

發(fā)布時間:2020-05-20 來源: 短文摘抄 點擊:



  主講人:Tom Kilroy博士,Intel 全球副總裁


  Leap-frog in the Digital World


  Mr. Tom Kilroy, Vice-President of Intel Worldwide in charge of resell channel operations, talked mainly about the history behind Intel, somewhat they got in the people, the culture and technology that they had brought to the market to become leaders, and what they felt to be required to be successful in business today, particularly in the local market in China.


  So, most important, Intel’s No. 1 mission is “Do a great job for our customers, employees, stockholders, by being preeminent building stock suppliers to the worldwide Internet economy”. To do that is more than bringing product to market. Our strategy is evolving architectures, which means open standards. The four architectures that Intel has had building blocks for the Internet economy are: IA 32 for desktop computing, the personal client architecture for handheld devices, networking to network PC clients with servers, and IA64 for the next generation of server technology.


  Intel was founded over 30 years ago with 3 gentlemen, Andy Grove, Moore and Robert. Each one of the three founders had unique contribution in term of intellectual contribution but also to the culture of Intel. Mr. Moore is famous for the Moore’s Law that he came up with many many years ago. And what he predicted was the number of transistors on a piece of silicon would double every 18 months. He won the US presidential awards for many contributions. He is still active in Intel. He is very charitable to many courses, especially to the educational community because he believes that young engineers will be the future of the technology industry.


  Our current chairman of board is Andy Grove. Andy brought with him a very different background. He had a very tough childhood growing up in Hungry during the wartime. And later he came to the US for study. More than anyone he is the symbol of Intel in terms of our culture. He is famous for a book he wrote five years ago, “Only the Paranoia Survives”. And what he meant was never to be content, never feel that you’ve reached the level of success. Someone will always be coming to you. And being a leader in this competitive computer industry, this is happening everyday. Andy’s impact on Intel’s culture is very very important because it drives the employees of Intel to insist on the best, to take with and to achieve the very highest knowing that the very smart people in other companies are trying to repeat what we have already done. Andy is very famous in the entire industry, and he was Time magazine’s Man of the Year in 1997. He contributed greatly to the vision of where the industry would be going.


  Andy talked in the “Only the Paranoia Survives” about the strategic inflection point which means the some point of time would be the defining moment that would change the industry. If you see that inflection point you can be successful. And if you miss that inflection point, the industry will be in front of you, and you decline. An example of this inflection point is the Internet. And I think that we all can see what the Internet had brought to our world in term of the ability to communicate, to have access to information. And it certainly has a lot to do with the direction Intel inside to take with, the product we brought to the market and the business we get into. And when he wrote this book, he claimed that this was, before the Internet was forgot, a significant inflection point.

  Craig Barret is our current president and CEO. He is a master of Stanford University. Andy Grove brought to Intel incredible strategic vision and a very interesting cultural foundation for the company. What Craig has brought to Intel is quite unique. And he has brought a passion for operation. He is what we call a brilliant process engineer. So you can see from the founders and leaders of our company today, they’re all bringing unique element. They help shape Intel where we stand today for being a technology superior for being strategically leading the industry, and for being a fast run operational company. And you can see a lot of that comes from the leaders who are running our company.


  We have talked about technology leadership. It’s all about innovation. Innovation means first to market. Being there a head of the market, it’s setting the pace. You can see many accomplishments back here from the very first memory business in 1970 to the first microprocessor in the early 80s which started the PC industry. The history of innovation is not just in term of technology, but in term of marketing. Many people will talk about Intel in history being great in technological development. But we also talk about the Intel inside campaign is really a unique marketing campaign. We also talk about the legal expertise in the company. Intel is very vigorous in defending our intellectual property. So the milestones of innovation are technology, marketing and accomplishment that results in product protection.(點擊此處閱讀下一頁)



  Open standard again is what we have really driven in our industry. And we believe delivering the best value back to customers. Open standard allows the all industry to participate and innovation that will drive great value for customers. In the old industry back in the 1980’s, large mainframes were very specific to data processing for scientific application. What then happened was the advent of PC, a complete open architecture based on the PC became a vertical industry. Computer system consists of operating system, applications, and hardware all working together coming from different vendors. So vendors like IBM who once controlled everything will not be monopoly of market any more. Software companies, hardware companies, PC companies and microprocessor companies all came together and got a 10X revenue increase from $80 billion to $800 billion in a period of 18 years. And what we see now is the next 10X being driven to the Internet and what we call e-business, so our projection by year 2012 the 10X will be $8 trillion. And it will all base on the Internet. Open platforms will be the convergence of networking, computing and web-based service. They allow open communication based on the Internet protocol. This is what we called 10X multiplier from 1980 all the way through to 2012.


  Since 1998 the PC has been used for email and a lot of applications. By the year 2001 we have browsers instead of just operating systems we collaborate over the Internet. We are able to have secured communication by software with security encryption. We certainly have access to portals. What we see going forward to the next years is the needs for PCs potentially being driven by speech instead of mouse and keyboard. The application continues to expand PC. PC is offering more functionality and capability because the microprocessors will bring to market. Based on open standard, there are many software developers adding great application utility for the PC.


  Pentium 4 processor is really significant milestone in product to striving not just the success of Intel but the success together in the entire industry. If you go around, you can see Pentium 4 blue and orange everywhere. The blue and orange is offering opening up to the world application and opportunities to build desktop PCs to perform applications that never can be performed before at home in front of your personal computer. The twenty+ years of PC has just passed its birthday. There is one commonality across the twenty years. That is partnerships. And again because we opened up and got closed to a vertical industry and an open horizontal environment, it created many many pleasures. And Intel and Microsoft have been having really strong alliance partners very since the beginning when the first PC shipped. And this talked about interdependence meaning without Microsoft operating system and many others that offering utilities around PC, the microprocessor itself would not have the same impact it does. And also with Intel microprocessor, Microsoft operating system as the recently launched Windows XP would not have the impact it does. This is a great example of growth that has been driven over the years from generation to generation, from 386 all the way to Pentium 4, from Windows 3.1 to Windows 95 all the way to Windows XP. In this level of hardworking collaboration, we get our engineers together. They deliver the value to the uses that arose from the opened up opportunities to the third party software vendors and to the third party hardware vendors. From the slide you can see that you can really get a performance boost both from upgrading the platform to a Pentium 4 as well as adding Windows XP. Without innovation of both the software side and the hardware side, we will not able to deliver the value to the level of performance that was got with today’s platforms.


  Brand equity is something that is earned and that is not just earned based on great technology, but based on reliability. Intel has earned really top 6 brand ranking as August 2001. And you can see many many famous brands up here. If you look below Intel, you see companies that have existed many many years before Intel like Disney Corporation and McDonalds. Intel is able to establish that brand again because of great quality, great reliability and great technology. It is something once you get brand equity, it is very important to protect that. And this is why Intel is very careful about what product brings to market, and make sure when we bring a product to market they will have our outstanding quality. We will do nothing but help our brand equity. So this is something that takes years and years to achieve. And what gets Intel this level was the Intel inside because when you think about Intel, we are component. Many of you buy our product. You buy a larger product that contains our product. So that means a challenge to figure out how do you achieve brand recognition. You can buy a can of Coca. You can buy Microsoft software product.(點擊此處閱讀下一頁)

   And IBM computer, the GE appliances and Nokia phone. But when Intel came up with Intel inside, there was a creative and innovative marketing campaign. We convince consumers to ensure that you buy a PC with Intel inside.


  Only the paranoiac survives means that you need to continue to invest in leadership and growth. This past year has been a very difficult time for the industry. It has had a big slowdown as the Internet bulb slows. There are many many companies going out of business. The market valuation of the entire industry shipment is going down. And one thing that stays consistent in Intel is Intel’s commitment to invest in capital. This means that even when the time is tough, we need to be investing, and spending $7.5 billions in capital. The reason is the culture that I have talked about: only the paranoiac survives. If we don’t invest now during tough times, we will miss that inflection point. So this is why many financial analysts don’t believe that Intel will spend $7.5 billion in capital investment. And we will continue to invest $4 billion in research and development. So the current leader continues to be aggressive. To cite a claim that Andy Grove used many years ago, if you are in a technology business, you invest or you die. What he means is that it goes so fast, and you’ve got to continue to take the risk to be aggressive in investment. This is a very good example in the very tough year Intel continues to invest for its leadership.


  Intel has also invested greatly here in China. And today I was asked by a reporter that what we had done to be successful this year. I said that we really had done nothing this year different from what we had done in the last ten years here. We saw a great opportunity to come into the PRC and invest early. We have invested 12 offices. We hired and trained great people. And over years, the people that we hired and trained hired more people and trained them. The PRC here really have the best teams in the teams that we have all over the world. In the US, when we talked about all over the world, I always talked about what we had achieved here in China. I am in charge of sales. And many of the creative marketing programs have happened here. They are creating a unique engagement with the entire industry we have here. What we have done in PRC here is to invest which resulted in building up leadership and be presence across the country in terms of marketing offices, labs, factories and even that we call solution centers. Marketing means creation. Many years ago in the PC industry we only have big names like IBM, Compaq, HP. When we thought it’s an opportunity to go into China, we developed partnership with local companies because the local people in the specific countries will buy their own local products. My job is working with the industry and working to help develop many local partnerships here. So your computing solutions are developed, delivered and supported by local players. We also have labs right here in China. We hire people to do research here. We have manufactory in Shanghai. We also very involved with the communities here in China such as the educational community. We invested at the same time in companies that will be significant to the future of industry.


  Finally I will reinforce my commitment to China. You are today students. And you are going to be the future of innovation here in China. You took time this evening to came and listen, to open your mind so that you could carry forward innovation within China. And Intel will work with you by educating and procuring you.

相關熱詞搜索:報告會 副總裁 專場 全球 Intel

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