恩親情 點(diǎn)擊:

感恩節(jié)wow篇一:208 The One With the List



(1)關(guān)于圣誕節(jié)的情景對(duì)話 同學(xué)們可以模仿這兩位同學(xué)的談話內(nèi)容,以圣誕樹(shù)為主題練習(xí)自己的口語(yǔ)表達(dá)。

Christmas Tree 圣誕樹(shù)

Fred and Anjia are talking about Christmas trees.

Fred: Anja, so what's it like to decorate your Christmas tree in Switzerland? (Anjia,在瑞士是怎么樣裝飾圣誕樹(shù)的呢?)

Anja: Ah, Christmas tree! Oh, that's so nice, right? Like, I remember in my family, you know, we have the special, like space in our house just for the Christmas tree, just for Christmas time.


Fred: A special space for the Christmas tree! (一個(gè)特別的空間給圣誕樹(shù)的!)

Anja: Yes, indeed! And I remember I always went with my parents to buy the Christmas tree, maybe, three days before Christmas.


Fred: OK, three days before. (好的,三天前。)

Anja: Yes, and we wouldn't put it actually until Christmas day, like I remember how me and my mother and the rest of my family, we went to church and then we would come back. My father wouldn't go to church and the door would be closed and then we open the door and suddenly there would be the Christmas tree. So actually, you know, like, I never knew that my father actually put the Christmas tree. Of course, it was like some angel or something like that, but actually I never decorated the Christmas tree because an angel was doing that for us... as in my father.


Fred: So when you were a young child, you always thought that some kind of angel would come down to your house and decorate your Christmas tree.


Anja: That's right. During the time I was in church, and did it for us. And it's really pretty, and it has a lot of lights and it's really colorful. You know some people like it one specific color: in red or blue, but our Christmas tree always had a lot of different colors. It's really nice. What about you? How is your Christmas tree like in your family?

(是啊,在教堂的時(shí)候,天使為我們而做。圣誕樹(shù)真的太漂亮了。樹(shù)上有很多顏色各異的小燈。。。 你呢?你家里的圣誕樹(shù)是怎么樣的?)

Fred: Ah, it's just great. It's a bit different because the whole family would gather and then put up the Christmas tree together.

(噢,也是很棒!不過(guò)有一點(diǎn)不一樣的是,我們會(huì)全家聚集在一起,然后一起裝飾圣誕樹(shù)。) Anja: Oh, really? (真的嗎?)

Fred: We would decorate the Christmas tree together.

(是啊,我們會(huì)一起裝飾圣誕樹(shù)。)Anja: Yes. (哦。)

Fred: Maybe too or three days before Christmas, we would all go to the store or just use what we already had and then we would all gather together and put up the Christmas tree together listening to Frank Sinatra's best Christmas songs, and actually, the size of the Christmas tree was the most interesting part.


Anja: Oh, is it? Is it really big or...

Fred: It was a really, really big Christmas tree, and my father used to love those big Christmas trees and then it would take so much time to decorate it. Think about a fifteen foot Christmas tree, how much time you have to spend to decorate it.


Anja: Oh, wow that's a tall tree. Fred: Yeah, but it's a lot of fun.


Wish many good wishes for the holidays and the coming year.新的一年,向你獻(xiàn)上最誠(chéng)摯的祝福。

Wishing you all the blessings of a beautiful Christmas season.愿你擁有美麗的圣誕所有的祝福。

May its blessings lead into a wonderful year for you and all whom you hold dear.


Merry Christmas, my best friend.祝我的摯友圣誕快樂(lè)。

A Christmas greeting to cheer you, my good friend.


We will be having Christmas at Wang Ping's this year. You are welcome to join us!今年我們要在王平家過(guò)圣誕,歡迎你也來(lái)!

Take your passion and make it come true.發(fā)揮你的熱情,讓理想變?yōu)楝F(xiàn)實(shí)。I hope we can spend the holidays together.希望我們能一起過(guò)圣誕節(jié)。Best of luck in the year to come.愿你在未來(lái)的一年里,吉星高照。Wish all the best wishes for you.獻(xiàn)上最美好的祝愿。

To wish you special joy at the holidays and all year.


(3)Thanksgiving Day 感恩節(jié)

In the United States, the fourth Thursday in November is called Thanksgiving Day. On that day, Americans give thanks for the blessings they have enjoyed during the year. Thanksgiving Day is usually a family day. People always celebrate with big dinners and happy reunions. Pumpkin pie and Indian pudding are traditional

Thanksgiving desserts. Relatives from other cities, students who have been away at school, and many other Americans travel a long distance to spend the holiday at home.

Thanksgiving is a holiday celebrated in much of North America, generally

observed as an expression of gratitude, usually to God. The most common view of its

origin is that it was to give thanks to God for the bounty of the autumn harvest. In the United States, the holiday is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November. In

Canada, where the harvest generally ends earlier in the year, the holiday is celebrated on the second Monday in October, which is observed as Columbus Day or protested as Indigenous Peoples Day in the United States.

Thanksgiving is traditionally celebrated with a feast shared among friends and family. In the United States, it is an important family holiday, and people often travel

across the country to be with family members for the holiday. The Thanksgiving holiday is generally a "four-day" weekend in the United States, in which Americans are given the relevant Thursday and Friday off. Thanksgiving is almost entirely

celebrated at home, unlike the Fourth of July or Christmas, which are associated with a variety of shared public experiences.

感恩節(jié)的由來(lái)要一直追溯到美國(guó)歷史的發(fā)端。1620年,著名的“五月花”號(hào)船滿載不堪忍受英國(guó)國(guó)內(nèi)宗教迫害的清教徒102人到達(dá)美洲。1620年和1621年之交的冬天,他們遇到了難以想象的困難,處在饑寒交迫之中,冬天過(guò)去時(shí),活下來(lái)的移民只有50來(lái)人。這時(shí),心地善良的印第安人給移民送來(lái)了生活必需品,還特地派人教他們?cè)鯓俞鳙C、捕魚(yú)和種植玉米、南瓜。在印第安人的幫助下,移民們終于獲得了豐收,在歡慶豐收的日子,按照宗教傳統(tǒng)習(xí)俗,移民規(guī)定了感謝上帝的日子,并決定為感謝印第安人的真誠(chéng)幫助,邀請(qǐng)他們一同慶祝節(jié)日。 在第一個(gè)感恩節(jié)的這一天,印第安人和移民歡聚一堂,他們?cè)诶杳鲿r(shí)鳴放禮炮,列隊(duì)走進(jìn)一間用作教堂的屋子,虔誠(chéng)地向上帝表達(dá)謝意,然后點(diǎn)起篝火舉行盛大宴會(huì)。第二天和第三天又舉行了摔跤、賽跑、唱歌、跳舞等活動(dòng)。第一個(gè)感恩節(jié)非常成功。其中許多慶祝方式流傳了300多年,一直保留到今天。

初時(shí)感恩節(jié)沒(méi)有固定日期,由各州臨時(shí)決定,直到美國(guó)獨(dú)立后,感恩節(jié)才成為全國(guó)性的節(jié)日。 1863年,美國(guó)總統(tǒng)林肯正式宣布感恩節(jié)為國(guó)定假日。屆時(shí),家家團(tuán)聚,舉國(guó)同慶,其盛大、熱烈的情形,不亞于中國(guó)人過(guò)春節(jié)。

(4)Now let’s talk about one of the most important festivals in China---the Spring Festival

1.When is the Spring Festival?

2.What do we often do during the Spring Festival? How do we celebrate it?

3.How did you spend your last Spring Festival?

感恩節(jié)wow篇三:G8 Unit 8 topic 1

G8 Unit 8 Our Clothes

Topic 1 What a nice coat!


(一) 詞形轉(zhuǎn)換

1. 3. near (adj.) ---5. north (n.)--- 7. 8.(二) 服裝名稱(chēng) (clothing) 長(zhǎng)大衣 女式襯衫coat外套,大衣 dress套裙jacket夾克 shirt襯衣風(fēng)衣 sweater毛衣raincoat雨衣 制服和服belt腰帶tie領(lǐng)帶 skirt裙子shorts 短褲 pants褲子 手套 cap 帽子 圍巾 shoes鞋子 靴子 短襪 stockings長(zhǎng)襪

(三) 短語(yǔ)歸納

★SA 1. a Chinese Tang costume 唐裝 3. formal days 正式的日子

2. feel soft and smooth 手感柔軟光滑 4. Thanksgiving Day 感恩節(jié)

3. a 絲質(zhì)服裝 5. 取決于…, 依靠,依賴(lài)

4. have a class show舉辦班級(jí)時(shí)裝表演 6. likes and 好惡

5. the boy with the plastic sunglasses 7. on birthdays 在生日的時(shí)候

戴塑料太陽(yáng)鏡的男孩 8. at Christmas 在圣誕節(jié)

6. go shopping 去購(gòu)物 9. in China 中國(guó)的北方 7. can’t afford sth. 買(mǎi)不起…… 穿西裝,套裝

8. reach the apple 夠得著/觸及得到蘋(píng)果 11. 除……之外(也)

9. Men’s / Women’s Wear Section 男/女裝區(qū) 12. 非常相似

10. Section 運(yùn)動(dòng)服裝區(qū) 13. look lively看起來(lái)活潑

11. Shoes and Section鞋帽區(qū) 14. catch one’s eye吸引某人的注意

12. on the first/third floor在一/三樓 15. a銀項(xiàng)鏈

★SB 1. prepare for… 準(zhǔn)備…… 16. …根據(jù)…

2. cotton pants with two big17. sth. on low 低溫熨燙

有兩個(gè)大口袋的棉質(zhì)長(zhǎng)褲 18. …干洗…

3. so that以便 ★SD 1. the first types of clothes

so...that...如此……以致…… 最初樣式/類(lèi)型的衣服

4. look more handsome 看起來(lái)更英俊 2. animal skins動(dòng)物的皮毛

5. 中號(hào) 3. start to do sth. 開(kāi)始做某事

6.由……組成 4. protect…from…保護(hù)…使之免受…的侵害be made from… 5. different materials 不同的材料

7.天然材料 6. different kinds of clothes 各種各樣的衣服

毛料套裙 7. keep …warm 保暖

皮夾克衫 8. in modern在現(xiàn)代社會(huì) 10. feel satisfied with 對(duì)……感到滿意 一個(gè)穿制服的人

11. do sth. immediately 立即做某事 10. a woman in a一個(gè)穿和服的婦女

12. take a 買(mǎi)一條大號(hào)的裙子 11. like doing exercise 喜歡鍛煉 13. pay …for …付……買(mǎi)…… 隨和,容易相處

(pay¥300 for a silk blouse) be active / lively 很積極/活躍,活潑 ★SC 1. on special days 在特殊的日子 13. as the saying goes 正如諺語(yǔ)/俗話所說(shuō)

2. in fact 其實(shí), 事實(shí)上,實(shí)際上


1. What a nice coat! (p77-1a) …… (p81-1a) 人們的衣著取決于他們的喜好。


(2)depend on 依靠、依賴(lài)

如:Our success depends on our hard work.我們的成功是依靠我們的努力工作取得的。

We depend on our parents for everything we need. 我們依靠父母供給我們所需要的一切。

4. (p83-1a)

(1) It’s said that… 據(jù)說(shuō)…

(2) be made of 由……制成(看出原料)

be made from 由……制成(看不出原料)

be made in于某地制造

be made up of 由……組成

be made into 把……做成/加工成某產(chǎn)品

如:The table is made of wood.這張桌子是木頭制成的。

Paper is made from wood. 紙是木材做成的。

The TV set is made in Japan. 這臺(tái)電視機(jī)是日本產(chǎn)的。

The medical team is made up of ten doctors.這支醫(yī)療隊(duì)由十位大夫組成。

Bamboo can be made into walking sticks and fishing rods. 竹子可以制成拐杖和釣魚(yú)竿。 cold. 人們最初開(kāi)始穿衣服是為了保護(hù)自己免遭日曬、風(fēng)吹、雨打和寒冷的襲擊。(p83-1a)

protect …from sth / doing sth 保護(hù)……免收……的侵害

如: Try to protect your skin from the sun in summer. 夏天盡量保護(hù)你的皮膚免受太陽(yáng)暴曬。 但在現(xiàn)代社會(huì),服裝不僅僅用來(lái)保暖。

“You are what you wear.” 正如俗話所說(shuō)的:“衣如其人”。 (p83-1a)

三、語(yǔ)法學(xué)習(xí) ------ 目的狀語(yǔ)從句和結(jié)果狀語(yǔ)從句

1. 結(jié)果狀語(yǔ)從句 ------ so (因此), so… that… (如此……以致……) , so that (以致, 結(jié)果) e.g. I like it so much that my father bought it for me. (p77-1a)

My coats are so short that I want to buy some new ones. (p77-1a)

Maria’s coat is so beautiful that she likes it very much. (p77-1b)

The cotton blouse is so expensive that the girl can’t afford it. (p77-1b)

The boy is so short that he can’t reach the apple. (p77-1b)

The windbreaker makes Michael look so handsome that he decides to buy it. (p80-1c)

Maria feels so satisfied with the leather jacket, so she will take it. (p80-1c)

The silk hat looks very beautiful so that Jane wants to buy it immediately. (p80-1c)

…the coolest pants are so expensive that he can’t afford them. (p80-1c)

The T-shirt is so bright that Kangkang looks lively. (p82-2)

A silk scarf caught her eye, so she bought it. (p82-3)

2. 目的狀語(yǔ)從句 ------ so that (以便, 為了)

e.g. I want to buy a windbreaker so that I will look more handsome. (p79-1a)

People started to wear clothes so tha


t they could protect themselves from the sun ,wind, rain and cold. (p83-1a)


1. Do you have time tomorrow?(p77-1a)

--- Good idea! (p77-1a)--- All right. (p77-1a) (p78-3)

5. --- What would you like to buy? --- I’d like… (p79-1a)

6. --- What size would you like?--- Size M. (p79-1a)

7. What style of dressing do you like best? (p81-1a)

Test on Unit 8 Topic 1 for Grade 8


(A) 根據(jù)句意或首字母提示填空。

1. The girl opened her h___________ and found a postcard with a British stamp on it.

2. This silk blouse is nicer than the c___________ one.

3. The s__________ around the girl’s neck(脖子) makes her more lovely and beautiful.

4. In winter, we have to wear g__________ to work in a cold place.

5. In modern s___________, clothes do more than keep us warm.

(B) 用括號(hào)內(nèi)所給的單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。

1. You need to ____________ (heat) the machine before using it.

2. This costume is made of __________ (nature) material.

3. Today ____________ (near) every family in our country has a TV set.

4. In _______________ (north) parts of America, people often wear warm clothes in winter.

5. As the old _____________ (say) goes, “Time waits for no man!”

(C) 根據(jù)中文提示完成句子。

1. The young man said he could not ___________ _________ (依靠) his parents all the time.

2. Different people wear different clothes on __________ __________ (特殊的日子).

3. There are some different shoes,__________ __________ (例如) sports shoes and boots here.

4. ____________ __________ (根據(jù)) the passage, this answer is wrong.

5. _________ __________ (據(jù)說(shuō)) that the first type of clothes were made of animal skins.

6. 事實(shí)上),English is as useful as other subjects.

由??制成) leather.

8. A postcard_________ _______ ________(引起我的注意). It was a present from my grandfather.

9. The farmer grows flowers ________ _________ _________(除了……也) vegetables.

10. She wore a dress __________ ___________ (非常相似) to mine yesterday.

II. 單項(xiàng)選擇

()1. Jim said the book ____ very interesting.

A. be B. is C. was D. are

()2. The two blouses don’t fit me well. They are ____ too big ____ too small.

A. both; and B. either; or C. not only; but also D. not; but

()3. There ____ a stamp collection show in the museum this afternoon.

A. is B. is going to have C. has D. is going to be

()4. The policeman asked the child ____ so that he could take him home.

A. where did he live B. where he lived C. how did he live D. how he lived

()5. The children were so excited that they could ____ speak.

A. nearly B. almost C. hardly D. usually

()6. The story _______!

A. sounds interested B. sounded interested

C. sounds interesting D. sound interesting

()7. Digital cameras are becoming more and more popular but some still______too much.

A. pay B. spend C. cost D. take

()8. Would you like______one for me?

A. choosing B. to choose C. choose D. chose

()9. China is an ____ country.

A. European B. Asian C. American D. African

()10. —Harbin is really a beautiful city and there’re many places of interest.

— So it is. Why not stay here for ____ two days?

A. other B. others C. another D. more

()11. —What’s the Chinese Tang costume made_______?

—It’s made_______silk.

A. in; of B. of; of C. from; of D. of, from

()12. Could you tell me______?

A. where the bus station is B. where is the bus station

C. where the bus stationD. Where the bus station is

()13. —The weather is nice.

—______ go out for a picnic?

A. Why B. Why not C. Why do D. Let’s

()14. We use clothes to______ourselves______the bad weather.

A. protect; in B. protect; from C. protect; toD. protect; with

()15. Mr. Lee asked the students to stop______and______to him.

A. to talk; listen B. talk; listen C. talking; to listen D. talking; listening

()16. She wants to buy a cotton skirt like______for her father.

A. your B. mine C. my D. me

()17. Wash it in______ most 20℃ water.

A. at B. in C. on

()18. He will answer your questions______ you ask him.

A. because B. so C. if D. until

()19. Everything is ready, ______?

A. is it B. isn’t it C. was it D. wasn’t it

()20. Keep______, my brother. You’ll succeed.

A. trying B. to try C. try your bestD. trying my best

III. 口語(yǔ)應(yīng)用


A: .

B: Could you tell me where the scarf is?

A: Sure, . B: Thank you. Wow, there are a lot of beautiful scarves here. C: Yes, they are all very beautiful. This blue one fits on you very well. . C: Yes, please. C: It’s twenty yuan on sale.

.Here is the money.

C: Thank you. Welcome back again.


I went to have a dinner party at the biggest hotel in my hometown today.

I was very busy, for dinner. Then I drove there as soon as I could.I got home and put on the clothes of all. After that, I returned again.

This time, everyone stood up at once to me and I had the best table and the best food. I got even than before. I took off my coat, put it in the food and said, “Please eat, my dear coat.” The other people were

V. 完形填空

Tom was a worker. He worked in a shop. One of his feet was bigger than . He couldn’t find the right shoes his feet. His friend Jim said to him,“Why not go toshoemaker (鞋匠)? A good shoemaker can make the 4 shoes 5 you.”Tom went to the shoemaker near Jim’s home. Very soon the shoemaker made him. Tom looked at the shoes and he wasn’t. He said to the shoemaker,“You aren’t a shoemaker! I want you than the other!”

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