

發(fā)布時間:2020-03-11 來源: 短文摘抄 點擊:

  濟南不僅僅是濟南。她的優(yōu)勢在厚積薄發(fā)、具有深遠的發(fā)展?jié)摿?她帶動的是一個都市圈。   今年1月5日,設(shè)計高度達260米的“綠地 普利中心”在濟南市中區(qū)普利門工地舉行奠基儀式!熬G地•普利中心”總投資近20億元,項目主樓規(guī)劃建筑高度達260米,將成為泉城第一地標式建筑。
  在市中心矗立起這么一座超高層建筑,這在以前是不可想象的。這意味著省城濟南規(guī)劃建設(shè)理念的轉(zhuǎn)變。濟南拓展城市發(fā)展空間、強力推進城市“擴容、 長高” 戰(zhàn)略進入具體實施階段。
  濟南作為一個GDP位居全國第二的大省的省會,其發(fā)展?jié)摿Ρ患挠韬裢!?十一五” 末,濟南市的中心城人口將升至 340萬人左右,中心城城區(qū)建成面積將達到 330平方公里左右。如此之大的城市規(guī)模,加之山東第一大都市圈核心的資源匯聚能力,濟南的城市價值上升空間不可限量。
  依據(jù)省政府《濟南都市圈城際軌道交通規(guī)劃》,濟南都市圈將著力構(gòu)建濟南向周邊輻射的城際軌道交通主骨架,形成以濟南為中心、連接周邊各市、覆蓋主要縣市的1183公里放射狀城際交通網(wǎng)絡(luò)。屆時,不僅區(qū)域內(nèi)3462萬居民出行實現(xiàn)與其他交通方式的“零換乘”,而且省會濟南至周邊主要城市也只需半小時、區(qū)域各城市間直達僅需1 小時!鞍胄r交通圈”將改變“工作圈” 與“生活圈” ,濟南都市圈居民將由此變成真正的“同城人”。
  隨著城市化進程加快,城市圈內(nèi)公眾出行的密度和強度將進一步提升。按照城際軌道交通可承擔(dān)區(qū)域總客運量40% 以上的一般規(guī)律測算,2030年,濟南都市圈內(nèi)部將有 4.5億人次乘城際軌道交通出行,具有適度超前構(gòu)建城際軌道交通走廊的巨大發(fā)展需求。
  濟南市提出,把進一步拓展城市發(fā)展空間作為“轉(zhuǎn)方式、調(diào)結(jié)構(gòu)”的突破口,把城市建設(shè)與經(jīng)濟社會發(fā)展有機統(tǒng)一起來,強力推進城市“擴大”“長高”。具體思路是:加快120平方公里西部新城、 210平方公里東部新區(qū)和120平方公里小清河兩岸三大新區(qū)的規(guī)劃建設(shè),著力做好新區(qū)“擴大”的文章;以向空間要發(fā)展、要效益為主攻方向,大幅度提高建筑容積率,著力做好老城區(qū)“長高”的文章。
  On January 5, the ground-breaking ceremony of the 260-meter-high “Green?Puli Center” was held in the building site at Pulimen. With a total investment of nearly two billion yuan, the height of the main building of this project is 260 meters, which will make it the No.1 landmark building in Jinan. It was hard to imagine such a high building being established in a central city.This marks a transition in Jinan’s concept of planning construction. The strategy of expanding the urban development space has entered into the specific implementation period.
  As the capital city of Shandong, a big province where the GDP ranks second in China, Jinan is a city with huge potential. It is estimated that by the end of “The Eleventh Five-year Plan”, the number of people in central Jinan will increase by about 3.4 million and the area of central Jinan will reach about 330 square kilometers. The city value of Jinan will be promoted rapidly.
  As the first inland city of China to open business to the outside world, Jinan enjoys a good commercial atmosphere. The hundred years of commercial development has left a deep brand on urban construction. The commercial culture also reflects the economic basis and commercial content of Jinan.
  On January 8, Jinan Municipal Committee and the Jinan Municipal Government put forward some “Suggestions on Greatly Promoting the New-type Construction of Urbanization”. According to the Suggestions, Jinan will start 100 urban construction projects and 100 comprehensive improvement projects to encourage the city to become “taller”. Buildings that are lower than six stories will not be planned and approved, on principle. At the same time, the reconstruction of the buildings within the second Ring Road lower than six stories will be lunched in an all-round way.
  In the next few years, the inter-city rail transit will connect Jinan with the seven cities―Zibo, Tai’an, Laiwu, Dezhou, Liaocheng, Binzhou, Dongying and make them like one city. It will take only half an hour to reach these cities. The radial 1,183-kilometer inter-city rail transit that takes Jinan as the center and connects the neighboring cities will be formed.
  To the north, the inter-city rail transit of Jinan metropolitan circle connects the city group of Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei, and the economic circle round the Bohai Sea; to the south, it is close to the Yangtze River Delta that takes Shanghai as the leading city.

相關(guān)熱詞搜索:銜枚 疾行 濟南 “大濟南”銜枚疾行 銜枚疾行什么意思 十大濟南籍明星大腕

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