

發(fā)布時間:2020-03-11 來源: 短文摘抄 點擊:

  2500多年前,文化巨人孔子開學立說,弟子3000人。今天,他的思想又在世界五大洲落地生根。   2008年11月19日,國家主席胡錦濤抵達秘魯首都利馬,并與秘魯總統(tǒng)加西亞共同見證了秘魯天主教大學孔子學院等3所秘魯大學孔子學院授牌儀式。3所孔子學院分別是上海外國語大學與秘魯天主教大學、廣東外語外貿大學與阿雷基帕市圣母瑪利亞天主教大學、首都師范大學與皮烏拉大學合作建立的。
  中國和秘魯雖相距遙遠,但兩國人民友誼源遠流長。中國于19世紀上半葉開始與秘魯進行交往,秘魯是第一個向中國開放國門的拉美國家。1849年是中秘關系發(fā)展史上的重要一年,當時第一批中國人到秘魯達卡亞俄港。從1849年到1874年,共有將近 12 萬中國人來到秘魯。
  Confucius Institute Is Established in Peru
  More than 2,500 years ago, the cultural giant Confucius started his teaching career by recruiting 3,000 students. Nowadays, his thinking has spread to the remote regions in Latin America.
  On November 19, 2008, Chinese President Hu Jintao arrived in Lima, the capital of Peru and together with Peru"s President Alan Garcia witnessed the official establishment of three Confucius Institutes in Peru jointly established with the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. The three Confucius Institutes were jointly established by Shanghai International Studies University and the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies and the Catholic University of Saint Mary,Arequipa, and the Capital University and the University of Piura.
  Despite the fact that Peru is far away from China, the people of the two countries have long-standing friendship. As early as the first half of the 19th century, China had already launched communications with Peru. Peru was the first Latin American country opening up to China. 1849 was an important year in the history of China-Peru relationships. In that year, the first group of Chinese people arrived in Callao Harbor in Peru. From 1849 to 1874, nearly 120,000 Chinese people came to Peru.
  Since China and Peru established diplomatic relationships on November 2, 1971, the two countries have launched frequent communications and cooperation. The cooperation in the fields of education, agriculture, communications, and manufacturing industry has been constantly strengthened.
  Over the past 37 years, great progress has been achieved in the economic and trading cooperation between China and Peru. With the increase of the trade volume between the countries, nowadays, China has become Peru’s second largest trade partner. At the same time, the frequent communications and mutual visits between the two countries have been launched in the fields of culture, education, sports and arts. Thus far, roughly 100 cultural, education and artistic delegations from the two countries have visited each other. Many famous Chinese troupes involved in singing and dancing, acrobatics, and Peking opera have given performances in Peru. Many famous artists in Peru have visited China. The important universities in the two countries have been involved in contacts and communications. Roughly 40 Peru people have taught or engaged in language work in China. The two countries have exchanged dozens of young students. The establishment of Confucius Institutes in Peru will energetically promote the communications and cooperation in the fields of education an economy between the two countries.
  On November 19, witnessed by President Hu Jintao and President Alan Garcia, three Confucius Institutes were established in Peru. This symbolizes that Confucian culture has branded a deep imprint on the hot land of Latin America.
  Like people in the other countries in the world, in their national development history, the Peruvian people have formed their own religious faith and their own cultural traditions and customs. The ancient Inca civilization was formed here. As an ancient culture from China, the Confucian thinking also fascinates the Peru people. In Peru, now there are many “Confucius fans” and “China fans.” So the establishment of Confucius Institutes has injected fresh blood into the development of Peru’s culture and provides a good platform for China and Peru to learn from each other in the fields of culture and civilization.
  Confucius Institute in Seoul, Korea: The First Confucius Institute in Asia
  韓國首爾孔子學院的誕生不僅為熱愛漢語和中國文化的韓國人提供了一個平臺,同時它真正開啟了孔子作為中國文化的形象代言人漂洋過海、周游列國的 “文化之旅”。
  On November 21, 2004, the first Confucius Institute in both Asia and the world was unveiled in Seoul, Korea. The Institute is located on the5th floor of the Jung building 811-4 Yeoksam-dong Gangnam-gu Seoul, in which the Chinese characters and pinyin can be seen everywhere. In Korea, which has a population of 49 million people, more than 300,000 are learning Chinese in various ways.
  Confucius Institute of the University of Maryland: The First Confucius Institute in America
  On March 17, 2005, Nankai University and the University of Maryland jointly established the Confucius Institute in the United States, which was the first Confucius Institute established by NOCFL in America.
  Confucius Institute of the University of Nairobi in Kenya
  The Confucius Institute of the University of Nairobi was jointly established by Tianjin Normal University and the University of Nairobi on December 19, 2005. As the earliest Confucius Institutein Africa, since being established, it has developed rapidly. As a result, the institute scale has been expanded from two classes and 49 students to nine classes and 262 students.
  Confucius Institute in Stockholm:The First Confucius Institute in Europe
  On February 18, 2006, the Stockholm Confucius Institute was established at the Chinese Department of Stockholm University. All the people participating in the establishment ceremony could speak fluent Chinese.

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