

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2017-01-14 來(lái)源: 短文摘抄 點(diǎn)擊:


UNIT 1Section A1b

1Nurse:You don’t look ________. What’s the matter, Sarah?

Sarah:I was playing with my friends at the park yesterday. Then it got windy, but I didn’t put ______ my jacket. Now I have _______ cold.

2Nurse:What’s the matter, David? Are you OK?

David:I ate too ______ junk food at my friend’s birthday party. So last night, I got a stomachache. I almost couldn’t get ________ out of bed this morning.

3Nurse:What’s the matter, Ben? Can you move?

Ben:Not ______. I was playing soccer the other day and I _______ myself. It seemed OK at first, but now I have a really sore back.

4 A:You ______ really tired. What’s the matter, Nancy?

B:I didn’t sleep very well last night. I have a _______. It’s terrible! I can’t really eat anything either. It hurts a lot. 5Nurse:What’s the _______, Judy?Judy:I’m sorry, but it’s very difficult ________ me to talk.

Nurse:Oh, dear. What’s the matter?

Judy:I talked too much yesterday and didn’t drink enough ________. I have a very sore throat now.

2a1Girl 1:You don’t look well. Your face looks a bit _______.

Girl 2:Yeah, and my head _______ very hot. What should I do?

Girl 1:Maybe you have a fever. You should _________ your temperature.Girl 2:Yes, you’re right.

2Girl 1:What’s the matter?

Girl 2:I didn’t take good care of myself. I didn’t wear enough warm clothes yesterday. Now I have a cough and a sore throat.

Girl 1:You should drink some hot tea ________ honey.Girl 2:That _________ like a good idea.

3Girl:You look terrible! What’s the matter?

Boy:I think I ate too much at dinner last night. It was an all-you-can-eat ______ at the restaurant. But now I have a stomachache.

Girl:That’s too bad. You shouldn’t eat so much next time. Right now, you should ________ down and rest. Boy:I guess I ________.

4Girl:What’s _________ with your face?Boy:It’s not my face. It’s my _______. I have a toothache.

Girl:You should see a dentist and get_______X-ray.Boy:But will it hurt?

Girl:No, and if you don’t go to the dentist now, it’ll hurt even more later!

5Girl 1:Oh, no! What _________?Girl 2:I was making dinner just now and I cut myself by_______.

Girl 1:Oh, that looks serious. You should put some ________ on it. Here, let me help you.Girl 2:OK, thanks. Section B1b Teacher:Hello, Jenny! You look tired.

Nurse:Well, today was a busy day in my office. One boy hurt _______ in P.E. class.

Teacher:What happened?

Nurse:He was running under the hot sun and then he _________sick and _________down.

Teacher:Yes, the weather is very _________ today.

Nurse:He cut his knee, so I washed the ________ and put some medicine on it. Then I put a ________ on it. Teacher:Was the cut serious?

Nurse:Not really, but I also took his __________. Luckily he didn’t have a fever. I told him he should rest. Teacher:_________ else happened?

Nurse:One girl had a nosebleed. I told her to ________ her head down to stop the blood. Oh, and another boy got hit on the head with a baseball bat.

Teacher:That sounds bad. I hope he’s OK…

Nurse:I hope so, too. He was taken to the ___________ to get an X-ray.

UNIT 2Section A1b

1Boy 1:I hope ______ work outside.Girl 1:You could help to ________ up the city parks.

2Boy 2:I’d like to help ______ people. Girl 1:You could _____ out food at the food bank to help feed them. 3Girl 2:I want to ________ up sick kids.Girl 1:You could ask hospitals to let you visit the kids.

4Girl 1:I’d like to help kids ________ their schoolwork.

Girl 2:You could volunteer in an after-school study program to _______ kids.

2a A group of students are ________ a City Park Clean-Up Day.

Boy 1:Now we need to ________ up with a plan to tell people about the city park _________.

Girl 1:Yeah, but I’m _________, Bob. Let’s have lunch first.

Girl 2:No, we need to start now. Clean-up Day is only two weeks _________ now.

Boy 2:You’re right, Sally. We can’t put off _______ a plan. As we talk, I’ll write _______ all our ideas. Then we can decide which ideas are best.

Girl 1:Um…well…we could _______ up signs.

Boy 2:That’s a good idea!

Girl 2:Let’s _______ some notices, too. Then I’ll hand them out after school.

Boy 1:OK. Great! And we could each call ________ 10 students and ask them to come.

Boy 2:Hey, we’re coming up ________ a lot of good ideas, aren’t we?

Section B1cMan:This morning I’m talking ______ a very wonderful young man, Jimmy the Bike Boy. Good morning, Jimmy.

Jimmy:Good morning.

Man:So, Jimmy, tell our__________ what you do.

Jimmy:Well, I find or buy old bikes that nobody wants. Then I fix _____ the bikes and give them away to kids who don’t have enough________ to buy their own bikes.

Man:That’s fantastic. What gave you the idea?

Jimmy:I guess I _______ after my father. He loves to help people. He always volunteers to help people ____ need. Man:Wow! Your parents must be ________ of you.

Jimmy:I guess so. But now I’ve _______ out of money, so I can’t buy any more old bikes.

Man:Oh, that’s too bad.

Jimmy:Yeah. I need to come up with some way of _________ money or I’ll have to stop.

UNIT 3Section A1b Mom:Peter, we need to clean the house. Your grandma is coming _______ at seven. Peter:Sure, but I need to do my homework ___________.

Mom:OK. Then after you finish your homework, let’s clean up the kitchen. I can _____ the dishes and _______ the floor. Could you please take out the ________?

Peter:Sure, Mom.

Mom:Good. And could you please _______ your bed and ________your clothes?

Peter:All right.

Mom:And let’s see…I have to clean the ________ room before your grandma arrives.

2a Peter:Hey, Dad?Dad:Yes?

Peter:Could I go out ________ dinner with my friends tonight?

Dad:Sure, that should be OK.

Peter:Could I go to the movies __________ that? My friends said the new action movie is really good.

Dad:I guess so. But don’t stay out ________.

Peter:Could I stay out until eleven? We might get something to drink after the movie.

Dad:No, you________. You have a basketball game tomorrow, remember? You need to have a good _______. Peter:Oh, yeah. Well, could you ________ me a ride to town now? If I take the bus, I’ll be late.

Dad:I can’t, Peter. I have to do some work now.

Peter:Oh, OK. No _______. I’ll call Alan. Maybe his dad can give me a ride.

Section B1c Sandy:Could I __________my friends to a party on Saturday, Mom?

Mom:Of course! That sounds like fun.

Sandy:Yeah. Um…could I ________ some money?

Mom:What for?

Sandy:I need to buy some drinks and snacks. Could I go to the __________?

Mom:Well, I’m going tomorrow, and I can buy some drinks and snacks for you.

Sandy:Oh, good. Thanks, Mom.

Mom:You’re _________. Oh, could you clean your room?

Sandy:I cleaned it last week.

Mom:You need to clean it again for your party.

Sandy:OK. At the party, could I_________ your CD player?

Mom:Yes, if you’re __________ with it.

Sandy:Don’t worry, Mom!

Mom:Now, there are a _______other things I want you to do before the party. Could you please ______ the big chairs to the bedroom and clean the living room?

Sandy:Sure. Dave is coming early _______ Saturday, so he can help me.

UNIT 4Section A1b Girl 1:You look really tired. What’s the matter?

Girl 2:I studied _________ midnight last night so I didn’t get __________ sleep.

Girl 1:Why don’t you go to sleep_________r tonight? You can start studying earlier.

Girl 2:But I have two after-school classes today. So I can only start studying after dinner.

Girl 1:__________ you should tell your parents that you can’t do so many things.

Girl 2:I did, but they think ________ important that I take more after-school classes.

Girl 1:Well, they probably want you to get _______ a good senior high school.

Girl 2:Yes, I guess that’s the _________.

Girl 1:You should talk to them again. Explain to them that you need to get enough sleep to stay healthy. Girl 2:That’s a good _______. OK, I’ll try to talk to them again.

2a Peter’s friend is ___________ him advice.

Boy 1:Hey, Peter, what’s wrong?

Boy 2:I had a __________ with my best friend. What should I do?

Boy 1:Well, you could ___________ him a letter.

Boy 2:I don’t think so, although it’s a good idea. I’m just not very good at ___________ letters.

Boy 1:Maybe you should call him up.

Boy 2:No, I don’t want to talk about it_________ the phone.

Boy 1:But you really ________talk to him so that you can say you’re sorry.

Boy 2:Yes, I know I should, but it’s not easy.

Boy 1:Maybe you could go to his house.

Boy 2:I guess I could, but I don’t want to __________ him.

Boy 1:Hey, I know. You could take him to the ball game.

Boy 2:But the ball game is next week. I don’t want to wait ________ then to talk to him.

Section B1c Wei Ming:Alice, help me! My parents are giving me too much ___________ about school!

Alice:Hey, Wei Ming. Although you may be unhappy _______ your parents, you should talk to them. Ask them why they _______ you so much pressure.

Wei Ming:It’s because they want me to get good grades.

Alice:But life shouldn’t just be about grades. Free time activities like sports and _______ out with friends are important, too.

Wei Ming:I totally agree. I need more free time to do activities I enjoy. This can help me relax and be healthier. Alice:Yes, you won’t get good grades if you’re ___________ out all the time.

Wei Ming:I also keep worrying __________getting better grades than my classmates.

Alice:Oh, you shouldn’t ________ with your classmates to get better grades. You should all be helping each other to__________.

Wei Ming:You’re right. Thanks ________ all the good advice, Alice.

UNIT 5Section A1b [in the studio]

Reporter:The weather is beautiful today! But yesterday’s rainstorm was the ________ one so far this year. So, what were people doing yesterday ________ the time of the rainstorm?

[outside the studio,on the street]

Girl:I was at home ________ my homework. But I could hear the heavy rain _______ my bedroom window. Boy:I was reading at the library after school. I’m so glad I didn’t decide to play basketball!

Woman:I was ________ for the bus after work. Then the rain suddenly _______ and I got all wet.

Man:I was walking home from the supermarket. _________, I had an umbrella, but I still got wet!

[back in the studio]

Reporter:Looks like many people were caught in the rain yesterday. Many ________hours to get home…

2a Boy:Yesterday was a _______ day. My alarm didn’t go _______ so I _______ up late. It was seven thirty when I woke up, and I needed to be at school by eight! I ran to the bus stop…but, I still ______ the bus. It was eight thirty _______ I got to school. My teacher was angry and I ______ bad all day. At four thirty, it was time _____ go home. I was waiting for the bus when…all of a sudden…it began to rain _______. It was like…a really crazy rainstorm! I thought I had an _______ in my schoolbag, so I kept trying to look for it. I was so busy _______ for the umbrella that I didn’t see a car _______. And it got water all over me! I was waiting like that…completely wet…for maybe almost an hour. Finally, the bus came and _______ me home. I took a hot shower and ______ some warm food. It felt so good to be home!

Section B1b

John:Hey, Kate, why weren’t you at the school basketball ________ yesterday? I called you so many ______, but you didn’t answer.

Kate:Sorry, John. I _______ my phone at home.

John:What were you doing at the time of the competition?

Kate:Well, I left my house late and when the competition started, I was still ________ my way to school. John:Then what happened?

Kate:When I got to the bus stop, I _________that my bag was still at home!

John:But why didn’t you just go home to get your bag?

Kate:I did, but ________I was running back home, I saw a dog by the side of the road and it was _______. John:Oh, so I’m sure you helped the dog. I know how much you love animals.

Kate:Yes, I wanted to _______the Animal Helpline, but I didn’t have my phone so I had to wait for someone to walk by. Then I used his phone to call the helpline.

John:OK. No ________ you didn’t make it to the competition.

Kate:Yes, I’m so sorry I wasn’t there to _________you on, but I’m happy that your team ________!


Section A


Wang Ming:Hi, Anna. In my Chinese class today, we read a famous story called Yu Gong Moves a Mountain. Anna:Oh, how does the story begin?

Wang Ming:Well, once upon a time, there was a very old man. There were two mountains near his house. They were so high and big that it took a long time to walk to the other side.

Anna:So what happened next?

Wang Ming:Well, the old man told his family that they should all help him to move the mountains.

Anna:Mm, but an old man probably couldn’t even move a small tree.

Wang Ming:Yes, that’s what his wife said, too.

Anna:And where would they put all the earth and stone from the mountains?

Wang Ming:Yu Gong said they could put it into the sea because it’s big enough to hold everything. So they all started digging the next day.


Wang Ming:Let me tell you the rest of the story about Yu Gong. Yu Gong and his family began to move some of the earth and stone to the sea. One day, a man saw Yu Gong and his children when they were working on moving the mountains. He told Yu Gong that he could never do it because he was old and weak. As soon as the man finished talking, Yu Gong said that his family could continue to move the mountains after he died. His family would live and grow, but the mountains could not get bigger. So Yu Gong and his family kept on digging day after day and year after year. Finally, a god was so moved by Yu Gong that he sent two gods to take the mountains away. This story reminds us that you can never know what’s possible unless you try to make it happen.

Section B


Mei Ling:Tom, can you tell me a story from Europe?

Tom:Well, I know one. It’s called The Emperor’s New Clothes. This story is about an emperor who loved clothes. He loved buying and looking at his beautiful clothes.

Mei Ling:So what happened?

Tom:Two brothers came to the city to make special clothes for the emperor. But the emperor had to give them silk and gold.

Mei Ling:Were the clothes nice?

Tom:Well, the brothers kept everything for themselves and told the emperor that people couldn’t see the clothes unless they were clever.

Mei Ling:Oh, so they were really trying to cheat the emperor!

Tom:Yes, you are right. When the emperor looked at himself, he only saw his underwear. But he didn’t want people to think he was stupid, so he said his new clothes were very beautiful.

Mei Ling:Did he wear the new clothes?

Tom:Yes, he did. He walked through the city wearing his new clothes. Nobody wanted to sound stupid, so everyone said his new clothes were wonderful. But suddenly, a young boy shouted, “Look! The emperor isn’t wearing any clothes!”

Mei Ling:What a funny story!


Section A


Listening Comprehension 2011年6月大學(xué)英語(yǔ)四級(jí)真題

Section C


In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.


Contrary to the old warning that time waits for no one, time slows down when you are on the move. It also slows down more as you move faster, which means astronauts (宇航員) someday may (36) _____ so long in space that they would return to an Earth of the (37) _____ future. If you could move at the speed of light, your time would stand still. If you could move faster than light, your time would move

(38) _____.

Although no form of matter yet (39) _____ moves as fast as or faster than light, (40) _____ experiments have already confirmed that accelerated (41) _____ causes a traveler's time to be stretched. Albert Einstein (42) _____ this in 1905, when he (43) _____ the concept of relative time as part of his Special Theory of Relativity. A search is now under way to confirm the suspected existence of particles of matter (44) ____________________________________.

An obsession (沉迷) with time – saving, gaining, wasting, losing, and mastering it – (45) ____________________________________. Humanity also has been obsessed with trying to capture the meaning of time. Einstein (46) ____________________________________. Thus, time and time's relativity are measurable by any hourglass, alarm clock, or an atomic clock that can measure a billionth of a second.


Section C

Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.


Writing keeps us in touch with other people. We write to communicate with relatives and friends. We write to (36) __ our family histories so our children and grandchildren can learn and (37) ______their heritage (傳統(tǒng)). With computers and Internet connections in so many (38) _____, colleges, business, people e-mailing friends and relatives all the time—or talking to them in writing in online (39) ____ rooms. It is cheaper than calling long distance, and a lot more (40) ________ than waiting until Sunday

for the telephone (41) _____ to drop. Students are e-mailing their professors to (42) _____ and discuss their classroom assignments and to (43) _____________ them. They are e-mailing classmates to discuss and collaborate (合作) on homework. (44) __________________.

Despite the growing importance of computers, however, there will always be a place and need for the personal letter. (45) _____________. No matter what the content of the message, its real point is, ―I want you to know that I care about you.‖ (46) __________________________, but only in the success of human relationships.


Section C

Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.


Almost every child, on the first day he sets foot in a school building, is smarter, more (36)______, less afraid of what he doesn't know, better at finding and (37) ______ things out, more confident, resourceful (機(jī)敏的), persistent and (38) ______ than he will ever be again in his schooling – or, unless he is very (39) ______ and very lucky, for the rest of his life. Already, by paying close attention to and

(40) ______ with the world and people around him, and without any school-type (41) ______ instruction, he has done a task far more difficult, complicated and (42)______ than anything he will be asked to do in school, or than any of his teachers has done for years. He has solved the (43) ______ of language. He has discovered it – babies don't even know that language exists – and

(44) ________________________________________________.

He has done it by exploring, by experimenting, by developing his own model of the grammar of language,

(45) ________________________________________________

until it does work. And while he has been doing this, he has been learning other things as well,

(46) ________________________________________________,

and many that are more complicated than the ones they do try to teach him.


Section C

Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.


In the humanities, authors write to inform you in many ways. These methods can be (36) ______ into three types of informational writing: factual, descriptive, and process.

Factual writing provides (37) ______ information on an author, composer, or artist or on a type of

music, literature, or art. Examples of factual writing include notes on a book jacket or (38) ______ cover and longer pieces, such as an article describing a style of music which you might read in a music (39) ______ course. This kind of writing provides a (40) ______ for your study of the humanities.

As its name (41) ______, descriptive writing simply describes, or provides an (42) ______ of, a piece of music, art, or literature. For example, descriptive writing might list the colors an artist used in a painting or the (43) ______ a composer included in a musical composition, so as to make pictures or sounds in the reader’s mind by calling up specific details of the work. (44) ________.

Process writing explains a series of actions that bring about a result. (45) ________. This kind of writing is often found in art, where understanding how an art has created a certain effect is important. (46) _________.


Section C

Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.


Around 120 years ago, Ebbinghaus began his study of memory. He (36) ____ on studying how quickly the human mind can remember (37) ____. One result of his research is known as the total time hypothesis (假設(shè)), which simply means the amount you learn (38) ____ on the time you spend trying to less it. This can be taken as our first rule of learning. Although it is usually true that studying for four hours is better than studying for one, there is the question of how we should use the four hours. For example, is it better to study for four hours (39) ____ or to study for one hour a day for four days in a (40) ____? The answer, as you may have (41) ____, is that it is better to spread out the study times. This

(42) ____, through which too can learn more (43) ____ by dividing our practice time, is known as the distribution of practice effect. Thus, ((44) ____________________________________________________________________.

But we’re not finished yet. We haven’t considered how we should study over very short periods of time. (45) ______________________________________________________________________________. Should you look at the same word in rapid succession, or look at the word and then have some delay before you look at it again? (46) ______________________________________________________________________________.


Section C

Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.

Crime is increasing world wide. There is every reason to believe the (36)____will continue through the next few decades.

Crime rates have always been high in multicultural, industrialized societies such as the United States, but a new (37) ____has appeared on the world (38)____rapidly rising crime rates in nations that previously reported few(39)____. Street crimes such as robbery, rape (40) ___and auto theft are clearly rising (41)___in eastern European countries such as Hungary and in western European nations such as the united Kingdom.

What is driving this crime (42)____?There are no simple answers. Still,there are certain conditions(43) _______with rising crime increasing heterogeneity (混雜) of populations, greater cultural pluralism, highe


r immigration, democratization of government,

(44) _________________________________________________.

These conditions are increasingly observable around the world. For instance, cultures that were previously isolated and homogeneous(同種類(lèi)的) ,such as Japan, Denmark and Greece


Multiculturalism can be a rewarding, eiching experience, but it can also lead to a clash of values. Heterogeneity in societies will be the rule in the twenty-first century, and



Section C


We're now witnessing the emergence of an advanced economy based on information and knowledge. Physical(36)___, raw materials, and capital are no longer the key(37) ____ in the creation of wealth. Now, the(38) ____ raw material in our economy is knowledge. Tomorrow's wealth depends on the development and exchange of knowledge. And(39) ___ entering the workforce offer their knowledge, not their muscles. Knowledge workers get paid for their education and their ability to learn. Knowledge workers(40)____ in mind work. They deal with symbols: words,(41) ___ and data.

What does all this mean for you? As a future knowledge worker, you can expect to be(42) ____ , processing, as well as exchanging information. (43)____ , three out of four jobs involve some form of mind work, and that number will increase sharply in the future. Management and employees alike

(44)______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .

In the new world of work, you can look forward to being in constant training

(45)_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .

You can also expect to be taking greater control of your career. Gone are the nine-five jobs. lifetime security, predictable promotions, and even the conventional workplace, as you are familiar with.

(46)_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ,

and don’t wait for someone to ―empower‖ you. You have to empower yourself.


Section C

Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.


More and more of the world’s population are living in towns or cities. The speed at which cities are growing in the less developed countries is (36) __________. Between 1920 and 1960 big cities in developed countries (37) ________ two and a half times in size, but in other parts of the world the growth was eight times their size.

The (38) __________ size of growth is bad enough, but there are now also very (39) __________ signs of trouble in the (40) __________ of percentages of people living in towns and percentages of people working in industry. During the nineteenth century cities grew as a result of the growth of industry. In Europe the (41) __________ of people living in cities was always smaller than that of the (42) __________ working in factories. Now, however, the (43) __________ is almost always true in the newly industrialised world: (44) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

Without a base of people working in industry, these cities cannot pay for their growth; (45) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. There has been little opportunity to build water supplies or other facilities. (46) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, a growth in the number of hopeless and despairing parents and starving children.


Section C

Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time,

you should check what you have written.


Students’ pressure sometimes comes from their parents. Most parents are well (36) ________, but some of them aren’t very helpful with the problems their sons and daughters have in (37) ________ to college, and a few of them seem to go

out of their way to add to their children’s difficulties.

For one thing, parents are often not (38) ________ of the kinds of problems their children face. They don’t realize that the (39) ________ is keener, that the required (40) ________ of work are higher, and that their children may not be prepared for the change. (41) ________ to seeing A’s and B’s on high school report cards, they may be upset when their children’s first (42) ________ college grades are below that level. At their kindest, they may gently (43) ________ why



Introduction---Listening Practice

Task: watch the video and guess the meanings the three phrases.

Listening Script

First, two thumbs up, which means the movie is very very good. I give the new Harry Potter movie two thumbs up.

Next, a bomb, which means the movie was terrible. I would not go see the new commonly film. It was a bomb.

And last, sold out, which means there are no tickets left. For example, we got to the movie theatre late and it was sold out.

So those are three slang expressions you can use at the movies.



e.g: The project was finally given two thumbs up. 這個(gè)項(xiàng)目最后被認(rèn)為非常棒。


e.g: This is just another one of Hollywood's bland and boring bombs.



The tickets have benn sold out. = There are no tickets left.

Presentation1—Context Meaning

You can often figure out what a word means by the way it’s used in the passage. Use the context to help you decide what each highlighted word means.

Long Passage

Christmas has become a holiday that is associated more and more with the giving and

receiving of gifts. Stores are brightly decorated and shoppers rush around in search of bargains.

There are some devout Christians who believe that not enough thought is given to the

religious meaning of the holiday. They would like more attention to be paid to Jesus and less to Santa.

Others disagree. They say that unselfishly bestowing presents is a wonderful thing to do.

They believe that even people who are not religious can find Christmas to be a very meaningful holiday.

Christians are not the only people who have an important holiday at this time of year. The

Fast of Ramadan lasts for a whole month, and in 1998 it will begin in late December. It is a time when devout Muslims spend even more time than usual in prayer and reflecting on their beliefs. During daylight hours, they are careful not to eat or drink anything.

Members of the Jewish faith will be celebrating Chanukah. Some people erroneously call

Chanukah the Jewish Christmas. The mistake may arise from the fact that the holiday is associated with lights and gifts, and usually occurs at about the same time of year.

1. associated

a. made into a club b. ignored c. connectedd. hidden

2. devout

a. elderly

3. bestowing

a. hiding

4. reflecting

a. using a mirror

5. erroneously b. brave b. receivingc. very religious c. borrowing d. famous d. giving d. changing b. bouncing light c. thinking

a. wrongly b. correctly c. happily d. often

Short Passages

1. Prunella and Paula are sisters, but they?re very different. Just look at how they dress. Prunella doesn?t care what she wears. Paula, on the other hand, is quite

a. intelligent d. dressed in old clothes

c. full of feathers b. stylish

2. I looked at the plans for your new house. This is earthquake country. You need to the frame or you?ll have a disaster with the first tremor.

a. shake b. buildc. strengthend. destroy

3. Helen?s attitude toward dealing with criminals has changed over the years. She used to believe that everyone can change and deserves a second chance. She now believes that some crimes are so a. guilty b. terriblec. accidentald. unimportant

4. Only an hour or so had passed before a tremendous roar shook the ground. At that very moment, a strange grey creature before our eyes. It resembled a lizard in shape. It was about ten feet high at the shoulders and at least fifty feet long.

a. whipped its tail back and forth b. stamped its feet.

c. showed its sharp teeth. d. appeared.

5. We have rather expectations for you, son. You will attend college. You will become rich and famous. You will be elected president of the United States before you turn forty.

a. high b. shaky c. small d. lowly


Focused Practice1

Choose the best answer. DDBDBDDDCDDDCDD

1. _____ as much as one-fifth of all timber harvested is not used.

A. The estimateB. The estimate C. They are estimated D. It is estimated that

2. _____ some mammals came to live in the sea is not known.

A. Which B. SinceC. Although D. How

3. _____ we have achieved is attributed to the guidance of our parents.

A. Whoever B. Whatever C. However D. That

4. _____ wealthy does not necessarily mean that a man is greedy.

A. For the reason that he isB. Just because he is

C. The reason of beingD. That he is

5. Although _____ happened in this developed country sounds like science fiction, it could occur elsewhere in the world.

A. which B. whatC. how D. it

6. _____ she had forgotten to take her notebook..

A. That occurred to her B. She occurred that

C. To her that occurred D. It occurred to her that

7. I am sure that _____ she said is wrong.

A. which B. all C. thisD. what

8. We lost our way in the forest, and _____ made matters worse was that it was getting dark.

A. that B. which C. it D. what

9. _____orders he gives are obeyed.

A. Whichever B. Which C. Whatever D. What

10. _____ or not is still uncertain.

A. He?s coming B. If he is comingC. That comingD. Whether he?s coming

11. It?s _____ he?ll be able to come.

A. doubt whether B. doubtful C. doubt it

19. _____ of us gets home first starts cooking.

A. Who B. WhichC. Whichever

13. _____ he saw both surprised and frightened him.

A. That B. When C. What

14. _____ is a spell of warm sunshine.

A. What do we all need. B. What all we need

C. What we need D. What we all need

15. _____ is a pity that he should feel so upset.

A. WhatB. ThatC. He

D. doubtful whetherD. Anyone D. Which D. It


1. Mary will ever forget the first time she saw him . He suddenly appeared in class one day,

__16_(wear) sun glasses . He walked in as if he __17___(buy) the school ,And the word quickly got around that he was from New York City .

For some reason he sat beside Mary. Mary felt _____18_(please ), because there were many empty seats in the room .But she quickly realized that it wasn?t her ,it was probably the fact that she sat in __19___last row .

_20__ he thought he cloud escape attention by sitting at the back ,he was wrong . It might have made it a little _____21____(hard) for everybody because it meant they had to turn around ,but that didn?t stop the kids in the class . Of course whenever they turnd to look at him ,they had to look at Mary ,_22__made her feel like a star .

“Do you need those glasses for medical reasons ?” the teacher asked .The new boy shook his head .”Then I?d appreciate it if you didn?t wear them in class .I like to look at your eyes when I?m speaking to you .” The new boy looked at the teacher __23__ a few seconds and all the other students wondered __24__ the boy would do .Then he took __25_ off , gave a big smile and said “That is cool”. L7.3

Key:16. wearing17. had bought18. pleased19. the20. If 21. harder 22. which

23. for24. what 25. them

2. One of the first questions young children ask is “Why?” is human nature to want to find out why things are the way they are. You can find out “why” by turning the question into a hypothesis (假設(shè)) for experiment.

For example, suppose you have been trying to grow tomato plants, insects keep destroying them. Someone tells you that putting large strips of colored cloth around the plants will keep insects away. Your question might be “Do certain colors of cloth keep insects away?” Then you?d begin your experiment. The first step would be to place different-colored strips of cloth around all of the plants except one. Then, regular intervals, you would observe and record and note the plant had any insect damage.

This experiment may prove that the answer to your question is “No, it is not different colored strips of cloth keep away insects.” Or you may find that the answer is “Yes, certain insects are kept away by blue cloth, but not yellow cloth.”…… you have found, you are

well on your way to understanding how you can use scientific thinking to solve a problem in your own life. L7.3

Keys: 25. It 26. an 27. but 28. at 29. whether30. that31. Whatever

Home Assignment

Ⅰ.Choose the best answer.

1. In the dark forests _______, some large enough to hold several English towns

A. stand many lakes B. lie many lakes C. many lakes lie D. many lakes stand

2. The case of his death is being ________ and will be found out before long.

A. looked upB. looked for C. looked on D. looked into

3. London people always take umbrellas with them, just _________ it rains.

A. in caseB. for fearC. so that D. so long as

4. We are still ___________ as to what to do next.

A. in the darkness B. in the darkC. at the loss D. at the sea

5. --- What happened to the little girl in the end?

--- Unfortunately, her parents passed away, _____________ her an orphan.

A. leftB. leavingC. keeping D. kept

6. The Rockies are ___________ bears and mountain lions.

A. a home to B. homes ofC. a home of D. home to

7. There is a great need for us ____________ our environment.

A. to live in harmony with B. living in harmony with

C. to live in the harmony to D. living in harmony to

8. Some glasses ________ when we were moving.

A. got broken B. got breakingC. were brokenD. broken

. .

A. to have eaten, left B. to have eaten, was left

C. have eaten, left D. having eaten, was left

10. One day, they crossed the _______bridge behind the palace .

A. old Chinese stone B. Chinese old stone C. Old stone Chinese D. Chinese stone old

11. I don?t _____ you your job, but I do admire(欽佩)your wisdom .

A. enjoy B. like C. wishD. envy

12. What he said just now _______ me of that famous singer .

A. mentionedB. remembered C. reminded D. informed

13. Their ink has _______, that is to say, they have _________their ink .

A. run out; run out B. run out of; run out of

C. run out; run out of D. run out of; run out

1---5BDACB 6---10DAABA 11---13DCC

Ⅱ. 短文填空

1. As Christopher Walsh saved his brother and then his sister from the water of a river, his mother shouted ho him:“I'm proud of you.”

Christopher was in the car with his parents, sister Rosie, and brother Mac, (25) ____ his father drove into a metal barrier. The family's car fell down a hill (26) ____ the river, and landed with its

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