

發(fā)布時間:2018-10-07 來源: 短文摘抄 點擊:


Today is the winter solstice, I send you a bowl of dumplings specially: peace paper is wrapped in a wishful stuffing, with love to cook and eat a happy, have a happy, eat three health, eat a bowl of rich, smooth soup!!!!!
  The winter solstice eat dumplings, dumplings one heart. Eat leek dumplings, let you stay young; Turnip eat dumplings, I want to wish you longevity and health. Mushroom dumplings, may your purse bulge; Eat Sam sun stuffing dumpling, wish your family harmony.
  Christmas was coming, and think of nothing for you, is not going to give you too much, just to give you fifty million: never happy! Be sure to health! Be sure to peace! Be sure to contentment! Don"t ever forget me!!!!!!!
  Today the winter solstice, a car filled with happiness to let peace way, abandon all trouble let happiness be with you hug, store all warm the cold away, release the life true happiness always smile at you!
  Ate the winter solstice rice, a long line. Today the winter solstice, the sun began to come back, the spring is becoming more and more close, can let my message and my blessing like the winter sun, to drive away the cold for you, send to warm. ZhuDongZhi happy!
  On the occasion of the end of the winter solstice, on the day of the winter solstice at the beginning of the year, best wishes for you and your family, good fortune, best!
  I used to be a sheep, in the winter solstice this day even take hair and blood, meat eaten by you, for the cold. The only covet is: can I lie on the belly, feel warm.
  Every pound m making dumplings, know the winter solstice day Ming dynasty. Peace purse wishful stuffing, ice and snow feel cold.
  Blessed is happy, prayer is holy, blessed is safe, you are thinking I wish the prayer bless this friend, so happy and happy forever with you! Happy winter solstice.
  Today the winter solstice, a ghost nocturnal, midnight ghost door open, remember to go home earlier to sleep at night oh:) - well, the best is a girl, a

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