

發(fā)布時間:2018-06-26 來源: 短文摘抄 點擊:

  Successfully convened the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2017 was quite inspiring, and China’s clothing industry enjoyed“seeking improvement in stability with quality and efficiency taking a lead” which woke confidence. The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China gave key words like structural reform at supply side, modern economic system, entity economy, middle and high-end consumption, modern supply chain … which sent positive signals to China’s clothing industry. New era will certainly have new development. China’s clothing industry has made preparations to face the new future and establish new advantages in 2018.
  View of figures- Seeking improvement in stability with quality and efficiency taking a lead
  According to data from National Bureau of Statistics, enterprises of above designated sizes in clothing industry realized cumulative RMB 2,060.524 billion main business income during January - November in 2017 with 1.87% year-on-year growth rate; gross profit was RMB 117.531 billion with 6.02% year-on-year growth rate; profit rate of sales was 5.70% which increased by 0.22 percentage point compared with the same period in 2016; gross profit rate of sales was 13.95% which increased by 0.30 percentage point compared with the same period in 2016; proportion of three expenses (financial costs, operating expenses and management fees) was 8.03% which increased by 0.13 percentage point compared with the same period in 2016.
  During January - November in 2017, total retail sales of consumer goods reached RMB 33,152.8 billion with 10.3% year-on-year growth rate, where cumulative retail sales of clothing commodities in above-norm units was RMB 935.8 billion with 7.6% year-on-year growth rate. In addition, China’s clothing industry actually completed investment amount of RMB 449.519 billion with 4.81% year-on-year growth rate.
  From operating status of the industry in 2017,“high-quality” development was becoming an obvious tendency without any doubt. As a fundamental consumption-type industry, China’s clothing industry has kept steady tendency on the whole over the years.“Seeking improvement in stability with quality and efficiency taking the lead” is becoming especially obvious. Profit increase in clothing industry had been higher than growth of main business income since 2017. Average profit rate of enterprises of above designated sizes within the industry also somewhat increased compared with the same period of the previous year.

相關(guān)熱詞搜索:face garment Chinese advantages establish

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