

發(fā)布時間:2017-01-19 來源: 短文摘抄 點擊:



[Key words]: America; poverty; poor; social problem; black

In our mind, America is always considered as the symbol of wealth. Nevertheless, we should not just pay attention to one side of the society. And we need to focus on the other side of it. Every country has its social problems, so does America. Although America is the richest country in the world and has the best conditions to provide free medical service to the entire people, the government of USA doesn’t offer it to all citizens. And many managers of companies use their power to snatch the greed of the top executives. Further more, drug is a major offense in poor communities and some ethnic minority people have been involve in street drug dealing instead of border smuggling. But the most serious social problem as I am concerned is the poverty.

Gregg Easterbrook has published his book, The Progress Parabox(2003), whose secondary title is ,”How life gets better while people fell worse.” The author thinks that many Americans confound what they need and what they want. They will never care about whether they need the new products or not and buy them as soon as they are put into the market. For the credit card is very convenient, it is easy to make Americans owe a lot of debts: everyone owes about 3500 dollars in average. A part of their spiritual and financial stress derives form this. This blindness causes the waste of citizens’ wealth, and makes the poor poorer.

There are a great number of Americans lead a poor life. And the majority of them are ordinary people who are always working hard to earn more money to support a family. In the United States, a family of four with an annual income of about 13,000 dollars or less is identified as living in poverty and in need of help, for the reason that the lowest salary made by the government is too low: 5.15 dollars. If the average lowest salary of the whole America increases to 10 dollars, this problem will be

solved. But in case that the government does so, the entire society will pay for the development of the poor people’s life.

The phenomena of poverty exist all the time. Viewed from a historical perspective, local governments made efforts to provide the poorest with certain amount of money for them to deal with difficult situations. Feeling that the aid would undermine the principle of self-reliance, some people, even in a desperate condition, might refuse to accept such a kind of aids. However, this small amount of aids did help a lot of people, including many immigrants,get out of the difficulties they were facing.

In the USA, about 90% of the population is well-off enough to expect a brighter future. The USA still has one of the highest standards of living in the world, although, at the present time , 10% are below what the Government considers to be the “poverty line.” While these underprivileged people receive help from the Government, they have no high hopes for their future. It is from this “underclass,” and those who take advantage of it, that most of the violence springs—— the violence which is one of the least pleasant aspects of American society.

There is no social hierarchy to prevent people from competing with each other in theory, but in reality, many black people and ethnic minorities could not hold equal opportunities as European immigrants did. As a result, many blacks and ethnic minorities became the poor and unemployed. What’s worse, the government can not offer some available policies to give all the citizens the equal treatment to receive education. Because of the lack of practical skills and enough education, the employ rates of the black is low. The racial discriminate also does some bad effects on the black’s life. The white refuse to live together with them. So they have to move to a place after another. As a consequence, the slum and the area of racial separation are born. The black are always struggling for their poor life , but receiving little.

As for me, the government of USA should take more measures to improve the problem of poverty. First, the social welfare system should be perfect all the while. Since the New Deal period when President Roosevelt took office, the United States has maintained an effective public welfare system by giving various financial aids to

the needed so as to help stabilize the society and the nation. Secondly, the equal rights should be provided to everyone, no matter what color their skin is. As Barack Obama becomes the US President-elect, I believe that the social status of the black will change to a higher standard. So they will also get more chances to be educated and to be employed. At last, Americans should keep working hard and be hopeful of their future. They are citizens of the richest country in the world. They should be confident of their government. Obama will give them a new time to get rid of the financial crisis, to develop the economy and to say goodbye to poverty.




What is time? Is it a thing to be saved or spent or wasted, like money? Or is it something we have no control over, like the weather? Americans see time as a valuable resource. Maybe that‘s why they are fond of the expression, "Time is money."

The early American hero Benjamin Franklin expressed this view best: "Do you love life? Then do not waste time, for that is the stuff life is made of."

American lifestyles show how much people respect the time of others. When people plan an event, they often set the time days or weeks in advance. Once the time is fixed, it takes almost an emergency to change it.

Even Americans would admit that no one can master time. Time-like money-slips all too easily through our fingers. And time-like the weather-is very hard to predict. Nevertheless, time is one of life‘s most precious gifts. And unwrapping it is half the fun.


本課您將學(xué)到:view(觀點),in advance(事先),be fond of句型


What is time? Is it a thing to be saved or spent or wasted, like money? Or is it something we have no control over, like the weather? Americans see time as a valuable resource. Maybe that‘s why they are fond of the expression, "Time is money."

The early American hero Benjamin Franklin expressed this view best: "Do you love life? Then do not waste time, for that is the stuff(材料) life is made of."

American lifestyles(生活方式) show how much people respect(尊重) the time of others. When people plan an event, they often set the time days or weeks in advance. Once the time is fixed, it takes almost an emergency(緊急情況) to change it.

Even Americans would admit that no one can master(掌控) time. Time-like money-slips(溜掉) all too easily through our fingers. And time-like the weather-is very hard to predict(預(yù)料). Nevertheless, time is one of life‘s most precious gifts. And unwrapping(撕開) it is half the fun.


時間是什么?是一種像金錢一樣可以節(jié)省、花用或浪費的東西嗎?(Is it a thing to be saved or spent or wasted, like money?)或者它像天氣那樣,是一種我們無法掌握的東西?(is it something we have no control over)美國人視時間為一項重要的資源,(Americans see time as a valuab


le resource)也許這就是為什么他們喜歡說“時間就是金錢”的緣故。(that‘s why they are fond of the expression, "Time is money.")

早期的美國英雄班哲明·富蘭克林將這種想法表達得最淋漓盡致(expressed this view best):“你愛生命嗎?如果愛就不要浪費時間,因為生命即是由時間組成的!保╢or that is the stuff life is made of)


There‘s a fine view of the lake from our hotel window.



She tried writing out her views.


美國人的生活型態(tài)表現(xiàn)出他們對別人的時間有多尊重。當(dāng)人們在計劃一項活動時,通常會在幾天或幾個星期前把時間定好。(they often set the time days or weeks in advance)時間一旦決定,(the time is fixed)除非情況緊急,(an emergency)否則不會輕易改變。

短語in advance意思是“預(yù)先、事先”,舉個例子:

I ought to have told you in advance.


不過連美國人都承認,沒有人能夠完全掌握時間。(master time)時間就像金錢一樣,很容易就從我們的指間溜走;(slips all too easily through our fingers)時間也像天氣一樣,是很難預(yù)測的。(is very hard to predict)然而,時間是生命中最寶貴的禮物之一,(time is one of life‘s most precious gifts)而拆開(這項難以掌握和預(yù)料的)禮物本身就已經(jīng)是一種樂趣了。(unwrapping it is half the fun)


今天我們來說說一個常用句型be fond of ? 喜愛

造個句子描述一下我們的喜好,比如:My sister is fond of sweets. 我妹妹喜歡吃糖果。

Fond是個形容詞,意思是“喜歡的、愛好的”,可如果要表達“我最喜歡打籃球”卻不能說My fond sport is basketball. 用favorite才是正確的,因為 fond 不可做定語。(切記、切記)

be fond of相當(dāng)于like,所以要說“我喜歡唱歌”除了說I like singing.之外還可以說I am fond of singing.(其實細究起來,be fond of還是比like的語氣強烈一些,有l(wèi)ike very much的意思,和另一個表示同類意思的詞love相比,語氣又弱一些。)

在使用be fond of時,需要注意的一點是,它指慣常的愛好,不指一時的愛好,比如,今晚你特別想去散步,就只能說I would like to take a walk this evening.而不能說I am fond of taking a walk this evening.


Jack and Helen are fond of skating in winter.


My friend James is very fond of playing chess.


我們都知道喜歡是like,不喜歡就是do not like,但be fond of 卻不能用be not fond of來表達,而要說not care to do,來看兩個例子:

I am fond of going there.


變成否定句,就是I don’t care to go there.

He was fond of meeting there people.


變成否定句,就是He did not care to meet these people.

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