

發(fā)布時間:2020-03-10 來源: 短文摘抄 點擊:

     提起浙商,越來越多的人認同這樣一個觀點:位于中國東南沿海的浙江商人是當(dāng)今中國最具活力的人群。   據(jù)一項調(diào)查結(jié)果顯示,浙江商人是北京市場上的超級活躍群體;在上海,浙江商人達50多萬人,浙籍企業(yè)在滬投資總額、企業(yè)總數(shù)和資產(chǎn)總額,均居全國省市之首。
  When people talk about businessmen, more and more people are agreeing with the opinion that those from Zhejiang, a coastal province in the southeast coast of China, form the most vigorous human group in China.
  The result of an investigation reveals that these businessmen from Zhejiang constitute a most vigorous human group in the markets of Beijing. In Shanghai, there are more than 500,000 businessmen from Zhejiang, and enterprises from Zhejiang rank in the top place among all provinces and municipalities throughout the country in terms of total investment volume, number of enterprises, and total assets volume.
  However, the clever and vigorous Zhejiang businessmen will never only rely on such municipalities as Beijing and Shanghai. Usually, where there are business opportunities, there are Zhejiang businessmen. Nowadays, a number of them have congregated in Huaiyin District, Jinan City.
  At the beginning of the year 2001, Mr. Zhang Pengfei, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Zhejiang Xiandai Group flew to Huaiyin. At the time, the Xiandai Group was already a large-sized company with total assets of 1.2 billion yuan and annual sales volume more than 10 billion yuan. Handicapped by the limited development space within its local region, the Xiandai Group needed to look for new investment space. The great potentiality of development in Huaiyin happened to meet this requirement.
  In two years, at Huaiyin, Zhang Pengfei has not only established the Shandong Xiandai Household Electric Appliance Market, which is an “aircraft carrier” in the same professional trade in China, but also allies himself with 10-odd enterprises from Zhejiang to establish the Shandong Xiandai Logistics Center and Xiandai High-tech Industry Zone with 2.2 billion yuan of investment. Moreover, he has invested one billion yuan in real estate development in Huaiyin. Heralded by him, the Hangzhou Waihai Group has invested 600 million yuan in the construction of residential quarters named Xizi Urban Garden in Huaiyin; the Xiandai Group has invested 100 million yuan in construction of the Hangzhou City Hotel in Huaiyin; the Zhengjiang-based Beijing Benlai Garment Co., Ltd., has invested 500 million yuan in the establishment of the Wholesales Market for Wenzhou Garments in Huaiyin; and, mainly headed by the Xianzai Investment Group, the Xiandai-Meijiaju Building Materials Shopping Mall, with a total investment of 70 million yuan, has also been established in Huaiyin and opened for business.
  Thus far, Huaiyin has attracted more than four billion yuan in non-governmental capital from Zhejiang, and more than one billion yuan of promised capital has already been put to work. In Huaiyin, among all enterprises incorporated by outside investors, almost 50% are from ZhejiangÕs private sector enterprises.
  Why do private sector enterprises favor Huaiyin and invest so much money here in such a short period? A manager of Shandong Xiandai Investment (Group) Co., Ltd., which has several investment projects in Shandong Province, is quoted as saying the following: “Shandong is an economic powerhouse in China. Jinan, the capital of Shandong, enjoys a favorable geographical location with excellent transport conditions. As a hub linking north and south China, Jinan is a bridgehead of the northern market.”
  To benefit itself and its people, Huaiyin has tried its utmost to attract non-governmental investment from Zhejiang. Before starting to attract investment, government officials in Huaiyin had already realized that in Zhejiang, where the market economy had developed earlier than in other places in China, many private-sector enterprises had already accumulated abundant capital and would therefore naturally want to seek development opportunities outside their own province. In addition, businessmen in Zhejiang have a reputation for being hardworking and good at business. If they decide to invest in some place, without borrowing loans from the bank, the can invest with their own capital very quickly. Take the Xiandai Household Electric Appliance Market as an example: from the time the decision to invest was made to the completion of construction took less than one year.
  Moreover, one successful investment project can herald many others in a continuous stream. After the Xiandai Group successfully invested in Huaiyin, other Zhejiang-based enterprises, such as the Hangzhou Waihai Group and Beijing Benlai Garment Co., Ltd., have also invested here, producing a craze of Zhejing investment in Huaiyin.
  The congregated Zhejiang-based private sector enterprises have brought about great changes and deep influences throughout Huaiyin. The Director of the Investment Promotion Bureau of Huaiyin District is quoted as saying that since Huaiyin District has provided preferential policies for the private sector enterprises from Zhejiang, many enterprises from the more developed southern provinces have come to inspect the investment environment, thus bringing about new opportunities for Huaiyin.
  Besides, with the coming of a number of Zhejiang-based enterprises, their operation ideas, management skills, and capital operation approaches are also introduced, providing good models for local people.

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