

發(fā)布時間:2020-03-11 來源: 短文摘抄 點擊:

  9月17日,北京2008年殘奧會在全世界的震撼與感動中完美落幕。回首過去的11天賽程,那些流逝的瞬間成為歷史,那份刻骨的感動卻成為永恒。      11天里,北京2008年殘奧會完美地詮釋了“超越、融合、共享”的北京殘奧會理念,體現(xiàn)了殘疾人與健全人在奧林匹克運動與社會生活中享有平等權(quán)利,共享奧林匹克運動的歡樂與友誼、共享人類文明的成果。讓全世界共同見證了精神的強健、生命的堅韌和人性的偉大。
   In September, in a ceremony that left a deep impression on the whole world, the Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games came to a perfect end. In retrospect, the 11-day long competitions had been turned into an eternal impression in history.
   During the 11-day cempetition period, the Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games perfectly rallied the world under one shared dream of "transcendence, integration and equality" for the disabled, showcased that the disabled have equal rights with the able bodied both in the Olympic Games and the social life. Through the Paralympic Games, the whole world witnessed the power of spirit, the tenacity of life and the greatness of human nature.

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